// $Id: Flu_Wrap_Group.h,v 1.10 2004/01/27 21:44:21 jbryan Exp $

 *                FLU - FLTK Utility Widgets 
 *  Copyright (C) 2002 Ohio Supercomputer Center, Ohio State University
 * This file and its content is protected by a software license.
 * You should have received a copy of this license with this file.
 * If not, please contact the Ohio Supercomputer Center immediately:
 * Attn: Jason Bryan Re: FLU 1224 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43212


/* fltk includes */
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Scrollbar.H>

//#include "FLU/Flu_Enumerations.h"
#define FLU_EXPORT

//! This class provides an alternative to Fl_Group that automatically arranges the children either left to right and top to bottom (for type() == \c FL_VERTICAL), or top to bottom and left to right (for type() == \c FL_HORIZONTAL), within the available size of the group, with a scrollbar turning on if they don't all fit
/*! This class is a group with a scrollbar and an \b Fl_Group inside (both publicly exposed). The \b Fl_Group
  contains the actual child widgets of this group.

  Most of the \b Fl_Group member functions are reimplemented here in a pass-through fashion to the
  internal group. This means that casual use of a descendent instance will be almost exactly the same
  as for a regular \b Fl_Group, with any additional access provided directly through member \b group.

  The goal of this class is to provide a group that dynamically and evenly distributes its children within
  a fixed space, similar to those available in other GUI toolkits.
class FLU_EXPORT Flu_Wrap_Group : public Fl_Group


  class Scrollbar : public Fl_Scrollbar
      Scrollbar( int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l = 0 );
      int handle( int event );

  //! Normal FLTK constructor
  Flu_Wrap_Group( int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l = 0 );

  //! \return the widget that is visibly above \b w in the group, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *above( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! \return the widget that is visibly below \b w in the group, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *below( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! Override of Fl_Group::draw()
  void draw();

  //! \return the widget that is visibly to the left of \b w in the group, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *left( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! \return the widget that is logically after \b w in the groups order, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *next( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! Set the offset for where the first child starts
  inline void offset( int x, int y )
    { _offset[0] = x, _offset[1] = y; redraw(); }

  //! \return the x offset for where the first child starts
  inline int offset_x() const
    { return _offset[0]; }

  //! \return the y offset for where the first child starts
  inline int offset_y() const
    { return _offset[1]; }

  //! \return the widget that is logically before \b w in the groups order, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *previous( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! Override of Fl_Group::resize()
  void resize( int x, int y, int w, int h );

  //! \return the widget that is visibly to the right of \b w in the group, or \c NULL if no such widget exists
  Fl_Widget *right( Fl_Widget* w );

  //! Scroll the group so that the given widget is shown (usually aligned to the left/top)
  void scroll_to( const Fl_Widget *w );

  //! Scroll the group so that the given widget is shown (usually aligned to the left/top)
  inline void scroll_to( const Fl_Widget& w )
    { scroll_to( &w ); }

  //! Scroll the group to the beginning of the list
  void scroll_to_beginning();

  //! Scroll the group to the end of the list
  void scroll_to_end();

  //! Set the spacing between children
  inline void spacing( int x, int y )
    { _spacing[0] = x, _spacing[1] = y; redraw(); }

  //! \return the x spacing between children
  inline int spacing_x() const
    { return _spacing[0]; }

  //! \return the y spacing between children
  inline int spacing_y() const
    { return _spacing[1]; }

  //! Set the wrap type. Must be either \c FL_VERTICAL (children wrap according to the width, with a vertical scrollbar) or \c FL_HORIZONTAL (children wrap according to the height, with a horizontal scrollbar). Default is \c FL_HORIZONTAL
  void type( int t );

  //! Get the wrap type
  inline int type() const
    { return _type; }

  /*! \name Pass-through functions for the internal Fl_Group
   * These are strictly for convenience. Only the most commonly called functions have been re-implemented.
   * You can also explicitly access the group object for more control.

  inline Fl_Widget* const* array() const
    { return group.array(); }

  inline int find( const Fl_Widget* w ) const
    { return group.find( w ); }

  inline int find( const Fl_Widget& w ) const
    { return group.find( w ); }

  inline void clear()
    { group.clear(); }

  inline Fl_Widget *child(int n) const
    { return group.child(n); }

  inline int children() const
    { return group.children(); }

  inline void begin()
    { group.begin(); }

  inline void end()
    { group.end(); Fl_Group::end(); }

  inline void resizable(Fl_Widget *box)
    { group.resizable(box); }

  inline void resizable(Fl_Widget &box) 
    { group.resizable(box); }

  inline Fl_Widget *resizable() const
    { return group.resizable(); }

  inline void add( Fl_Widget &w )
    { group.add( w ); }

  inline void add( Fl_Widget *w )
    { group.add( w ); }

  inline void insert( Fl_Widget &w, int n )
    { group.insert( w, n ); }

  inline void insert( Fl_Widget &w, Fl_Widget* beforethis )
    { group.insert( w, beforethis ); }

  inline void remove( Fl_Widget &w )
    { group.remove( w ); }

  inline void add_resizable( Fl_Widget &box )
    { group.add_resizable( box ); }


  Scrollbar scrollbar;
  Fl_Group group;


  inline static void _scrollCB( Fl_Widget*, void *arg )
    { ((Flu_Wrap_Group*)arg)->redraw(); }

  int layout( bool sbVisible, bool doScrollTo, int *measure = 0 );

  const Fl_Widget *scrollTo;
  int _offset[2], _spacing[2], _type;

