#!/bin/sh if aclocal -I m4 && autoheader && autoconf; then conffile="Jamconfig.in" echo "#" > $conffile echo "# Do not edit this file. Edit configure.in and *.m4 files" >> $conffile echo "# and run './prepare'" >> $conffile echo "#" >> $conffile echo "" >> $conffile # a cool trict from autojam autoconf --trace=AC_SUBST \ | sed -e 's/configure.in:[0-9]*:AC_SUBST:\([^:]*\).*/\1 ?= "@\1@" ;/g' \ | sed -e '/ac_*/d' -e '/ECHO_*/d' \ | sort -u \ >> $conffile echo 'INSTALL_DIR ?= "@INSTALL_DIR@" ;' >> $conffile # a junk from autoheader rm -f "edeconf.h.in~" echo "" echo "Now run ./configure [OPTIONS]" echo "or './configure --help' to see them" else echo "" echo "We failed :(. There should be some output, right ?" exit 1 fi