# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0108 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} Function {} {open } { Fl_Window {} { label {EDE Bug Reporting Tool} open xywh {357 193 480 365} type Double resizable visible } { Fl_Box {} { image {../icons/bug.png} xywh {10 10 60 59} } Fl_Box {} { label {EDE Bug Reporting Tool} xywh {80 10 390 30} labelfont 1 labelsize 14 align 20 } Fl_Box {} { label {To help us to improve the future EDE versions, please describe the problem with much details as possible. Note: valid email address is required, so developers can contact you for more informations if necessary.} xywh {80 45 390 95} align 149 } Fl_Input {} { label {Short and descriptive title:} xywh {10 165 225 25} align 5 } Fl_Input {} { label {Your email address:} xywh {240 165 230 25} align 5 } Fl_Text_Editor {} { label {Detail description of the problem:} xywh {10 215 460 105} align 5 } Fl_Button {} { label {&Send} xywh {285 330 90 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Cancel} xywh {380 330 90 25} } Fl_Box {} {selected xywh {180 273 55 37} labelsize 14 resizable code0 {/* resizable box */} } } }