# # Default theme inspired with one of the SLiM themes. # # Shows usage when username and password box are at the # same x/y positions. # # Blame Sanel for this... [theme] # background image background = background.jpg # panel image panel = panel.png panel_x = 235 panel_y = 489 # info box info_x = 10 info_y = 10 info_width = 484 info_height = 28 info_text = Welcome to EDE 2.0 info_color = 12 info_font_size = 12 # username box username_x = 240 username_y = 489 username_width = 184 username_height = 30 username_color = 12 username_font_size = 12 username_text = Username: # password box password_x = 240 password_y = 489 password_width = 184 password_height = 30 password_color = 12 password_font_size = 12 password_text = Password: # error box error_x = 240 error_y = 520 error_width = 184 error_height = 28 error_font_size = 12 error_color = 12