# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0108 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} Function {} {open } { Fl_Window {} {open xywh {479 284 335 180} type Double visible } { Fl_Box {} { label {How do you want to quit?} xywh {10 9 315 25} labelfont 1 align 212 } Fl_Choice {} {open xywh {10 45 315 25} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 14 textsize 14 } {} Fl_Box {} { label {This option will close all programs and logs out from the current session} xywh {10 80 315 55} align 213 } Fl_Button {} { label {&OK} selected xywh {140 145 90 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {&Cancel} xywh {235 145 90 25} } } }