# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2.0100 images_dir ./ header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// The EDE control center.} {} decl {// Copyright (c) 2000. - 2005. EDE Authors} {} decl {// This program is licenced under terms of the} {} decl {// GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer.} {} decl {// See COPYING for details} {} decl {//} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {//\#include } {} decl {//\#include } {} decl {//\#include } {} decl {\#include "EDE_Run.h"} {} decl {\#include "../common/aboutdialog.h"} {} Function {} {open } { code {fl_init_locale_support("econtrol", PREFIX"/share/locale");} {} {fltk::Window} configPanelWindow { label {Control panel} open xywh {467 224 450 310} resizable extra_code {\#include o->size_range(o->w(), o->h());} visible } { {fltk::MenuBar} main_menubar { xywh {0 0 450 26} } { {fltk::ItemGroup} {} { label {&File} open } { {fltk::Item} {} { label {&Quit} callback {exit(0);} shortcut 0x40071 extra_code {o->x_offset(18);} } } {fltk::ItemGroup} {} { label {&Help} open align 0 } { {fltk::Item} {} { label {&About} callback {AboutDialog("Control panel", "1.0");} shortcut 0x40061 extra_code {o->x_offset(18);} } } } {fltk::Group} main_view {open xywh {0 0 450 280} resizable } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Control panel} xywh {0 24 450 41} align 32 box FLAT_BOX labeltype SHADOW_LABEL color 0xd089d00 buttoncolor 0xe6e7e600 labelcolor 0xffffff00 highlight_color 0xe6e7e600 labelsize 20 textsize 29 } {fltk::TiledGroup} {} {open xywh {0 65 450 215} resizable box FLAT_BOX color 0xd93b4300 extra_code {o->parent()->resizable(o);} } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} help_window { label {Welcome to the control panel. Here you can setup most things on your computer.} xywh {0 0 110 195} align 128 box DOWN_BOX color 0xfff9e400 labelcolor 32 extra_code {o->set_value();} } {fltk::Group} {} {open private xywh {110 0 340 195} align 0 box DOWN_BOX color 7 extra_code {\#include o->edge_offset(10);} class {fltk::ScrollGroup} } { {fltk::Button} {} { label Icons callback {help_window->label(_("Change behaviour of your desktop icons.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("eiconsconf &");} tooltip {Icons settings.} private xywh {10 15 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX buttonbox NO_BOX image {icons/behaviour.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {Colors and Fonts} callback {help_window->label(_("Configure global colors and fonts used by EDE applications.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("ecolorconf &");} tooltip {Colors settings.} private xywh {75 15 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/themes.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {Screen Saver} callback {help_window->label(_("Configure the screensaver.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("esvrconf &");} tooltip {Screensaver configuration.} private xywh {140 15 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/screensaver.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {Window Manager} callback {help_window->label(_("Setup window decorations and other options.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("ewmconf &");} tooltip {Window manager settings.} private xywh {10 95 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/windowmanager.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label Display callback {help_window->label(_("Set various options for the X windowing system.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("edisplayconf &");} tooltip {Display settings. } private xywh {75 95 60 75} box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/display.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {Install New Software} callback {help_window->label(_("This utility helps you to install new software.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("einstaller",false);} selected tooltip {Software installation.} private xywh {140 95 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/newsoft.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {Time and Date} callback {help_window->label(_("Show and set computer time and date.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("etimedate",false);} tooltip {Time and date settings.} private xywh {205 95 60 75} align 128 box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/timedate.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label Panel callback {help_window->label(_("Change panel behaviour and choose applets.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("epanelconf",false);} tooltip {Panel configuration.} private xywh {205 15 60 75} box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX image {icons/panel.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } {fltk::Button} {} { label Keyboard callback {help_window->label(_("Configure keyboard shortcuts and other options.")); help_window->redraw(); //if (Fl::event_clicks()) run_program("ekeyconf",false);} tooltip {Keyboard settings} private xywh {265 15 60 75} box HIGHLIGHT_DOWN_BOX buttonbox NO_BOX image {icons/keyboard.xpm} color 7 highlight_color 7 highlight_textcolor 32 labelsize 10 } } } } {fltk::InvisibleBox} status_bar { label Ready private xywh {0 281 450 24} box DOWN_BOX class {fltk::StatusBarGroup} } } code {configPanelWindow->menu(main_menubar); configPanelWindow->view(main_view); configPanelWindow->status(status_bar);} {} } decl {\#include "NLS.h"} {}