# data file for the eFLTK User Interface Designer (eFLUID)
version 2,0003 
images_dir ./ 
header_name {.h} 
code_name {.cpp} 
gridx 5 
gridy 5 
snap 3
decl {// Finder for EDE is (C) Copyright 2001-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} 

decl {\#include "eglob.h"} {} 

Function {createPermWindow()} {return_type void
} {
  Fl_Window permWindow {
    label Permissions open
    xywh {282 274 355 175} hide resizable
  } {
    Fl_Group {} {
      label Owner open
      xywh {10 30 110 90} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
    } {
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Read
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IRUSR);}
        xywh {5 5 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Write
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IWUSR);}
        xywh {5 25 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Execute
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IXUSR);}
        xywh {5 45 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label {Set UID}
        callback {toggle_permission(S_ISUID);}
        xywh {5 65 85 25}
    Fl_Group {} {
      label Group open
      xywh {125 30 105 90} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
    } {
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Read
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IRGRP);}
        xywh {5 5 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Write
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IWGRP);}
        xywh {5 25 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Execute
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IXGRP);}
        xywh {5 45 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label {Set GID}
        callback {toggle_permission(S_ISGID);}
        xywh {5 65 85 25}
    Fl_Group {} {
      label Other open
      xywh {235 30 110 90} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
    } {
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Read
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IROTH);}
        xywh {5 5 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Write
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IWOTH);}
        xywh {5 25 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Execute
        callback {toggle_permission(S_IXOTH);}
        xywh {5 45 85 25}
      Fl_Check_Button {} {
        label Sticky
        callback {toggle_permission(S_ISVTX);}
        xywh {5 65 95 25}
    Fl_Button {} {
      label {&Close}
      callback {permWindow->hide();}
      xywh {140 140 85 25}
  code {permWindow->end();
permWindow->show();} {}

Function {createFindWindow()} {open return_type void
} {
  Fl_Window findWindow {
    label Find open
    xywh {283 179 480 385} resizable
    extra_code {o->size_range(o->w(), o->h());} visible
  } {
    Fl_Tabs {} {open
      xywh {3 5 473 235} color 0xfffffffe
    } {
      Fl_Group {} {
        label Find open
        xywh {1 23 471 211} hide
        extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
      } {
        Fl_Group {} {
          label Find open
          xywh {7 20 460 100} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
        } {
          Fl_Group {} {open
            xywh {5 5 450 30}
          } {
            Fl_Input pathInput {
              label {Path:}
              xywh {70 5 285 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
              extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);
char *tmp = fl_get_homedir();
delete []tmp;}
            Fl_Button {} {
              label {&Browse...}
              callback {const char *f = fl_select_dir(0,  _("Select directory"));
    if (f) {
              tooltip {Find path.}
              xywh {360 5 80 23}
              extra_code {\#include <efltk/Fl_File_Dialog.h>}
          Fl_Input filterInput {
            label {File filter:}
            xywh {75 40 370 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
            extra_code {o->value("*");
          Fl_Group {} {open
            xywh {25 65 430 32}
          } {
            Fl_Check_Button recursiveCheck {
              label {Search subdirectories}
              xywh {50 0 155 30} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CLIP|FL_ALIGN_WRAP value 1
            Fl_Group {} {open
              xywh {200 0 220 32}
            } {
              Fl_Value_Input fileLimitValue {
                label {Limit results to first n files:}
                xywh {175 5 45 20} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_CLIP|FL_ALIGN_WRAP step 1 value 64
        Fl_Group {} {
          label Content open
          xywh {7 140 459 65} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
        } {
          Fl_Input containsInput {
            label {Containing:}
            xywh {75 10 370 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
            extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
          Fl_Group {} {open
            xywh {75 35 370 25}
          } {
            Fl_Check_Button caseSensitiveCheck {
              label {Case sensitive}
              xywh {0 0 140 25} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
            Fl_Check_Button useRegexpCheck {
              label {Extended regexp}
              xywh {140 0 230 25} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
        Fl_Box {} {
          xywh {7 206 455 2}
          extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
      Fl_Group {} {
        label {Filter options} open
        xywh {1 23 471 211} hide
      } {
        Fl_Group {} {
          label Considerations open
          xywh {7 20 459 32} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
        } {
          Fl_Choice fileTypeBrowser {
            label {File type:}
            xywh {70 5 145 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
            extra_code {\#include <efltk/Fl_Input_Browser.h>

