/* * $Id$ * * EImage - EDE Image Viewer * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include <Fl/Fl.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Window.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Button.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Shared_Image.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Scroll.h> #include <Fl/Fl_Widget.h> #include <Fl/Fl_File_Chooser.h> #include <Fl/filename.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> #define DEBUG 1 // Can this be moved to Jamfile/configure? //#define USE_EDELIB #ifdef USE_EDELIB #include <edelib/Nls.h> #else #define _(stuff) stuff #endif // Supported image types const char* supported[] = {"bm","bmp","gif","jpg","pbm","pgm","png","ppm","xbm","xpm",0}; // Global variables used everywhere char filename[FL_PATH_MAX], directory[FL_PATH_MAX]; Fl_Window* w; float zoomfactor; bool autozoom=false; Fl_Shared_Image *im; class ScrolledImage; ScrolledImage* s; // Directory list cache used in prevnext() dirent **files; int nfiles; // Forward declaration of funcs for use from callbacks void nextpic(); void prevpic(); void loadimage(); void newdir(); // Callbacks for main menu void next_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*) { nextpic(); } void prev_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*) { prevpic(); } void open_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*) { // construct filename filter char filter[FL_PATH_MAX]; snprintf(filter, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s(*.{%s", _("Image files"), supported[0]); // splitted for easier localization for (int i=1; supported[i]; i++) snprintf(filter, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s,%s", filter, supported[i]); snprintf(filter, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s})", filter); const char* f = fl_file_chooser(_("Choose image or directory"),filter,directory); if (!f) return; strncpy(filename,f,FL_PATH_MAX); newdir(); loadimage(); } void manage_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) {} // call file manager void fullscreen_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) { static bool isfull=false; static int X,Y,W,H; if (isfull) { w->fullscreen_off(X,Y,W,H); isfull=false; } else { X=w->x(); Y=w->y(); W=w->w(); H=w->h(); w->fullscreen(); isfull=true; } } void zoomin_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) { if (zoomfactor>=1) zoomfactor += 0.2; else zoomfactor += zoomfactor/5; autozoom=false; loadimage(); } void zoomout_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) { if (zoomfactor>=1) zoomfactor -= 0.2; else zoomfactor -= zoomfactor/5; autozoom=false; loadimage(); } void zoomrestore_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) { zoomfactor = 1; autozoom=false; loadimage(); } void zoomauto_cb(Fl_Widget *b,void*) { autozoom = !autozoom; loadimage(); } void about_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) {} // about window void exit_cb(Fl_Widget* b,void*) { exit(0); } // Main popup menu Fl_Menu_Item mainmenu[] = { {_("&Open"), FL_CTRL+'o', open_cb}, {_("&Manage"), 0, manage_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_("&Previous"), FL_Page_Up, prev_cb}, {_("&Next"), FL_Page_Down, next_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_("&Zoom in"), '+', zoomin_cb}, {_("Zoom &out"), '-', zoomout_cb}, {_("Zoom &auto"), FL_CTRL+'a', zoomauto_cb}, {_("&Restore"), '/', zoomrestore_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_("&Fullscreen"), FL_F+11, fullscreen_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_("A&bout"), 0, about_cb}, {_("&Exit"), FL_Escape, exit_cb}, {0} }; class ScrolledImage : public Fl_Scroll { private: Fl_Box* b; Fl_Menu_Button* mb; public: ScrolledImage(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char*l = 0) : Fl_Scroll(x,y,w,h,l) { align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CENTER); begin(); b = new Fl_Box(w/2,h/2,0,0); mb = new Fl_Menu_Button (0,0,0,0,""); mb->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); mb->menu(0); mb->box(FL_NO_BOX); end(); redraw(); } void image(Fl_Image* a) { b->image(a); } void image(Fl_Image& a) { b->image(a); } Fl_Image* image() { return b->image(); } void label(const char* a) { if (a) resizebox(0,0); // center label b->label(a); } // Resize the box containing image void resizebox(int W, int H) { int X=0,Y=0; int aw = w()-scrollbar.w(); int ah=h()-hscrollbar.h(); if(aw>W) X=(aw-W)/2; if(ah>H) Y=(ah-H)/2; b->resize(X,Y,W,H); } void resize(int x,int y,int w,int h) { Fl_Scroll::resize(x,y,w,h); resizebox(b->w(),b->h()); // refresh image position redraw(); } virtual int handle(int event) { if (event == FL_PUSH) { if(Fl::event_button()==3 && mb->menu()!=0) { mb->popup(); return 1; } } // sometimes PgUp and PgDown aren't handled else if (event == FL_SHORTCUT && mb->menu()!=0) { int key = Fl::event_key(); if (key==FL_Page_Up || key==FL_Page_Down) return mb->handle(event); } return Fl_Scroll::handle(event); } void setmenu(Fl_Menu_Item* menu) { if (menu!=0) { mb->menu(menu); } } }; // Directory changed, get new directory from filename void newdir() { int p=0; for (uint i=0; i<strlen(filename); i++) if (filename[i] == '/') p=i; // There must be at least one '/' strncpy(directory, filename, p); directory[p]='\0'; // make prevnext() reread directory nfiles=0; } // Load the image given in char[] filename void loadimage() { char tmp[FL_PATH_MAX]; // the string buffer if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Loadimage() - file: %s\n",filename); // Load image if (im) { im->release(); im=0; } im = Fl_Shared_Image::get(filename); // image type is autodetected now if (!im) { if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Fl_Shared_Image::get() failed!