/* * $Id$ * * Etip, show some tips! * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2008 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for the details. */ #include #include #include #include "Fortune.h" /* FreeBSD does not have off_t, not sure about others */ #ifndef __GLIBC__ typedef unsigned int off_t; #endif struct FortuneFile { FILE* str_file; FILE* dat_file; StrFile data; }; FortuneFile* fortune_open(const char* str_path, const char* dat_path) { FILE* sp = fopen(str_path, "r"); if(!sp) return NULL; FILE* dp = fopen(dat_path, "r"); if(!dp) { fclose(sp); return NULL; } FortuneFile* f = new FortuneFile; f->str_file = sp; f->dat_file = dp; fread((char*)&f->data, sizeof(StrFile), 1, f->dat_file); f->data.str_version = ntohl(f->data.str_version); f->data.str_numstr = ntohl(f->data.str_numstr); f->data.str_longlen = ntohl(f->data.str_longlen); f->data.str_shortlen = ntohl(f->data.str_shortlen); f->data.str_flags = ntohl(f->data.str_flags); return f; } void fortune_close(FortuneFile* f) { fclose(f->str_file); fclose(f->dat_file); delete f; } unsigned int fortune_num_items(FortuneFile* f) { return f->data.str_numstr; } bool fortune_get(FortuneFile* f, unsigned int num, edelib::String& ret) { if(num >= fortune_num_items(f)) return false; // read position from .dat file off_t seek_pts[2]; fseek(f->dat_file, (long)(sizeof(StrFile) + num * sizeof(seek_pts[0])), 0); fread(seek_pts, sizeof(seek_pts), 1, f->dat_file); seek_pts[0] = ntohl(seek_pts[0]); seek_pts[1] = ntohl(seek_pts[1]); // now jump to that position in string file fseek(f->str_file, (long)seek_pts[0], 0); char buff[1024]; char* p; char ch; ret.clear(); while(fgets((char*)buff, sizeof(buff), f->str_file) != NULL && !STR_ENDSTRING(buff, f->data)) { if(f->data.str_flags & STR_ROTATED) { for(p = buff; (ch = *p); p++) { if(isupper(ch)) *p = 'A' + (ch - 'A' + 13) % 26; else if(islower(ch)) *p = 'a' + (ch - 'a' + 13) % 26; } } ret += buff; } return true; }