Etip documentation =================== Etip is 'Tip of the Day' program which will show tips about EDE usage. It is also capable to show fortune-like tips, reading fortune files. image:images/etip.jpg[Etip] Details ------- Etip will be usually invoked when EDE is started, and if you don't want this, you can always uncheck 'Show tips at startup' checkbox. Etip will read tips from fortune-like file, which is based on two parts: * file with tips * a companion with *.dat* extension File with tips is plain text file in human readable form and is main source where you should add, changed and delete tips. Each tip is separated with *%* character at the beginning of the line, and (as advice), those should be nicely formatted (proposal is to use around 66 characters per line so they can nicely fit inside etip window). *.dat* file is binary file and does not contain any tip strings; it have only offsets to those in plain text file to allow fast random access to any of specific tip string. *.dat* files are created with 'etip-compiler' command (see bellow for the details), and must be updated each time when a source file with tips is updated. [NOTE] Both files must exists so etip can read the content. Example ------- Let we as example create simple tip file, named 'demo' with some content. -------------- This is tip one. % This is tip two. Nice. % This is tip three. Progress, man, progress :) % -------------- [NOTE] Please let end line in each tip contains *%* character. With this we retain a small compatibility with fortune Now save this file in 'demo' and invoke 'etip-compiler' on it. Doing that is like: -------------- etip-compiler demo -------------- You will see output like this: -------------- "demo.dat" created There were 3 strings Longest string: 46 bytes Shortest string: 17 bytes -------------- Output from 'etip-compiler' shows some informations you probably don't need and, most important, it shows that he created *demo.dat* file. If you want to suppress these outputs, just use '-s' flag, like: -------------- etip-compiler -s demo -------------- 'etip-compiler' will, by default, use input name and append *.dat* suffix; the best way is to keep it like that since etip expects names of tip file and .dat file are the same (or will not be able to find .dat file). 'etip-compiler' have some more options, and for the details see below. Configuration ------------- Etip does not have command options and the only file it reads (beside tip files) is 'etip.conf'. This file should contain path to the tip file name. Here is the sample: -------------- [etip] Path = /usr/share/ede/tips/ede -------------- [NOTE] Make sure in the same directory exists *.dat* file. etip-compiler details --------------------- As you could see from the previous text, 'etip-compiler' is simple command line tool that will create .dat files. It will correctly scan tip file, calculate offsets (and something more) and spit that in the file that etip understands. [NOTE] You must invoke etip-compiler each time you change file with the tips or .dat companion will contains incorrect data. etip-compiler options --------------------- -s:: Suppress output details -c [char]:: See [char] as delimiter -i:: Ignore case in ordering -o:: Order strings -r:: Randomize pointers -x:: Set rotated bit