#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AppChoice.h" EDELIB_NS_USING_AS(Window, EdeWindow) EDELIB_NS_USING(Resource) AppChoice *browser_choice, *mail_choice, *filemgr_choice, *term_choice; /* store separate item */ static void check_and_store(AppChoice *c, const char *n, Resource &rc) { const char *val = c->selected(); if(val) rc.set("Preferred", n, val); } /* load separate item */ static void check_and_load(AppChoice *c, const char *n, Resource &rc) { static char buf[128]; if(rc.get("Preferred", n, buf, sizeof(buf)) && strlen(buf) > 0) { c->add_if_user_program(buf); c->select_by_cmd(buf); } } static void load_settings(void) { Resource rc; if(!rc.load("ede-launch")) return; check_and_load(browser_choice, "browser", rc); check_and_load(mail_choice, "mail", rc); check_and_load(filemgr_choice, "file_manager", rc); check_and_load(term_choice, "terminal", rc); } static void close_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *ww) { EdeWindow *win = (EdeWindow*)ww; win->hide(); } static void ok_cb(Fl_Widget *widget, void *ww) { Resource rc; /* * if Resource does not have any items, it will refuse to save anything, keeping * previous content of conf file. This happens if all items are set to be None */ rc.set("Preferred", "dummy", 0); check_and_store(browser_choice, "browser", rc); check_and_store(mail_choice, "mail", rc); check_and_store(filemgr_choice, "file_manager", rc); check_and_store(term_choice, "terminal", rc); rc.save("ede-launch"); close_cb(widget, ww); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { EDE_APPLICATION("ede-preferred-applications"); EdeWindow *win = new EdeWindow(365, 220, _("Preferred applications")); Fl_Tabs *tabs = new Fl_Tabs(10, 10, 345, 165); tabs->begin(); Fl_Group *gint = new Fl_Group(15, 30, 335, 140, _("Internet")); gint->begin(); browser_choice = new AppChoice(20, 65, 320, 25, _("Web browser")); browser_choice->add_programs(app_browsers); browser_choice->value(0); mail_choice = new AppChoice(20, 120, 320, 25, _("Mail reader")); mail_choice->add_programs(app_mails); mail_choice->value(0); gint->end(); Fl_Group *gutil = new Fl_Group(15, 30, 335, 140, _("Utilities")); gutil->hide(); gutil->begin(); filemgr_choice = new AppChoice(20, 65, 320, 25, _("File manager")); filemgr_choice->add_programs(app_filemanagers); filemgr_choice->value(0); term_choice = new AppChoice(20, 120, 320, 25, _("Terminal")); term_choice->add_programs(app_terminals); term_choice->value(0); gutil->end(); tabs->end(); Fl_Button *ok = new Fl_Button(170, 185, 90, 25, _("&OK")); Fl_Button *cancel = new Fl_Button(265, 185, 90, 25, _("&Cancel")); ok->callback(ok_cb, win); cancel->callback(close_cb, win); win->set_modal(); win->end(); /* now load all settings before show */ load_settings(); win->show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }