/* * $Id$ * * Eiconman, desktop and icon manager * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include "eiconman.h" #include "DesktopIcon.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Wallpaper.h" #include "NotifyBox.h" #include "Utf8.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 0 #include #endif #include #include // rand, srand #include // time #define CONFIG_NAME "eiconman.conf" #define SELECTION_SINGLE (Fl::event_button() == 1) #define SELECTION_MULTI (Fl::event_button() == 1 && (Fl::event_key(FL_Shift_L) || Fl::event_key(FL_Shift_R))) #define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) /* * Which widgets Fl::belowmouse() should skip. This should be updated * when new non-icon child is added to Desktop window. */ #define NOT_SELECTABLE(widget) ((widget == this) || (widget == wallpaper) || (widget == dmenu)) Fl_Menu_Item desktop_menu[] = { {_(" &New desktop item "), 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU}, {_(" &Application... "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Directory... "), 0, 0}, {_(" &URL... "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Link... "), 0, 0}, {0}, {_(" &Arrange "), 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU | FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_(" &By name "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Vertical line up "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Horizontal line up "), 0, 0}, {0}, {_(" &Copy "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Paste "), 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_(" &Icons settings... "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Background... "), 0, 0}, {0} }; #if 0 XserverRegion xregion; XserverRegion xpart; Damage xdamage; int xevent_base, xerror_base; #endif Desktop* Desktop::pinstance = NULL; bool running = false; inline unsigned int random_pos(int max) { return (rand() % max); } inline bool intersects(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, int x2, int y2, int w2, int h2) { return (MAX(x1, x2) <= MIN(w1, w2) && MAX(y1, y2) <= MIN(h1, h2)); } // assume fl_open_display() is called before inline void dpy_sizes(int& width, int& height) { width = DisplayWidth(fl_display, fl_screen); height = DisplayHeight(fl_display, fl_screen); } void exit_signal(int signum) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Exiting (got signal %d)\n", signum); running = false; } void restart_signal(int signum) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Restarting (got signal %d)\n", signum); } int desktop_xmessage_handler(int event) { #if 0 if(fl_xevent->type == xevent_base + XDamageNotify) { XDamageNotifyEvent* xdev = (XDamageNotifyEvent*)fl_xevent; EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Damaged region %i %i %i %i on 0x%lx\n", xdev->area.x, xdev->area.y, xdev->area.width, xdev->area.height, xdev->drawable); //XDamageSubtract(fl_display, xdev->damage, None, None); XFixesSetRegion(fl_display, xpart, &xdev->area, 1); XFixesUnionRegion(fl_display, xregion, xregion, xpart); } XDamageSubtract(fl_display, xdamage, xregion, None); XFixesSetRegion(fl_display, xregion, 0, 0); #endif if(fl_xevent->type == PropertyNotify) { if(fl_xevent->xproperty.atom == _XA_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP) { Desktop::instance()->notify_desktop_changed(); return 1; } if(fl_xevent->xproperty.atom == _XA_EDE_DESKTOP_NOTIFY) { char buff[256]; if(ede_get_desktop_notify(buff, 256) && buff[0] != '\0') Desktop::instance()->notify_box(buff, true); return 1; } if(fl_xevent->xproperty.atom == _XA_EDE_DESKTOP_NOTIFY_COLOR) { Desktop::instance()->notify_box_color(ede_get_desktop_notify_color()); return 1; } if(fl_xevent->xproperty.atom == _XA_NET_WORKAREA) { Desktop::instance()->update_workarea(); return 1; } } return 0; } Desktop::Desktop() : DESKTOP_WINDOW(0, 0, 100, 100, "") { selection_x = selection_y = 0; moving = false; selbox = new SelectionOverlay; selbox->x = selbox->y = selbox->w = selbox->h = 0; selbox->show = false; dsett = new DesktopSettings; dsett->color = FL_GRAY; dsett->wp_use = false; } Desktop::~Desktop() { EDEBUG("Desktop::~Desktop()\n"); delete dsett; delete selbox; delete notify; } void Desktop::init_internals(void) { init_atoms(); update_workarea(); /* * NOTE: order how childs are added is important. First * non iconable ones should be added (wallpaper, menu, ...) * then icons, so they can be drawn at top of them. */ begin(); dmenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(0, 0, 0, 0); dmenu->menu(desktop_menu); wallpaper = new Wallpaper(0, 0, w(), h()); wallpaper->set("/home/sanel/wallpapers/katebig.jpg"); //wallpaper->set_tiled("/home/sanel/wallpapers/katesmall.jpg"); //wallpaper->set_tiled("/home/sanelz/walls/katesmall.jpg"); //wallpaper->set_tiled("/home/sanelz/walls/kate.jpg"); //wallpaper->set("/home/sanelz/walls/katebig.jpg"); //wallpaper->hide(); //wallpaper->set("/home/sanelz/walls/katesmall.jpg"); //wallpaper->set("/home/sanelz/walls/nin/1024x768-04.jpg"); //wallpaper->set("/home/sanelz/walls/nin/1024x768-02.jpg"); end(); notify = new NotifyBox(w(), h()); set_bg_color(dsett->color, false); read_config(); running = true; } void Desktop::init(void) { if(Desktop::pinstance != NULL) return; Desktop::pinstance = new Desktop(); Desktop::pinstance->init_internals(); } void Desktop::shutdown(void) { if(Desktop::pinstance == NULL) return; delete Desktop::pinstance; Desktop::pinstance = NULL; } Desktop* Desktop::instance(void) { EASSERT(Desktop::pinstance != NULL && "Desktop::init() should be run first"); return Desktop::pinstance; } /* * This function must be overriden so window can inform * wm to see it as desktop. It will send data when window * is created, but before is shown. */ void Desktop::show(void) { if(!shown()) { Fl_X::make_xid(this); net_make_me_desktop(this); #if 0 XDamageQueryExtension(fl_display, &xevent_base, &xerror_base); xdamage = XDamageCreate(fl_display, fl_xid(this), XDamageReportBoundingBox); xregion = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(fl_display, fl_xid(this), 0); xpart = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(fl_display, fl_xid(this), 0); #endif } } /* * If someone intentionaly hide desktop * then quit from it. */ void Desktop::hide(void) { running = false; } void Desktop::update_workarea(void) { int X, Y, W, H; if(!net_get_workarea(X, Y, W, H)) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": wm does not support _NET_WM_WORKAREA; using screen sizes...\n"); X = Y = 0; dpy_sizes(W, H); } resize(X, Y, W, H); } void Desktop::set_bg_color(int c, bool do_redraw) { if(color() == c) return; dsett->color = c; color(c); if(do_redraw) redraw(); } void Desktop::read_config(void) { edelib::Config conf; if(!conf.load(CONFIG_NAME)) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": Can't load %s, using default...\n", CONFIG_NAME); return; } /* * TODO: * Add IconArea[X,Y,W,H] so icons can live * inside that area only (aka margins). */ int default_bg_color = FL_BLUE; int default_wp_use = false; char wpath[256]; // read Desktop section conf.get("Desktop", "Color", dsett->color, default_bg_color); if(conf.error() != edelib::CONF_ERR_SECTION) { conf.get("Desktop", "WallpaperUse", dsett->wp_use, default_wp_use); conf.get("Desktop", "Wallpaper", wpath, sizeof(wpath)); // keep path but disable wallpaper if file does not exists if(!edelib::file_exists(wpath)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": %s as wallpaper does not exists\n", wpath); dsett->wp_use = false; } } else { // color is already filled dsett->wp_use = default_wp_use; } // read Icons section conf.get("Icons", "Label Background", gisett.label_background, FL_BLUE); conf.get("Icons", "Label Foreground", gisett.label_foreground, FL_WHITE); conf.get("Icons", "Label