# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2,0003 images_dir ./ i18n header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {// Time and date for EDE is (C) Copyright 2001-2002 by Martin Pekar, this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.} {} decl {\#include <efltk/Fl_Locale.h>} {} Function {} {open } { code {fl_init_locale_support("etimedate", PREFIX"/share/locale");} {} Fl_Window timedateWindow { label {Time and date} open private xywh {21 381 413 279} visible } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {0 245 413 33} } { Fl_Button {} { label {&OK} callback {saveTimeZone(); timeBox->settime(); exit(0);} private xywh {154 4 80 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Apply} callback {saveTimeZone(); timeBox->settime();} tooltip {Set system time. ->Just root user!<-} xywh {241 4 80 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Cancel} callback {exit(0);} private xywh {328 4 80 25} } } Fl_Tabs {} {open xywh {3 5 405 240} } { Fl_Group {} { label {Time/date} open xywh {0 20 405 220} } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {5 5 220 200} box DOWN_BOX color 7 } { Fl_Calendar {} {selected xywh {10 5 200 190} text_font 9 color 0xffffff00 text_color 18 label_size 10 text_size 14 } } Fl_Clock {} { private xywh {235 5 165 165} } Fl_Input timeBox { xywh {235 180 165 25} extra_code {\#include "fl_time.h"} class Fl_Time } } Fl_Group {} { label Timezones open xywh {0 20 405 220} hide } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 5 385 170} box DOWN_BOX color 0x7b00 } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {10 5 350 160} box FLAT_BOX image {icons/world.xpm} color 0x8000 } } Fl_Input_Browser timeZonesList {open xywh {12 185 383 25} extra_code {o->type(1); fillTimeZones(); getCurrentTimeZone();} } {} } } } }