o->value("Any kind");}
            class Fl_Input_Browser
          } {
            Fl_Item {} {
              label {Any kind}
            Fl_Item {} {
              label Regular
            Fl_Item {} {
              label Directory
            Fl_Item {} {
              label Symlink
            Fl_Item {} {
              label Socket
            Fl_Item {} {
              label {Block device}
            Fl_Item {} {
              label {Character device}
            Fl_Item {} {
              label FIFO
          Fl_Check_Button stayOnSingleCheck {
            label {Stay on single filesystem}
            xywh {225 4 230 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CLIP|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
        Fl_Group {} {open
          xywh {7 50 459 155} box ENGRAVED_BOX
          extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
        } {
          Fl_Check_Button considerPermValue {
            label Permissions
            callback {if (considerPermValue->value())
            xywh {5 5 115 25}
          Fl_Check_Button considerUserValue {
            label {User/group:}
            callback {if (considerUserValue->value()) {
else {
            xywh {5 30 115 25}
          Fl_Group userGroup {open
            xywh {120 30 325 25} deactivate
          } {
            Fl_Choice userIdChoice {
              label {User id:} open
              xywh {70 2 72 20} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
              extra_code {o->value("Anyone");
jam("/etc/passwd", userIdChoice);}
              class Fl_Input_Browser
            } {}
            Fl_Choice groupIdChoice {
              label {Group id:}
              xywh {240 2 72 20} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
              extra_code {o->value("Anyone");
jam("/etc/group", groupIdChoice);}
              class Fl_Input_Browser
            } {}
          Fl_Check_Button considerSizeValue {
            label {Size:}
            callback {if (considerSizeValue->value()) {
else {
            xywh {5 55 80 23} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
          Fl_Group sizeGroup {open
            xywh {85 55 360 25} deactivate box FLAT_BOX
          } {
            Fl_Value_Input sizeGValue {
              label {greater than:}
              xywh {90 2 70 20} step 1
            Fl_Value_Input sizeMValue {
              label {and less than(KB):}
              xywh {275 2 70 20} step 1
          Fl_Check_Button considerTimeValue {
            label {Time:}
            callback {if (considerTimeValue->value()) {
else {
            xywh {5 80 135 25}
          Fl_Group timeGroup1 {
            xywh {140 85 110 60} deactivate box FLAT_BOX
          } {
            Fl_Round_Button modifiedRadio {
              label Modified
              xywh {0 0 105 20} type RADIO
            Fl_Round_Button changedRadio {
              label Changed
              xywh {0 20 105 20} type RADIO
            Fl_Round_Button accessedRadio {
              label Accessed
              xywh {0 40 105 20} type RADIO
          Fl_Group {} {open
            xywh {255 90 80 60}
          } {
            Fl_Value_Input timeValue {
              label {in previous:}
              xywh {5 33 65 20} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_CLIP|FL_ALIGN_WRAP deactivate maximum 100 step 1
          Fl_Group timeGroup2 {open
            xywh {335 85 110 60} deactivate box FLAT_BOX
          } {
            Fl_Group {} {open
              xywh {0 0 105 60}
            } {
              Fl_Round_Button minutesRadio {
                label Minutes
                xywh {0 0 105 15} type RADIO
              Fl_Round_Button hoursRadio {
                label Hours
                xywh {0 15 105 15} type RADIO
              Fl_Round_Button daysRadio {
                label Days
                xywh {0 30 105 15} type RADIO
              Fl_Round_Button mounthsRadio {
                label Mounths
                xywh {0 45 105 15} type RADIO
          Fl_Box {} {
            xywh {440 5 10 145}
            extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
      Fl_Group {} {
        label {Content options}
        xywh {1 23 471 211} hide
      } {
        Fl_Group {} {
          label {General considerations} open
          xywh {7 20 459 185} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT box ENGRAVED_BOX
          extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
        } {
          Fl_Check_Button doNotLookIntoBinaryCheck {
            label {Do not look into binary files}
            xywh {15 10 270 23} value 1
          Fl_Check_Button outputCountCheck {
            label {Output count of matching lines}
            xywh {15 37 270 23} value 1
          Fl_Round_Button matchAnywhereRadio {
            label {Match anywhere}
            xywh {15 72 255 20} type RADIO value 1
          Fl_Round_Button matchWordsRadio {
            label {Match whole words only}
            xywh {15 95 255 20} type RADIO
          Fl_Round_Button matchLinesRadio {
            label {Match whole lines only}
            xywh {15 118 255 20} type RADIO
          Fl_Round_Button invertMatchRadio {
            label {Output files where no match is found}
            xywh {15 141 255 20} type RADIO
          Fl_Box {} {
            xywh {285 10 160 165}
            extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
      Fl_Group {} {
        label About open
        xywh {1 23 471 211}
      } {
        Fl_Box {} {
          label {(C) Copyright 2000-2005. EDE Authors.

 Efinder is using the code from xfglob which is
 (C) Copyright 2000-2001 by Edscott Wilson Garcia.} selected
          xywh {21 32 424 135} align FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_WRAP
    Fl_Browser searchList {open
      xywh {3 245 473 85} align FL_ALIGN_TOP|FL_ALIGN_LEFT resizable
      extra_code {\#include <efltk/Fl_ListView.h>
\#include <efltk/Fl_ListView_Item.h>
\#include <efltk/Fl_Util.h>
searchList->type(searchList->type() | Fl_ListView::MULTI_SELECTION);
searchList->add_column(_("Filename"), 200);
searchList->add_column(_("Size"), 79);
searchList->add_column(_("Last modified"), 125);
searchList->add_column(_("Rights"), 65);
searchList->column_flags(0, FL_ALIGN_LEFT);
searchList->column_flags(1, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
searchList->column_flags(2, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
searchList->column_flags(3, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);}
      class Fl_ListView
    } {}
    Fl_Box statusLine {
      xywh {3 362 473 20} align FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE when CHANGED box THIN_DOWN_BOX
    Fl_Group {} {open
      xywh {3 330 473 30}
    } {
      Fl_Button searchButton {
        label {&Find}
        callback {findCB();}
        tooltip {Start the searching.}
        xywh {222 3 80 25} shortcut 0xff0d
      Fl_Button {} {
        label {&Cancel}
        callback {exit(0);}
        xywh {392 3 80 25}
      Fl_Button stopButton {
        label {&Stop}
        callback {stopSearch();}
        tooltip {Stop the searching.}
        xywh {307 3 80 25}
      Fl_Box {} {
        xywh {7 5 210 20}
        extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);}
  code {findWindow->end();
findWindow->show();} {}