Fontsize", gisett.label_fontsize, 12); conf.get("Icons", "Label Maxwidth", gisett.label_maxwidth, 75); conf.get("Icons", "Label Transparent",gisett.label_transparent, false); conf.get("Icons", "Label Visible", gisett.label_draw, true); conf.get("Icons", "OneClickExec", gisett.one_click_exec, false); conf.get("Icons", "AutoArrange", gisett.auto_arrange, true); /* * Now try to load icons, first looking inside ~/Desktop directory * then inside config since config could contain removed entries * from $HOME/Desktop * * FIXME: dir_exists() can't handle '~/Desktop' ??? */ edelib::String dd = edelib::dir_home(); if(dd.empty()) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": Can't read home directory; icons will not be loaded\n"); return; } dd += "/Desktop"; load_icons(dd.c_str(), conf); } void Desktop::save_config(void) { // TODO } void Desktop::load_icons(const char* path, edelib::Config& conf) { EASSERT(path != NULL); if(!edelib::dir_exists(path)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": %s does not exists\n", path); return; } edelib::vector lst; // list without full path, so we can use name as entry in config file if(!dir_list(path, lst)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Can't read %s\n", path); return; } const char* name = NULL; int icon_x = 0; int icon_y = 0; edelib::String full_path; full_path.reserve(256); bool can_add = false; edelib::MimeType mt; unsigned int sz = lst.size(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { name = lst[i].c_str(); full_path = path; full_path += '/'; full_path += name; can_add = false; IconSettings is; // see is possible .desktop file, icon, name fields are filled from read_desktop_file() if(edelib::str_ends(name, ".desktop")) { if(read_desktop_file(full_path.c_str(), is)) can_add = true; } else { // then try to figure out it's mime; if fails, ignore it if(mt.set(full_path.c_str())) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Loading icon as mime-type %s\n", mt.icon_name().c_str()); is.icon = mt.icon_name(); // icon label is name of file is.name = name; is.type = ICON_FILE; can_add = true; } else { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Failed mime-type for %s, ignoring...\n", name); can_add = false; } } if(can_add) { is.key_name = name; // random_pos() is used if X/Y keys are not found conf.get(name, "X", icon_x, random_pos(w() - 10)); conf.get(name, "Y", icon_y, random_pos(h() - 10)); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": %s found with: %i %i\n", name, icon_x, icon_y); is.x = icon_x; is.y = icon_y; DesktopIcon* dic = new DesktopIcon(&gisett, &is, dsett->color); add_icon(dic); } } } // read .desktop files bool Desktop::read_desktop_file(const char* path, IconSettings& is) { EASSERT(path != NULL); if(!edelib::file_exists(path)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": %s don't exists\n"); return false; } edelib::DesktopFile dconf; if(!dconf.load(path)) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": Can't read %s\n", path); return false; } char buff[128]; int buffsz = sizeof(buff); /* * Check for 'EmptyIcon' key since via it is determined * is icon trash type or not (in case of trash, 'Icon' key is used for full trash). * FIXME: any other way to check for trash icons ??? */ if(dconf.get("Desktop Entry", "EmptyIcon", buff, buffsz)) { is.type = ICON_TRASH; is.icon = buff; } else is.type = ICON_NORMAL; if(!dconf.icon(buff, buffsz)) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": No Icon key, balling out\n"); return false; } if(is.type == ICON_TRASH) is.icon2 = buff; else is.icon = buff; edelib::DesktopFileType dtype = dconf.type(); if(dtype == edelib::DESK_FILE_TYPE_LINK) { is.cmd_is_url = true; dconf.url(buff, buffsz); } else { is.cmd_is_url = false; dconf.exec(buff, buffsz); } is.cmd = buff; if(!dconf.name(buff, buffsz)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": No