mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:13:03 +03:00
109 lines
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109 lines
2.4 KiB
Files {
Keys = "~/.pekwm/keys"
Mouse = "~/.pekwm/mouse"
Menu = "~/.pekwm/menu"
Start = "~/.pekwm/start"
AutoProps = "~/.pekwm/autoproperties"
Theme = "$_PEKWM_THEME_PATH/default"
Icons = "~/.pekwm/icons/"
MoveResize {
EdgeAttract = "10"
EdgeResist = "10"
WindowAttract = "5"
WindowResist = "5"
OpaqueMove = "True"
OpaqueResize = "False"
Screen {
Workspaces = "4"
WorkspacesPerRow = "4"
WorkspaceNames = "Main;Web;E-mail;Music"
ShowFrameList = "True"
ShowStatusWindow = "True"
ShowStatusWindowCenteredOnRoot = "False"
ShowClientID = "False"
ShowWorkspaceIndicator = "500"
PlaceNew = "True"
FocusNew = "True"
ReportAllClients = "False"
TrimTitle = "..."
FullscreenAbove = "True"
FullscreenDetect = "True"
HonourRandr = "True"
HonourAspectRatio = "True"
EdgeSize = "1 1 1 1"
EdgeIndent = "False"
PixmapCacheSize = "20"
DoubleClickTime = "250"
Placement {
Model = "CenteredOnParent Smart MouseNotUnder"
Smart {
Row = "True"
TopToBottom = "True"
LeftToRight = "True"
OffsetX = "0"
OffsetY = "0"
UniqueNames {
SetUnique = "False"
Pre = " #"
Post = ""
Menu {
DisplayIcons = "True"
Icons = "DEFAULT" {
Minimum = "16x16"
Maximum = "16x16"
# To enable make separate window have other icon size restrictions,
# for example wallpaper menu found in pekwm_menu_tools, set the following
# for each menu you want to "free".
# Icons = "Wallpaper" {
# Minimum = "64x64"
# Maximum = "64x64"
# }
# Defines how menus act on mouse input.
# Possible values are: "ButtonPress ButtonRelease DoubleClick Motion"
# To make submenus open on mouse over, comment the default Enter,
# uncomment the alternative, and reload pekwm.
Select = "Motion MotionPressed"
Enter = "MotionPressed ButtonPress"
# Enter = "Motion"
Exec = "ButtonRelease"
CmdDialog {
HistoryUnique = "True"
HistorySize = "1024"
HistoryFile = "~/.pekwm/history"
HistorySaveInterval = "16"
Harbour {
OnTop = "True"
MaximizeOver = "False"
Placement = "Right"
Orientation = "TopToBottom"
Head = "0"
DockApp {
SideMin = "64"
SideMax = "0"