# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2.0100 images_dir ./ header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// Installer for EDE is (C) Copyright 2001-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include "einstall.h"} {} decl {fltk::TextBuffer *out_buffer;} {} Function {} {open } { code {fl_init_locale_support("einstaller", PREFIX"/share/locale"); out_buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer();} {} {fltk::Window} install_window { label {Install software package} open private xywh {383 118 505 310} extra_code {;} visible } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { xywh {5 5 135 270} box DOWN_BOX image {icons/install.xpm} color 0x7d8300 } {fltk::Group} steps_group {open xywh {150 0 505 275} box FLAT_BOX } { {fltk::Group} step1_group {open selected xywh {0 5 350 270} box ENGRAVED_BOX } { {fltk::Input} package_name_input { label {Enter the name of software package you want to install:} xywh {5 127 250 23} align 133 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Browse...} callback {char *file_types = _("Packages (*.rpm; *.tgz; *.deb), *.{rpm|tgz|deb}, All files (*.*), *"); const char *f = file_chooser(_("Package selection"), file_types, package_name_input->value()); if (f) { package_name_input->value(f); }} xywh {260 127 80 25} } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Welcome. This installation wizard will help you to install new software on your computer.} xywh {0 0 340 90} align 149 labelsize 18 } {fltk::CheckButton} nodeps_button { label {Ignore dependencies} xywh {2 160 338 25} } } {fltk::Group} step2_group {open xywh {5 5 350 270} hide box ENGRAVED_BOX } { {fltk::Output} result_output { label {Installation results:} xywh {5 20 335 155} align 133 extra_code {o->buffer(out_buffer);} class {fltk::TextEditor} } {fltk::ValueInput} install_progress { label {Installation status:} xywh {5 210 335 20} align 5 class {fltk::ProgressBar} } } } {fltk::Button} prev_button { label {<< &Previous} callback {step1_group->show(); step2_group->hide(); prev_button->deactivate();} xywh {230 280 80 25} deactivate } {fltk::Button} next_button { label {&Install} callback {step1_group->hide(); step2_group->show(); prev_button->activate(); install_package();} xywh {315 280 80 25} extra_code {;} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Close} callback {exit(0);} private xywh {415 280 80 25} extra_code {;} } } }