Name key\n"); is.name = "(none)"; } else is.name = buff; return true; } void Desktop::add_icon(DesktopIcon* ic) { EASSERT(ic != NULL); icons.push_back(ic); add((Fl_Widget*)ic); } void Desktop::unfocus_all(void) { unsigned int sz = icons.size(); DesktopIcon* ic; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ic = icons[i]; if(ic->is_focused()) { ic->do_unfocus(); ic->fast_redraw(); } } } void Desktop::select(DesktopIcon* ic, bool do_redraw) { EASSERT(ic != NULL); if(in_selection(ic)) return; selectionbuff.push_back(ic); if(!ic->is_focused()) { ic->do_focus(); if(do_redraw) ic->fast_redraw(); } } void Desktop::select_only(DesktopIcon* ic) { EASSERT(ic != NULL); unfocus_all(); selectionbuff.clear(); selectionbuff.push_back(ic); ic->do_focus(); ic->fast_redraw(); } bool Desktop::in_selection(const DesktopIcon* ic) { EASSERT(ic != NULL); unsigned int sz = selectionbuff.size(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if(ic == selectionbuff[i]) return true; } return false; } void Desktop::move_selection(int x, int y, bool apply) { unsigned int sz = selectionbuff.size(); if(sz == 0) return; int prev_x, prev_y, tmp_x, tmp_y; DesktopIcon* ic; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ic = selectionbuff[i]; prev_x = ic->drag_icon_x(); prev_y = ic->drag_icon_y(); tmp_x = x - selection_x; tmp_y = y - selection_y; ic->drag(prev_x + tmp_x, prev_y + tmp_y, apply); // very slow if not checked //if(apply == true) // ic->fast_redraw(); } selection_x = x; selection_y = y; /* * Redraw whole screen so it reflects * new icon position */ if(apply) redraw(); } /* * Tries to figure out icon below mouse. It is alternative to * Fl::belowmouse() since with this we hunt only icons, not other * childs (wallpaper, menu), which can be returned by Fl::belowmouse() * and bad things be hapened. */ DesktopIcon* Desktop::below_mouse(int px, int py) { unsigned int sz = icons.size(); DesktopIcon* ic = NULL; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ic = icons[i]; if(ic->x() < px && ic->y() < py && px < (ic->x() + ic->h()) && py < (ic->y() + ic->h())) return ic; } return NULL; } void Desktop::select_in_area(void) { if(!selbox->show) return; int ax = selbox->x; int ay = selbox->y; int aw = selbox->w; int ah = selbox->h; if(aw < 0) { ax += aw; aw = -aw; } else if(!aw) aw = 1; if(ah < 0) { ay += ah; ah = -ah; } else if(!ah) ah = 1; /* * XXX: This function can fail since icon coordinates are absolute (event_x_root) * but selbox use relative (event_root). It will work as expected if desktop is at x=0 y=0. * This should be checked further. */ unsigned int sz = icons.size(); DesktopIcon* ic = NULL; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ic = icons[i]; EASSERT(ic != NULL && "Impossible to happen"); if(intersects(ax, ay, ax+aw, ay+ah, ic->x(), ic->y(), ic->w()+ic->x(), ic->h()+ic->y())) { if(!ic->is_focused()) { ic->do_focus(); // updated from Desktop::draw() ic->damage(EDAMAGE_CHILD_LABEL); } } else { if(ic->is_focused()) { ic->do_unfocus(); // updated from Desktop::draw() ic->fast_redraw(); //ic->damage(EDAMAGE_CHILD_LABEL); //ic->redraw(); //ic->damage(EDAMAGE_CHILD_LABEL); } } } } void Desktop::notify_box(const char* msg, bool copy) { if(!msg) return; if(copy) notify->copy_label(msg); else notify->label(msg); if(!notify->shown()) notify->show(); } void Desktop::notify_box_color(Fl_Color col) { notify->color(col); } void Desktop::notify_desktop_changed(void) { int num = net_get_current_desktop(); if(num == -1) return; char** names; int ret = net_get_workspace_names(names); if(num >= ret) { XFreeStringList(names); return; } notify_box(names[num], true); XFreeStringList(names); } void Desktop::drop_source(const char* src, int src_len, int x, int y) { if(!src) return; if(src_len < 1) return; #if 0 /* * Commented for now since is_utf16() does not works as expected; * on