#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TaskButton.h" #include "Taskbar.h" #include "icons/window.xpm" #define TASKBUTTON_ICON_W 16 #define TASKBUTTON_ICON_H 16 EDELIB_NS_USING(MenuItem) EDELIB_NS_USING(IconLoader) EDELIB_NS_USING(ICON_SIZE_TINY) EDELIB_NS_USING(netwm_window_close) EDELIB_NS_USING(netwm_window_set_active) EDELIB_NS_USING(netwm_window_maximize) EDELIB_NS_USING(netwm_window_get_title) EDELIB_NS_USING(wm_window_ede_restore) EDELIB_NS_USING(wm_window_get_state) EDELIB_NS_USING(wm_window_set_state) EDELIB_NS_USING(WM_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIC) static Fl_Pixmap image_window(window_xpm); static void close_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*); static void restore_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*); static void minimize_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*); static void maximize_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*); static MenuItem menu_[] = { {_("Restore"), 0, restore_cb, 0}, {_("Minimize"), 0, minimize_cb, 0}, {_("Maximize"), 0, maximize_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_("Close"), 0, close_cb, 0}, {0} }; static void redraw_whole_panel(TaskButton *b) { /* Taskbar specific member */ Taskbar *tb = (Taskbar*)b->parent(); tb->panel_redraw(); } static void close_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *b) { TaskButton *bb = (TaskButton*)b; netwm_window_close(bb->get_window_xid()); /* no need to redraw whole panel since taskbar elements are recreated again */ } static void restore_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *b) { TaskButton *bb = (TaskButton*)b; wm_window_ede_restore(bb->get_window_xid()); netwm_window_set_active(bb->get_window_xid()); redraw_whole_panel(bb); } static void minimize_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *b) { TaskButton *bb = (TaskButton*)b; if(wm_window_get_state(bb->get_window_xid()) != WM_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIC) wm_window_set_state(bb->get_window_xid(), WM_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIC); redraw_whole_panel(bb); } static void maximize_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *b) { TaskButton *bb = (TaskButton*)b; netwm_window_set_active(bb->get_window_xid()); netwm_window_maximize(bb->get_window_xid()); redraw_whole_panel(bb); } TaskButton::TaskButton(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l) : Fl_Button(X, Y, W, H, l), xid(0) { box(FL_UP_BOX); align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_CLIP); if(IconLoader::inited()) { Fl_Shared_Image *img = IconLoader::get("process-stop", ICON_SIZE_TINY); menu_[3].image((Fl_Image*)img); } net_wm_icon = XInternAtom(fl_display, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); image(image_window); } void TaskButton::draw(void) { Fl_Color col = value() ? selection_color() : color(); draw_box(value() ? (down_box() ? down_box() : fl_down(box())) : box(), col); if(image()) { int X, Y, lw, lh; X = x() + 5; Y = (y() + h() / 2) - (image()->h() / 2); image()->draw(X, Y); X += image()->w() + 5; if(label()) { fl_font(labelfont(), labelsize()); fl_color(labelcolor()); lw = lh = 0; fl_measure(label(), lw, lh, 0); /* use clipping so long labels do not be drawn on the right border, which looks ugly */ fl_push_clip(x() + Fl::box_dx(box()), y() + Fl::box_dy(box()), w() - Fl::box_dw(box()) - 5, h() - Fl::box_dh(box())); Y = (y() + h() / 2) - (lh / 2); fl_draw(label(), X, Y, lw, lh, align(), 0, 0); fl_pop_clip(); } } else { draw_label(); } if(Fl::focus() == this) draw_focus(); } void TaskButton::display_menu(void) { const char *t = tooltip(); /* do not popup tooltip when the menu is on */ tooltip(NULL); /* parameters for callbacks; this is done here, since menu_ is static and shared between buttons */ menu_[0].user_data(this); menu_[1].user_data(this); menu_[2].user_data(this); menu_[3].user_data(this); const MenuItem *item = menu_->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0); if(item && item->callback()) item->do_callback(this); tooltip(t); } void TaskButton::update_title_from_xid(void) { E_RETURN_IF_FAIL(xid >= 0); char *title = netwm_window_get_title(xid); if(!title) { label("..."); tooltip("..."); } else { copy_label(title); tooltip(label()); free(title); } } /* stolen from pekwm */ void TaskButton::update_image_from_xid(void) { E_RETURN_IF_FAIL(xid >= 0); Atom real; int format; unsigned long n, extra; unsigned char *prop = 0; long len = 2; int status = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, xid, net_wm_icon , 0L, len, False, XA_CARDINAL, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); if((status != Success) || (real != XA_CARDINAL)) { if(prop) XFree(prop); return; } long *data = (long*)prop; unsigned int width, height; width = data[0]; height = data[1]; XFree(prop); len += width * height; format = 0; prop = 0; real = 0; status = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, xid, net_wm_icon , 0L, len, False, XA_CARDINAL, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); if((status != Success) || (real != XA_CARDINAL)) { if(prop) XFree(prop); return; } data = (long*)prop; unsigned char *img_data = new unsigned char[width * height * 4]; unsigned char *ptr = img_data; int pixel; for(int i = 2; i < len; i++) { pixel = data[i]; *ptr++ = pixel >> 16 & 0xff; *ptr++ = pixel >> 8 & 0xff; *ptr++ = pixel & 0xff; *ptr++ = pixel >> 24 & 0xff; } XFree(prop); Fl_RGB_Image *img = new Fl_RGB_Image(img_data, width, height, 4); img->alloc_array = 1; /* some safety, scale it if needed */ if((width > TASKBUTTON_ICON_W) || (height > TASKBUTTON_ICON_H)) { width = (width > TASKBUTTON_ICON_W) ? TASKBUTTON_ICON_W : width; height = (height > TASKBUTTON_ICON_H) ? TASKBUTTON_ICON_H : height; /* safe casting */ Fl_RGB_Image *scaled = (Fl_RGB_Image*)img->copy(width, height); delete img; img = scaled; } image(img); }