/* * $Id$ * * Evoke, head honcho of everything * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EvokeService.h" #include "Splash.h" #include "Logout.h" #include "Xsm.h" #include "Xshutdown.h" EDELIB_NS_USING(Config) EDELIB_NS_USING(Resource) EDELIB_NS_USING(RES_SYS_ONLY) EDELIB_NS_USING(file_exists) EDELIB_NS_USING(file_remove) EDELIB_NS_USING(str_trim) #ifdef USE_LOCAL_CONFIG #define CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(object, section, key, buff) object.get(section, key, buff, sizeof(buff)) #else #define CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(object, section, key, buff) object.get(section, key, buff, sizeof(buff), RES_SYS_ONLY) #endif static Atom XA_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL; static Atom XA_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT; static int get_int_property_value(Atom at) { Atom real; int format; unsigned long n, extra; unsigned char* prop; int status = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), at, 0L, 0x7fffffff, False, XA_CARDINAL, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); int ret = -1; if(status != Success && !prop) return ret; ret = int(*(long*)prop); XFree(prop); return ret; } EvokeService::EvokeService() : lock_name(NULL), xsm(NULL), is_running(false) { /* TODO: or add setup_atoms() function */ XA_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL = XInternAtom(fl_display, "_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL", False); XA_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT = XInternAtom(fl_display, "_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT", False); } EvokeService::~EvokeService() { clear_startup_items(); stop_xsettings_manager(true); remove_lock(); } EvokeService* EvokeService::instance(void) { static EvokeService es; return &es; } bool EvokeService::setup_lock(const char* name) { if(file_exists(name)) return false; FILE* f = fopen(name, "w"); if(!f) return false; fclose(f); lock_name = strdup(name); return true; } void EvokeService::remove_lock(void) { if(!lock_name) return; file_remove(lock_name); free(lock_name); lock_name = NULL; } void EvokeService::clear_startup_items(void) { if(startup_items.empty()) return; StartupItemListIter it = startup_items.begin(), it_end = startup_items.end(); for(; it != it_end; ++it) delete *it; startup_items.clear(); } void EvokeService::read_startup(void) { #ifdef USE_LOCAL_CONFIG /* * this will load SETTINGS_FILENAME only from local directory; * intended for development and testing only */ Config c; int ret = c.load("ede-startup.conf"); #else /* only system resource will be loaded; use ede-startup will be skipped */ Resource c; int ret = c.load("ede-startup"); #endif if(!ret) { E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Unable to load EDE startup file\n"); return; } char tok_buff[256], buff[256]; /* if nothing found, exit */ if(!CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(c, "Startup", "start_order", tok_buff)) return; if(CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(c, "Startup", "splash_theme", buff)) splash_theme = buff; for(const char* sect = strtok(tok_buff, ","); sect; sect = strtok(NULL, ",")) { /* remove leading/ending spaces, if exists */ str_trim(buff); /* assure each startup item has 'exec' key */ if(!CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(c, sect, "exec", buff)) { E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Startup item '%s' does not have anything to execute. Skipping...\n", sect); continue; } StartupItem *s = new StartupItem; s->exec = buff; if(CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(c, sect, "icon", buff)) s->icon = buff; if(CONFIG_GET_STRVAL(c, sect, "description", buff)) s->description = buff; startup_items.push_back(s); } } void EvokeService::run_startup(bool splash, bool dryrun) { if(startup_items.empty()) return; Splash s(startup_items, splash_theme, splash, dryrun); s.run(); clear_startup_items(); } void EvokeService::start_xsettings_manager(void) { xsm = new Xsm; if(Xsm::manager_running(fl_display, fl_screen)) { int ret = edelib::ask(_("XSETTINGS manager already running on this screen. Would you like to replace it?")); if(ret < 1) { stop_xsettings_manager(false); return; } } if(!xsm->init(fl_display, fl_screen)) { edelib::alert(_("Unable to load XSETTINGS manager properly :-(")); stop_xsettings_manager(false); } E_RETURN_IF_FAIL(xsm); if(xsm->load_serialized()) xsm->notify(); } void EvokeService::stop_xsettings_manager(bool serialize) { if(!xsm) return; if(serialize) xsm->save_serialized(); delete xsm; xsm = NULL; } int EvokeService::handle(const XEvent* xev) { if(xsm && xsm->should_terminate(xev)) { E_DEBUG(E_STRLOC ": Terminating XSETTINGS manager on request by X event\n"); stop_xsettings_manager(true); return 1; } if(xev->xproperty.atom == XA_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT) { int val = get_int_property_value(XA_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT); if(val == 1) stop(); } if(xev->xproperty.atom == XA_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL) { int val = get_int_property_value(XA_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL); if(val == 1) { int dw = DisplayWidth(fl_display, fl_screen); int dh = DisplayHeight(fl_display, fl_screen); int ret = logout_dialog_show(dw, dh, LOGOUT_OPT_SHUTDOWN | LOGOUT_OPT_RESTART); if(ret != -1) { x_shutdown(); stop(); } } } return 0; }