other hand, UTF-16 conversion is fine */ if(is_utf16((unsigned short*)src, src_len)) { char* utf_src = new char[src_len * 5]; if(utf16_to_utf8_str((unsigned short*)src, src_len, utf_src)) { utf_src[src_len] = '\0'; EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ":==========> %s|\n", utf_src); } delete [] utf_src; } #endif char* src_copy = new char[src_len + 1]; int real_len = 0; // mozilla sends UTF-16 form; for now use this hack untill Utf8.cpp code is ready for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < src_len; i++) { if(src[i] != 0) { src_copy[j++] = src[i]; real_len++; } } src_copy[real_len] = '\0'; if(real_len < 1) { delete [] src_copy; return; } EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DND on Desktop, got: %s\n", src_copy); // valid url's (if got) ends with \r\n, clean that char* pp = strstr(src_copy, "\r\n"); if(pp) *pp = '\0'; char* sptr = 0; if((real_len > 7) && (strncmp(src_copy, "file://", 7) == 0)) sptr = src_copy + 7; else sptr = src_copy; if(!edelib::file_exists(sptr) && !edelib::dir_exists(sptr)) { fl_message("Droping file content is not implemented yet. Soon, soon... :)"); delete [] src_copy; return; } IconSettings is; is.x = x; is.y = y; bool is_read = false; if(edelib::str_ends(src_copy, ".desktop")) { edelib::DesktopFile dconf; edelib::String path = sptr; edelib::DesktopFile dfile; if(dfile.load(path.c_str())) { char buff[256]; if(dfile.type() == edelib::DESK_FILE_TYPE_LINK) { dfile.url(buff, 256); is.cmd_is_url = true; } else { dfile.exec(buff, 256); is.cmd_is_url = false; } is.cmd = buff; is.type = ICON_NORMAL; dfile.name(buff, 256); is.name = buff; dfile.icon(buff, 256); is.icon = buff; is_read = true; } } if(!is_read) { // absolute path is (for now) seen as non-url if(sptr[0] == '/') is.cmd_is_url = false; else is.cmd_is_url = true; is.cmd = "(none)"; is.type = ICON_NORMAL; edelib::MimeType mt; if(!mt.set(sptr)) { EWARNING(ESTRLOC ": MimeType for %s (%s) failed, not dropping icon\n", sptr, src_copy); delete [] src_copy; return; } is.name = get_basename(sptr); is.icon = mt.icon_name(); } DesktopIcon* dic = new DesktopIcon(&gisett, &is, color()); add_icon(dic); delete [] src_copy; redraw(); } void Desktop::draw(void) { if(!damage()) return; if(damage() & (FL_DAMAGE_ALL | FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE)) { /* * If any overlay was previously visible during full * redraw, it will not be cleared because of fast flip. * This will assure that does not happened. */ clear_xoverlay(); DESKTOP_WINDOW::draw(); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": REDRAW ALL\n"); } if(damage() & EDAMAGE_OVERLAY) { if(selbox->show) draw_xoverlay(selbox->x, selbox->y, selbox->w, selbox->h); else clear_xoverlay(); /* * now scan all icons and see if they needs redraw, and if do * just update their label since it is indicator of selection */ for(int i = 0; i < children(); i++) { if(child(i)->damage() == EDAMAGE_CHILD_LABEL) { update_child(*child(i)); child(i)->clear_damage(); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": ICON REDRAW \n"); } } } clear_damage(); } int Desktop::handle(int event) { switch(event) { case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: case FL_SHORTCUT: return 1; case FL_PUSH: { /* * First check where we clicked. If we do it on desktop * unfocus any possible focused childs, and handle * specific clicks. Otherwise, do rest for childs. */ Fl_Widget* clicked = Fl::belowmouse(); if(NOT_SELECTABLE(clicked)) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DESKTOP CLICK !!!