# AsciiDoc help file. # # INI section format, each section contains a topic. # Displayed with 'asciidoc --help sectionname' command. # # # Default help topic. # [default] Usage: asciidoc [OPTIONS] FILE Man page: asciidoc -h manpage Syntax: asciidoc -h syntax [manpage] NAME asciidoc - converts an AsciiDoc text file to DocBook, HTML or LinuxDoc SYNOPSIS asciidoc [OPTIONS] FILE DESCRIPTION The asciidoc(1) command translates the AsciiDoc text file FILE to a DocBook, HTML or LinuxDoc file. If FILE is - then the standard input is used. OPTIONS -a, --attribute=ATTRIBUTE Define or delete document attribute. ATTRIBUTE is formatted like NAME=VALUE. Command-line attributes take precedence over document and configuration file attributes. Alternate acceptable forms are NAME (the VALUE defaults to an empty string); NAME! (delete the NAME attribute); NAME@ (do not override document or configuration file attributes). Values containing spaces should be enclosed in double-quote characters. Multiple instances allowed. -b, --backend=BACKEND Backend output file format: docbook, xhtml11 or html4. Defaults to xhtml11. -f, --conf-file=CONF_FILE Use configuration file CONF_FILE. Multiple instances allowed. Configuration files processed in command-line order (after implicit configuration files). -d, --doctype=DOCTYPE Document type: article, manpage or book. The book document type is only supported by the docbook backend. Default document type is article. -c, --dump-conf Dump configuration to stdout. -h, --help[=TOPIC] Print help TOPIC. --help topics will print a list of help topics, --help syntax summarises AsciiDoc syntax, --help manpage prints the AsciiDoc manpage. -e, --no-conf Exclude implicitly loaded configuration files except for those named like the input file (infile.conf and infile-backend.conf). -s, --no-header-footer Suppress document header and footer output. -o, --out-file=OUT_FILE Write output to file OUT_FILE. Defaults to the base name of input file with backend extension. If the input is stdin then the outfile defaults to stdout. If OUT_FILE is - then the standard output is used. -n, --section-numbers Auto-number HTML article section titles. Synonym for -a numbered. --unsafe Disable safe mode. Safe mode is enabled by default, disabling it is potentially dangerous. -v, --verbose Verbosely print processing information and configuration file checks to stderr. --version Print program version number. BUGS See the AsciiDoc distribution BUGS file. AUTHOR Written by Stuart Rackham, RESOURCES SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/asciidoc/ Main web site: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/ COPYING Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Stuart Rackham. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). [syntax] AsciiDoc Markup Syntax Summary ============================== A summary of the most often used markup. For a complete reference see the 'AsciiDoc User Guide'. Text formatting --------------- *bold text* (boldface font) _emphasized text_ (normally italics) 'emphasized text' +monospaced text+ (proportional font) `monospaced text` Document links -------------- [[id]] (define link target) <> (link to target id) link:filename#id[caption] (link to external HTML file) URLs ---- http:address[caption] (link to web page) mailto:address[caption] (link to mail recipient) Images ------ image:filename[caption] (inline image) image::filename[caption] (block image) Document header --------------- The Document Title ================== author (optional) revision, date (optional) Section title underlines ------------------------ Level 0 (document title): ====================== Level 1: ---------------------- Level 2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 3: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Level 4 (bottom level): ++++++++++++++++++++++ Delimited blocks ---------------- Delimiters must begin at left margin. ------------------- listing block ------------------- ................... literal block ................... ******************* sidebar block ******************* [author, source] (optional) ___________________ quote block ___________________ =================== example block =================== /////////////////// comment block /////////////////// More block elements ------------------- [attributes list] (Note 1) .Block title (Note 1) // Comment line (Note 1) include::filename[] (Note 1) Note 1: Begin at the left margin. More inline elements -------------------- footnote:[footnote text] (document footnote)