\n"); s->image(0); snprintf(tmp, FL_PATH_MAX, _("Can't load image %s\n"),filename); s->copy_label(tmp); s->redraw(); return; } // Measure image int realw=im->w(), realh=im->h(); int scaledw,scaledh; if (autozoom) { // Adjust zoom factor so picture fits inside window // When user switches to manual zooming, this factor will remain float fw=(float)s->w()/realw; float fh=(float)s->h()/realh; if (fw < fh) zoomfactor=fw; else zoomfactor=fh; } // Resample image to new size scaledw=int(realw*zoomfactor); scaledh=int(realh*zoomfactor); if (zoomfactor!=1) { Fl_Image *temp = im->copy(scaledw,scaledh); im = (Fl_Shared_Image*) temp; } // Set image s->resizebox(scaledw,scaledh); s->image(im); s->label(0); // clear any previous labels s->redraw(); // set window title if (zoomfactor==1) snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, "%s (%dx%d) - %s", fl_filename_name(filename),realw,realh, _("View picture")); // splitted for easier localization else snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, "%s (%dx%d) - %s %1.1fx - %s", fl_filename_name(filename),realw,realh,_("zoom"),zoomfactor, _("View picture")); w->label(strdup(tmp)); } // Get next/previous picture file in directory // (universal func. to be called from nextpic() and prevpic() ) void prevnext(int direction) { char tmp[FL_PATH_MAX]; // the string buffer if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Prevnext() - file: %s dir: %s direction: %d\n",filename,directory,direction); if (nfiles == 0) { // read directory nfiles = fl_filename_list(directory,&files); } // Select next picture after current bool found=false; if (filename[0]) { const char* justname = fl_filename_name(filename); // this basically means: if direction is 1 go from first to last, else from last to first for (int i=(direction?0:nfiles-1); (direction?i<nfiles:i>=0); i+=(direction?1:-1)) { if (strncmp(justname,files[i]->d_name,FL_PATH_MAX) == 0) { found=true; continue; // skip to next file } if (found) { for (int j=0; supported[j]; j++) { snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX,"*.%s",supported[j]); if (fl_filename_match(files[i]->d_name,tmp)) { snprintf(filename,FL_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s",directory,files[i]->d_name); loadimage(); return; } } } } } if (found) { //this means that the current picture is the last/first in directory if (im) { im->release(); im=0; } s->image(0); filename[0]=0; if (direction) s->label(_("This was the last picture.\nPress 'Next' again for first one.")); else s->label(_("This was the first picture.\nPress 'Previous' again for last one.")); s->redraw(); return; } else { // Just give first (or last) picture in directory for (int i=(direction?0:nfiles-1); (direction?i<nfiles:i>=0); i+=(direction?1:-1)) { for (int j=0; supported[j]; j++) { snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX,"*.%s",supported[j]); if (fl_filename_match(files[i]->d_name,tmp)) { snprintf(filename,FL_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s",directory,files[i]->d_name); loadimage(); return; } } } } // Nothing found... if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "Nextpic() - nothing found\n"); if (im) { im->release(); im=0; } s->image(0); filename[0]=0; snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, _("No pictures in directory %s"),directory); s->label(strdup(tmp)); s->redraw(); // Window title snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, _("View picture - nothing found in %s"),directory); w->label(strdup(tmp)); } void nextpic() { prevnext(1); } void prevpic() { prevnext(0); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { // Parse command line - this must come first int unknown=0; Fl::args(argc,argv,unknown); filename[0]='\0'; directory[0]='\0'; if (unknown==argc) snprintf(directory, FL_PATH_MAX, getenv("HOME")); else { if (strcmp(argv[unknown],"--help")==0) { printf(_("EImage - EDE Image Viewer\nPart of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).\nCopyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors.\n\nThis program is licenced under terms of the\nGNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer.\nSee COPYING for details.\n\n")); printf(_("Usage:\n\teimage [OPTIONS] [IMAGE_FILE]\n\n")); printf(_("Available options:\n%s\n"),Fl::help); return 1; } if (fl_filename_isdir(argv[unknown])) { // Param is directory snprintf(directory, FL_PATH_MAX, argv[unknown]); if (directory[0] == '~' && directory[1] == '/') // expand home dir snprintf (directory, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s%s", getenv("HOME"), argv[unknown]+1); else if (directory[0] != '/') // relative path snprintf (directory, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", getenv("PWD"), argv[unknown]); } else { snprintf (filename, FL_PATH_MAX, argv[unknown]); if (filename[0] == '~' && filename[1] == '/') // expand home dir snprintf (filename, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s%s", getenv("HOME"), argv[unknown]+1); else if (filename[0] != '/') // relative filename snprintf (filename, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", getenv("PWD"), argv[unknown]); newdir(); // rebuild char[] directory from filename } } zoomfactor=1; im=0; // defaults fl_register_images(); FL_NORMAL_SIZE=12; fl_message_font(FL_HELVETICA, 12); // Main window w = new Fl_Window(400, 200, _("View picture")); s = new ScrolledImage(0,0,400,200); s->color(33); s->labelcolor(FL_WHITE); s->setmenu(mainmenu); w->resizable(s); w->end(); w->align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CENTER); // Check that file exists and open struct stat mstat; char tmp[FL_PATH_MAX]; if (!filename[0]) { // Load directory if (stat(directory, &mstat)!=0) { snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, _("Directory not found:\n%s"),directory); s->label(tmp); } else nextpic(); } else { if (stat(filename, &mstat)!=0) { snprintf(tmp,FL_PATH_MAX, _("File not found:\n%s"),filename); s->label(tmp); } else loadimage(); } // Resize window to image size or screen int W,H; if (im) { // skip if file not found if (im->w()>Fl::w()) W=Fl::w(); else W=im->w(); if (im->h()>Fl::h()) H=Fl::h(); else H=im->h(); w->resize(0,0,W,H); } // Window manager should make sure that window is fully visible w->show(argc,argv); return Fl::run(); }