\n"); if(!selectionbuff.empty()) { /* * Only focused are in selectionbuff, so this is * fine to do; also will prevent full redraw when is clicked on desktop */ unfocus_all(); selectionbuff.clear(); } // track position so moving can be deduced if(Fl::event_button() == 1) { selbox->x = Fl::event_x(); selbox->y = Fl::event_y(); } else if(Fl::event_button() == 3) { dmenu->menu()->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y()); } return 1; } // from here, all events are managed for icons DesktopIcon* tmp_icon = (DesktopIcon*)clicked; /* * do no use assertion on this, since * fltk::belowmouse() can miss our icon */ if(!tmp_icon) return 1; if(SELECTION_MULTI) { Fl::event_is_click(0); select(tmp_icon); return 1; } else if(SELECTION_SINGLE) { if(!in_selection(tmp_icon)) { /* * for testing: * notify_box(tmp_icon->label()); */ select_only(tmp_icon); } } else if(Fl::event_button() == 3) { select_only(tmp_icon); /* * for testing: * notify_box(tmp_icon->label()); */ } /* * Let child handle the rest. * Also prevent click on other mouse buttons during move. */ if(!moving) tmp_icon->handle(FL_PUSH); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": FL_PUSH from desktop\n"); selection_x = Fl::event_x_root(); selection_y = Fl::event_y_root(); return 1; } case FL_DRAG: moving = true; if(!selectionbuff.empty()) { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DRAG icon from desktop\n"); move_selection(Fl::event_x_root(), Fl::event_y_root(), false); } else { EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DRAG from desktop\n"); /* * Moving is started with pushed button. * From this point selection box is created and is rolled until release */ if(selbox->x != 0 || selbox->y != 0) { selbox->w = Fl::event_x() - selbox->x; selbox->h = Fl::event_y() - selbox->y; selbox->show = true; // see if there some icons inside selection area select_in_area(); // redraw selection box damage(EDAMAGE_OVERLAY); } } return 1; case FL_RELEASE: EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": RELEASE from desktop\n"); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": clicks: %i\n", Fl::event_is_click()); if(selbox->show) { selbox->x = selbox->y = selbox->w = selbox->h = 0; selbox->show = false; damage(EDAMAGE_OVERLAY); /* * Now pickup those who are in is_focused() state. * * Possible flickers due overlay will be later removed when is * called move_selection(), which will in turn redraw icons again * after position them. */ if(!selectionbuff.empty()) selectionbuff.clear(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < icons.size(); i++) { if(icons[i]->is_focused()) select(icons[i], false); } return 1; } if(!selectionbuff.empty() && moving) move_selection(Fl::event_x_root(), Fl::event_y_root(), true); /* * Do not send FL_RELEASE during move * * TODO: should be alowed FL_RELEASE to multiple icons? (aka. run * command for all selected icons ? */ if(selectionbuff.size() == 1 && !moving) selectionbuff[0]->handle(FL_RELEASE); moving = false; return 1; case FL_DND_ENTER: case FL_DND_DRAG: case FL_DND_LEAVE: return 1; case FL_DND_RELEASE: { DesktopIcon* di = below_mouse(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y()); if(di) return di->handle(event); return 1; } case FL_PASTE: { DesktopIcon* di = below_mouse(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y()); if(di) return di->handle(event); drop_source(Fl::event_text(), Fl::event_length(), Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y()); return 1; } case FL_ENTER: case FL_LEAVE: case FL_MOVE: return DESKTOP_WINDOW::handle(event); default: break; } return 0; } int main() { signal(SIGTERM, exit_signal); signal(SIGKILL, exit_signal); signal(SIGINT, exit_signal); signal(SIGHUP, restart_signal); srand(time(NULL)); // a lot of preparing code depends on this fl_open_display(); fl_register_images(); edelib::IconTheme::init("edeneu"); Desktop::init(); Desktop::instance()->show(); /* * XSelectInput will redirect PropertyNotify messages, which * are listened for */ XSelectInput(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | ClientMessage); Fl::add_handler(desktop_xmessage_handler); while(running) Fl::wait(); Desktop::shutdown(); edelib::IconTheme::shutdown(); return 0; }