# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2,0003 images_dir ./ i18n header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// Work Panel for EDE is (C) Copyright 2000-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} Function {LogoutFunction(Fl_Widget *, void *)} {selected return_type void } { code {if (logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==1) { exit(0); } if (restartRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==1) fl_start_child_process( "shutdown -r now" ); if (shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog->value() == 1) fl_start_child_process( "shutdown -h now" );} {} } Function {LogoutDialog(Fl_Widget*, void *)} {return_type void } { Fl_Window windowLogoutDialog { label Logout open xywh {171 160 330 190} set_xy hide extra_code {o->x( Fl::info().w/2 - (o->w()/2) ); o->y( (Fl::info().h/2) - (o->h()/2) );} modal } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {5 12 55 45} align 16 image {icons/penguin.xpm} } {} Fl_Round_Button logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog { label {&logout from the current session} tooltip {Logout from the current session.} xywh {80 67 225 20} type RADIO value 1 } Fl_Round_Button restartRadioItemLogoutDialog { label {&restart the computer} tooltip {Restart the computer. This action is only allowed to "root" user!} xywh {80 88 225 20} type RADIO } Fl_Round_Button shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog { label {&shut down the computer} tooltip {Shut down the computer. This action is only allowed to "root" user!} xywh {80 110 225 20} type RADIO } Fl_Button {} { label {&OK} callback LogoutFunction private xywh {85 157 80 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Cancel} callback {windowLogoutDialog->hide();} private xywh {170 157 80 25} } Fl_Box {} { label {Logout, restart or shut down the computer?} private xywh {65 7 260 63} align 148 label_size 18 } Fl_Divider {} { label label xywh {60 130 210 20} } } code {windowLogoutDialog->end(); windowLogoutDialog->show();} {} }