# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2,0003 images_dir ./ i18n header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// Window manager settings for EDE is (C) Copyright 2001-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include "ewm.h"} {} Function {} {open } { code {fl_init_locale_support("ewmconf", PREFIX"/share/locale"); readConfiguration();} {} Fl_Window {} { label {Window manager settings} open xywh {793 429 320 370} visible } { Fl_Tabs {} {open xywh {2 5 318 325} color 16 } { Fl_Group {} { label {&Titlebar} open private xywh {1 29 316 295} align 5 } { Fl_Choice {} { label {Text align:} callback {title_align = (int)o->value();} open xywh {83 13 105 22} extra_code {o->value(title_align);} } { Fl_Item {} { label Left } Fl_Item {} { label Right } Fl_Item {} { label Center } } Fl_Value_Input {} { label {Height:} callback {title_height = (int)o->value();} xywh {243 13 60 22} minimum 10 maximum 50 step 1 value 20 extra_code {o->value(title_height);} } Fl_Button titlebarLabelColorButton { label {Titlebar label color: } callback {changeBoxColor(titlebarLabelColorButton); title_normal_color_text = (int) titlebarLabelColorButton->color();} xywh {85 55 60 20} align 132 box DOWN_BOX extra_code {o->color((Fl_Color)title_normal_color_text);} } Fl_Button titlebarColorButton { label {Titlebar color: } callback {changeBoxColor(titlebarColorButton); title_normal_color = (int) titlebarColorButton->color();} xywh {85 120 60 20} align 132 box DOWN_BOX extra_code {o->color((Fl_Color) title_normal_color);} } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {153 45 160 110} } { Fl_Button titlebarActiveLabelColorButton { label {Titlebar active label color: } callback {changeBoxColor(titlebarActiveLabelColorButton); title_active_color_text = (int) titlebarActiveLabelColorButton->color();} xywh {90 10 60 20} align 132 box DOWN_BOX extra_code {o->color((Fl_Color) title_active_color_text);} } Fl_Button titlebarActiveColorButton { label {Titlebar active color: } callback {changeBoxColor(titlebarActiveColorButton); title_active_color = (int) titlebarActiveColorButton->color();} xywh {90 75 60 20} align 132 box DOWN_BOX extra_code {o->color((Fl_Color)title_active_color);} } } Fl_Choice titlebarDrawGrad { label {Box type:} callback {title_draw_grad = titlebarDrawGrad->value();} open xywh {85 157 163 23} align 132 extra_code {o->value(title_draw_grad);} } { Fl_Item {} { label Flat } Fl_Item {} { label {Horizontal shade} } Fl_Item {} { label {Thin down} } Fl_Item {} { label {Up box} } Fl_Item {} { label {Down box} } Fl_Item {} { label Plastic } } Fl_Check_Button useThemeButton { label {&Use theme} callback {if (useThemeButton->value()) { themePathInput->activate(); browse_btn->activate(); titlebarDrawGrad->deactivate(); titlebarColorButton->deactivate(); titlebarActiveColorButton->deactivate(); } else { themePathInput->deactivate(); browse_btn->deactivate(); titlebarDrawGrad->activate(); titlebarColorButton->activate(); titlebarActiveColorButton->activate(); } use_theme = useThemeButton->value();} xywh {8 220 300 20} extra_code {o->value(use_theme);} } Fl_Input themePathInput { label {Path:} callback {theme_path = themePathInput->value();} xywh {65 247 210 23} deactivate extra_code {themePathInput->value(theme_path);} } Fl_Button browse_btn { label {...} callback {char *file_types = _("Themes (*.theme), *.theme, All files (*.*), *"); const char *fileName = fl_select_file(themePathInput->value(), file_types, _("Themes...")); if (fileName) { themePathInput->value(fileName); theme_path = fileName; }} xywh {280 247 25 23} deactivate } Fl_Divider {} { label label xywh {8 190 300 25} color 16 } Fl_Divider {} { label label xywh {8 85 297 25} color 16 } } Fl_Group {} { label {&Resizing} open xywh {3 20 310 305} align 5 hide } { Fl_Check_Button animateButton { label {Animate size changes} callback {if(animateButton->value()) animateSlider->activate(); else animateSlider->deactivate(); animate = animateButton->value();} xywh {10 10 300 20} value 1 extra_code {o->value(animate);} } Fl_Value_Slider animateSlider { label {Speed:} callback {animate_speed = (int)animateSlider->value();} xywh {70 35 235 20} type {HORIZONTAL|Fl_Slider::TICK_ABOVE} align 4 box DOWN_BOX text_size 10 minimum 5 maximum 20 step 2 value 14 slider_size 8 extra_code {o->value(animate_speed); if(animate) o->activate(); else o->deactivate();} } Fl_Divider {} { label label xywh {0 60 300 25} } Fl_Check_Button opaqueResize { label {Show window content while resizing} callback {opaque_resize = opaqueResize->value()} xywh {10 85 290 20} extra_code {o->value(opaque_resize);} } } } Fl_Button {} { label {&OK} callback {writeConfiguration(); applyConfiguration(); exit(0);} private xywh {67 337 80 25} shortcut 0xff0d } Fl_Button {} { label {&Apply} callback {writeConfiguration(); applyConfiguration();} private xywh {152 337 80 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Cancel} callback {exit(0);} private xywh {237 337 80 25} shortcut 0xff1b } } code {useThemeButton->do_callback(FL_DIALOG_BTN);} {selected } } Function {changeBoxColor(Fl_Button *box)} {open return_type void } { code {Fl_Button *colorBox = box; Fl_Color oldColor = colorBox->color(); Fl_Color defColor = oldColor; fl_color_chooser(_("Choose color"), defColor); if ( defColor != oldColor ) { colorBox->color(defColor); colorBox->redraw(); }} {} }