# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0108 
header_name {.h} 
code_name {.cxx}
Function {} {open
} {
  Fl_Window {} {
    label {Desktop options} open
    xywh {394 295 550 285} type Double visible
  } {
    Fl_Tabs {} {open
      xywh {10 10 530 230} labelsize 14
    } {
      Fl_Group {} {
        label Background open selected
        xywh {20 30 510 200}
      } {
        Fl_Box {} {
          xywh {85 196 100 15} box BORDER_BOX
        Fl_Box {} {
          xywh {30 43 210 158} box THIN_UP_BOX
        Fl_Box {} {
          xywh {43 53 184 138} box DOWN_BOX color 56
          code0 {/* box size is intentionaly odd so preserve aspect ratio */}
        Fl_Box {} {
          xywh {60 206 145 14} box THIN_UP_BOX
        Fl_Input {} {
          label {Image:}
          xywh {295 80 190 25}
        Fl_Button {} {
          label {...}
          xywh {490 80 25 25}
        Fl_Choice {} {
          label {Mode:} open
          xywh {295 116 220 24} down_box BORDER_BOX
        } {}
        Fl_Button {} {
          label {Background color}
          xywh {295 161 25 24} color 73 align 8
        Fl_Check_Button {} {
          label {Use wallpaper}
          xywh {295 45 220 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
      Fl_Group {} {
        label Icons open
        xywh {20 30 510 195} hide
      } {
        Fl_Button {} {
          label {Background color}
          xywh {30 51 25 24} color 73 align 8
        Fl_Button {} {
          label {Label color}
          xywh {30 91 25 24} color 73 align 8
        Fl_Check_Button {} {
          label {Show background color}
          xywh {260 50 220 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
        Fl_Check_Button {} {
          label {Show label}
          xywh {260 90 220 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
        Fl_Value_Slider {} {
          label {Label width}
          xywh {30 155 220 25} type {Horz Knob} align 5 step 0.01 textsize 12
        Fl_Input {} {
          label {Label font}
          xywh {260 155 190 25} align 5
        Fl_Button {} {
          label {...}
          xywh {455 155 25 25}
      Fl_Group {} {
        label {Icons behaviour} open
        xywh {20 30 510 195} labelsize 13 hide
      } {
        Fl_Check_Button {} {
          label {Engage with just one click}
          xywh {30 50 220 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
    Fl_Button {} {
      label {&OK}
      xywh {260 250 90 25}
    Fl_Button {} {
      label {&Apply}
      xywh {355 250 90 25}
    Fl_Button {} {
      label {&Cancel}
      xywh {450 250 90 25}