# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2.0100 images_dir ./ header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// Tips for EDE is (C) Copyright 2001-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include "EDE_Config.h"} {} decl {\#include "NLS.h"} {} decl {char *tips[5];} {} decl {int activeTip = 0;} {} decl {EDE_Config conf("EDE Team", "etip");} {} Function {} {open } { code {//fl_init_locale_support("etip", PREFIX"/share/locale"); bool show = true; conf.set_section("Tips"); conf.read("Show", show, true); if (!show) return 0; tips[0]=_("To start any application is simple. Press on the EDE button, go to the Programs menu, select category and click on the wished program."); tips[1]=_("To exit the Equinox Desktop environment, press EDE button and then logout."); tips[2]=_("To lock the computer, press EDE button and then lock."); tips[3]=_("To setup things on the computer, press EDE button, Panel menu and then the Control panel."); tips[4]=_("To add a program that is not in the Programs menu, click on the EDE button, Panel menu, and then Edit panels menu.");} {} {fltk::Window} {} { label {Startup tips} open selected xywh {394 319 400 205} resizable extra_code {o->size_range(o->w(), o->h());} visible } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { xywh {10 15 60 145} image {/home/vedran/ede/ede2/etip/icons/hint.xpm} } {fltk::CheckButton} show_check { label {Do not show this dialog next time} xywh {77 145 313 20} align 148 } {fltk::Group} {} {open xywh {80 15 310 125} align 209 resizable box BORDER_FRAME color 0xf4da1200 labelsize 18 } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} tipsBox { xywh {1 46 308 74} align 144 resizable box FLAT_BOX color 7 extra_code {o->label(tips[activeTip]); o->window()->redraw();} } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Welcome to Equinox Desktop Environment} xywh {5 5 300 45} align 144 box FLAT_BOX color 0xf4da1200 labelcolor 32 labelsize 18 } } {fltk::Group} {} {open xywh {0 165 400 40} } { {fltk::Button} {} { label {<< &Previous} callback {if (activeTip>0 && activeTip<=4) { activeTip--; tipsBox->label(tips[activeTip]); tipsBox->window()->redraw(); }} xywh {125 7 90 23} align 128 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Next >>} callback {if (activeTip>=0 && activeTip<4) { activeTip++; tipsBox->label(tips[activeTip]); tipsBox->window()->redraw(); }} xywh {215 7 90 23} } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { xywh {0 5 157 30} extra_code {// Fluid sucks in layouting... o->parent()->resizable(o);} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Close} callback {//Fl_Config conf(fl_find_config_file("apps/etip.conf", 1)); conf.set_section("Tips"); conf.write("Show", !show_check->value()); conf.flush(); exit(0);} xywh {320 7 70 23} } } } }