#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XScreenSaver.h" #include "icons/energy.xpm" static Fl_Pixmap image_energy(energy_star_xpm); static Fl_Spinner* standby_val; static Fl_Spinner* suspend_val; static Fl_Spinner* off_val; static Fl_Spinner* timeout_val; static Fl_Double_Window* main_win; static Fl_Double_Window* preview_win; static void dpms_enable_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void* s) { Fl_Check_Button* o = (Fl_Check_Button*)w; SaverPrefs* sp = (SaverPrefs*)s; if(o->value()) { standby_val->activate(); suspend_val->activate(); off_val->activate(); } else { standby_val->deactivate(); suspend_val->deactivate(); off_val->deactivate(); } sp->dpms_enabled = o->value(); } static void choice_cb(Fl_Widget* w, void* s) { Fl_Choice* c = (Fl_Choice*)w; SaverPrefs* sp = (SaverPrefs*)s; const char* saver_name = c->text(); if(!saver_name) return; /* when we want to disable it */ if(strcmp(saver_name, "(None)") == 0) { xscreensaver_kill_preview(); /* just draw an empty box */ Fl_Box* b = new Fl_Box(0, 0, 180, 134); preview_win->add(b); preview_win->redraw(); sp->mode = SAVER_OFF; return; } /* FIXME: for now only one is allowed */ sp->mode = SAVER_ONE; /* find the name matches in our list and run it's command */ HackListIter it = sp->hacks.begin(), it_end = sp->hacks.end(); for(; it != it_end; ++it) { if((*it)->name == saver_name) { xscreensaver_preview(fl_xid(preview_win), (*it)->exec.c_str()); sp->curr_hack = (*it)->sindex; break; } } } static void close_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { xscreensaver_kill_preview(); preview_win->hide(); main_win->hide(); } static void ok_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* s) { SaverPrefs* sp = (SaverPrefs*)s; if(sp) { sp->timeout = (int)timeout_val->value(); sp->dpms_standby = (int)standby_val->value(); sp->dpms_suspend = (int)suspend_val->value(); sp->dpms_off = (int)off_val->value(); xscreensaver_save_config(sp); } close_cb(0, 0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { fl_open_display(); /* start daemon if not started */ xscreensaver_run_daemon(fl_display); SaverPrefs* sp = xscreensaver_read_config(); main_win = new Fl_Double_Window(340, 445, _("Screensaver options")); /* so ESC does not interrupt running process */ main_win->callback(close_cb); main_win->begin(); /* monitor */ Fl_Box* b1 = new Fl_Box(120, 163, 100, 15); b1->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); Fl_Box* b2 = new Fl_Box(65, 10, 210, 158); b2->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); Fl_Box* b3 = new Fl_Box(78, 20, 184, 138); b3->color(FL_BLACK); b3->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); /* preview window in 'b3' box */ preview_win = new Fl_Double_Window(80, 22, 180, 134); preview_win->color(FL_BLACK); preview_win->begin(); /* if failed to load any screensaver */ if(!sp) { Fl_Box* b4 = new Fl_Box(0, 0, 180, 134, _("No screensavers found")); b4->labelcolor(FL_GRAY); b4->align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_WRAP); } preview_win->end(); Fl_Box* b4 = new Fl_Box(95, 173, 146, 14); b4->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); Fl_Group* g1 = new Fl_Group(10, 215, 320, 45, _("Screensaver")); g1->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); g1->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); g1->begin(); Fl_Choice* saver_list = new Fl_Choice(19, 225, 180, 25); saver_list->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); saver_list->add("(None)", 0, 0); if(sp) { int sel = 0; saver_list->callback((Fl_Callback*)choice_cb, sp); /* fix possible error */ if(sp->curr_hack >= sp->hacks.size()) sp->curr_hack = 0; HackListIter it = sp->hacks.begin(), it_end = sp->hacks.end(); for(int i = 1; it != it_end; ++it, i++) { saver_list->add((*it)->name.c_str(), 0, 0); /* * Check real hack index number against current one and let it match * position in our Fl_Choice list. Note that first item is '(None)' * so 'i' starts from 1 */ if(sp->mode != SAVER_OFF && (*it)->sindex == sp->curr_hack) sel = i; } saver_list->value(sel); } timeout_val = new Fl_Spinner(275, 226, 45, 25, _("Timeout:")); timeout_val->tooltip(_("Idle time in minutes after screensaver is started")); timeout_val->range(1, 500); if(sp) timeout_val->value(sp->timeout); else timeout_val->value(1); g1->end(); Fl_Group* g2 = new Fl_Group(10, 290, 320, 110, _("Power management")); g2->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX); g2->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); g2->begin(); Fl_Check_Button* denabled = new Fl_Check_Button(20, 299, 180, 26, _("Enabled")); denabled->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); denabled->tooltip(_("Enable or disable Display Power Management Signaling support")); denabled->callback((Fl_Callback*)dpms_enable_cb, sp); if(sp) denabled->value(sp->dpms_enabled); else denabled->value(1); Fl_Box* energy_image = new Fl_Box(20, 341, 75, 49); energy_image->image(image_energy); standby_val = new Fl_Spinner(275, 301, 45, 24, _("Standby:")); standby_val->tooltip(_("Minutes for standby")); standby_val->range(1, 500); if(sp) standby_val->value(sp->dpms_standby); else standby_val->value(1); suspend_val = new Fl_Spinner(275, 331, 45, 24, _("Suspend:")); suspend_val->tooltip(_("Minutes for suspend")); suspend_val->range(1, 500); if(sp) suspend_val->value(sp->dpms_suspend); else suspend_val->value(1); off_val = new Fl_Spinner(275, 360, 45, 24, _("Off:")); off_val->tooltip(_("Minutes to turn off the screen")); off_val->range(1, 500); if(sp) off_val->value(sp->dpms_off); else off_val->value(1); /* execute callback to apply changes before main_window is shown */ denabled->do_callback(); g2->end(); Fl_Button* ok_button = new Fl_Button(145, 410, 90, 25, _("&OK")); ok_button->callback(ok_cb, sp); Fl_Button* close_button = new Fl_Button(240, 410, 90, 25, _("&Cancel")); close_button->callback(close_cb); main_win->end(); main_win->show(argc, argv); /* run preview immediately */ saver_list->do_callback(); int ret = Fl::run(); if(sp) { HackListIter it = sp->hacks.begin(), it_end = sp->hacks.end(); for(; it != it_end; ++it) delete *it; delete sp; } return ret; }