# # $Id: Jamfile 2492 2009-02-20 13:10:21Z karijes $ # # Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). # Copyright (c) 2011 EDE Authors. # # This program is licensed under terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. # See COPYING for details. SubDir TOP pekwm ; SOURCE = ActionHandler.cc ActionMenu.cc Atoms.cc AutoProperties.cc CfgParser.cc CfgParserKey.cc CfgParserSource.cc Client.cc CmdDialog.cc ColorHandler.cc Compat.cc Completer.cc Config.cc DecorMenu.cc DockApp.cc FontHandler.cc Frame.cc FrameListMenu.cc Harbour.cc HarbourMenu.cc ImageHandler.cc InputDialog.cc KeyGrabber.cc main.cc ManagerWindows.cc MenuHandler.cc Observable.cc PDecor.cc PFont.cc PImage.cc PImageIcon.cc PImageLoaderJpeg.cc PImageLoaderPng.cc PImageLoaderXpm.cc PixmapHandler.cc PMenu.cc PScreen.cc PTexturePlain.cc PWinObj.cc PWinObjReference.cc RegexString.cc ScreenResources.cc SearchDialog.cc StatusWindow.cc TextureHandler.cc Theme.cc Util.cc WindowManager.cc WORefMenu.cc WorkspaceIndicator.cc Workspaces.cc ; Program pekwm : $(SOURCE) ; ObjectC++Flags $(SOURCE) : $(GLOBALFLAGS) $(PEKWM_CXXFLAGS) -DDATADIR=\\\"$(datadir)\\\" -DSYSCONFDIR=\\\"$(PEKWM_CONFIG_DIR)\\\" -DVERSION=\\\"0.1.13\\\" ; LinkAgainst pekwm : $(PEKWM_LIBS) $(STDLIB) ; InstallEdeProgram pekwm ;