/* * $Id$ * * ede-bug-report, a tool to report bugs on EDE bugzilla instance * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2009 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CURL # include "BugzillaSender.h" # include "BugImage.h" # include "icons/bug.xpm" #endif EDELIB_NS_USING(String) EDELIB_NS_USING(Regex) EDELIB_NS_USING(alert) EDELIB_NS_USING(message) EDELIB_NS_USING(RX_CASELESS) #ifdef HAVE_CURL static Fl_Input *bug_title_input; static Fl_Input *email_input; static Fl_Text_Buffer *text_buf; /* check if string has spaces */ static bool empty_entry(const char *en) { if(!en) return true; for(const char *p = en; *p; p++) { if(*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r') return false; } return true; } static bool valid_email(const char *e) { Regex r; /* regex stolen from http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html */ if(!r.compile("\\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}\\b", RX_CASELESS)) { E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Unable to properly compile regex pattern"); return false; } return (r.match(e) > 0); } static void close_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *w) { edelib::Window *win = (edelib::Window *)w; win->hide(); } static void send_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *w) { const char *txt; String title, content; if(empty_entry(bug_title_input->value())) { alert(_("Report title is missing")); return; } if(empty_entry(email_input->value())) { alert(_("Email address is missing")); return; } txt = text_buf->text(); if(empty_entry(txt)) { alert(_("Detail problem description is missing")); free((void *) txt); return; } if(!valid_email(email_input->value())) { alert(_("Email address is invalid. Please use the valid email address")); return; } /* * construct a subject header, so we knows it came from report tool * BRT - Bug Report Tool */ title = "[BRT] "; title += bug_title_input->value(); /* reserve space for our content */ content.reserve(text_buf->length() + 128); /* construct content with some header data */ content += "This issue was reported via EDE Bug Report Tool (BRT).\n\n"; content += "Reporter:\n"; content += email_input->value(); content += "\n\n"; content += "Detail description:\n"; content += txt; free((void *) txt); if(bugzilla_send_with_progress(title.c_str(), content.c_str())) close_cb(0, w); } #endif /* HAVE_CURL */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifndef HAVE_CURL alert(_("ede-bug-report was compiled without cURL support.\n" "You can install cURL either via your distribution package management system, or download " "it from http://curl.haxx.se. After this, you'll have to recompile ede-bug-report again")); return 1; #else /* in case if debugger output was given */ const char *gdb_output = NULL; if(argc == 3 && ((strcmp(argv[1], "--gdb-dump") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0))) gdb_output = argv[2]; edelib::Window *win = new edelib::Window(480, 365, _("EDE Bug Reporting Tool")); win->begin(); Fl_Box *image_box = new Fl_Box(10, 10, 60, 59); image_box->image(image_bug); Fl_Box *title_box = new Fl_Box(80, 10, 390, 30, _("EDE Bug Reporting Tool")); title_box->labelfont(1); title_box->labelsize(14); title_box->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); Fl_Box *description_box = new Fl_Box(80, 45, 390, 95, _("To help us to improve the future EDE versions, " "please describe the problem with much details as possible.\n\nNote: valid email address is required, so " "developers could contact you for more informations if necessary.")); description_box->align(133|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); bug_title_input = new Fl_Input(10, 165, 225, 25, _("Short and descriptive title:")); bug_title_input->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); email_input = new Fl_Input(240, 165, 230, 25, _("Your email address:")); email_input->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); Fl_Text_Editor* te = new Fl_Text_Editor(10, 215, 460, 105, _("Detail description of the problem:")); te->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); /* wrap length of the text */ te->wrap_mode(1, 80); text_buf = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); te->buffer(text_buf); if(gdb_output) { if(text_buf->appendfile(gdb_output) == 0) { text_buf->insert(0, "\nCollected data:\n"); text_buf->insert(0, "(please write additional comments here, removing this line)\n\n"); } else E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Unable to read '%s' as debugger output. Continuing...\n"); } /* resizable box */ Fl_Box *rbox = new Fl_Box(180, 273, 55, 37); Fl_Button *send = new Fl_Button(285, 330, 90, 25, _("&Send")); send->callback(send_cb, win); Fl_Button *close = new Fl_Button(380, 330, 90, 25, _("&Close")); close->callback(close_cb, win); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(rbox); win->window_icon(bug_xpm); /* win->show(argc, argv); */ win->show(); return Fl::run(); #endif /* HAVE_CURL */ }