# # $Id$ # # Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). # Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors. # # This program is licensed under terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. # See COPYING for details. #RMDIR_UNSFE ?= $(RM) -Rf ; #RMDIR_SAFE ?= "rmdir" ; #CP ?= "cp" ; #MV ?= "mv" ; #MKDIRS ?= "mkdir -p" ; #LINKCMD ?= "ln -s" ; # Compatibility with ftjam,PerforceJam,... # Haiku jam have builtin LocalClean and LocalDepends if ! $(INVOCATION_SUBDIR_SET) { rule LocalClean { Clean $(1) : $(2) ; } rule LocalDepends { Depends $(1) : $(2) ; } } # Compatibility part ends # Fltk use .cxx extension for C++ files so it must # be registered. This rule is called by jam so final # application must not use it. rule UserObject { switch $(>:S) { case .cxx : C++ $(<) : $(>) ; case * : Exit "Unknown suffix on $(>)" ; } } # Wildcard [optinal-directory :] [patterns] : [optional-prepend-directory] ; # Create a list of files that match [patterns]. If [optional-directory] # is given, it will return list from that directory. If [optional-prepend-directory] # is given, all returned files will be prepended with that directory name. # # For example with 'baz.cpp, baz2.cpp': # list files in current directory # lst = [ Wildcard *.cpp ] ; -> 'baz.cpp baz2.cpp' # # list files in 'foo' directory # lst = [ Wildcard foo : *.cpp ] ; -> 'baz.cpp baz2.cpp' # # list files in current directory and prepend with xxx directory name # lst = [ Wildcard : *.cpp : xxx ] ; -> 'xxx/baz.cpp xxx/baz2.cpp' # # This rule is not the same rule from autojam, but that was a good inspiration :-) rule Wildcard { local files dir sdir wildcards ; if $(2) { dir = "$(<)/" ; wildcards = $(2) ; } else { dir = "" ; wildcards = $(1) ; } if $(3) { sdir = $(3) ; } else { sdir = "" ; } files = [ Glob [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) $(dir) ] : $(wildcards) ] ; return $(files:BSR=$(sdir)) ; } # SymLink [link] : [source] : [opt-path-to-source]; # Creates symbolic link [link] pointing at [source]. # If [opt-path-to-source] is given, [link] will point to [opt-path-to-source]/[source]. # # Addition of directory option to this rule is needed because of the way how # 'ln -s' works and how it fits to jam's way of seeing paths. For example, # setting 'SymLink foo.so : foo.so.2' will make correcty symlink _only_ in # directory where 'foo.so.2' is built; on other hand if 'foo' is in 'baz' directory # and jam is called outside of it, link will be 'baz/foo.so -> baz/foo.so.2' which is incorrect; # linking must be done locally (done via SYMLINKSRCPATH). rule SymLink { if ! $(LINKCMD) { Echo "LINKCMD wasn't defined, $(<) will not be created" ; return ; } LocalDepends $(<) : $(>) ; if $(3) { SYMLINKSRCPATH on $(<) = $(3) ; } else { # Can't be empty or SymLink1 will ignore source; also # it is set on $(<) since jam only this way see it as valid variable SYMLINKSRCPATH on $(<) = "" ; } SymLink1 $(<) : $(>) ; } # FFileName [items] ; # The same as FDirName (since FDirName correctly construct result if # ending item is non-dir), but provided for easier navigation. # In short, return pathed list of items, like: [ FFileName foo baz taz ] # will be 'foo/baz/taz'. Must be called inside [], as FDirName does. rule FFileName { return [ FDirName $(<) ] ; } # MkDir [directory] ; # Make a directory and all its parent directories. # The default MkDir rule in Jambase has problems when paths contains a sequence # of multiple slashes (ie. bla////fup). We solve these problems and greatly # simply this rule by using the "mkdir -p" or mkdirs command. Stolen from autojam. rule MkDir { if ! $(MKDIRS) { Echo "MKDIRS wasn't defined; $(<) will not be created" ; return ; } # Ignore timestamps on directories: we only care if they # exist. NoUpdate $(<) ; # don't create the dir multiple times if ! $($(<)-mkdir) { $(<)-mkdir = true ; MkDir1 $(<) ; } } actions SymLink1 { $(RM) "$(<)" && $(LINKCMD) "$(>:D=$(SYMLINKSRCPATH))" "$(<)" } actions MkDir1 { $(MKDIRS) "$(<)" } # Cleandir clean : [directory] ; # Removes directory in 'Clean clean' fassion actions piecemeal together existing Cleandir { $(RMDIR_UNSAFE) "$(>)" } # Similar to Cleandir, but it will not remove directory # if it is not empty. Also 'ignore' modifier will notify jam # to noy scream if directory is not empty. actions piecemeal together ignore existing CleandirSafe { $(RMDIR_SAFE) "$(>)" } # Copy [target] : [source] ; actions Copy { $(CP) "$(>)" "$(<)" } # Move [target] : [source] ; actions Move { $(MV) "$(>)" "$(<)" }