/* * $Id$ * * Evoke, head honcho of everything * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include "Log.h" #include "Logout.h" #include "EvokeService.h" #include "Splash.h" #include "Spawn.h" #include "Crash.h" #include "Autostart.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // getpid #include // pipe #include // fcntl #include // free #include // strdup, memset #include #include void resolve_path(const edelib::String& datadir, edelib::String& item, bool have_datadir) { if(item.empty()) return; const char* i = item.c_str(); if(!edelib::file_exists(i) && have_datadir) { item = edelib::build_filename("/", datadir.c_str(), i); i = item.c_str(); if(!edelib::file_exists(i)) { // no file, send then empty item.clear(); } } } char* get_basename(const char* path) { char* p = strrchr(path, '/'); if(p) return (p + 1); return (char*)path; } /* * 'Remove' duplicate entries by looking at their basename * (aka. filename, but ignoring directory path). Item is not actually removed from * the list (will mess up list pointers, but this can be resolved), but data it points * to is cleared, which is a sort of marker to caller to skip it. Dumb yes, but very simple. * * It will use brute force for lookup and 'removal' and (hopfully) it should not have * a large impact on startup since, afaik, no one keeps hundreds of files in autostart * directories (if keeps them, then that issue is not up to this program :-P). * * Alternative would be to sort items (by their basename) and apply consecutive unique on * them, but... is it worth ? */ void basename_unique(StringList& lst) { if(lst.empty()) return; StringListIter first, last, first1, last1; first = lst.begin(); last = lst.end(); if(first == last) return; const char* p1, *p2; for(; first != last; ++first) { for(first1 = lst.begin(), last1 = lst.end(); first1 != last1; ++first1) { p1 = (*first).c_str(); p2 = (*first1).c_str(); if(first != first1 && strcmp(get_basename(p1), get_basename(p2)) == 0) (*first1).clear(); } } } int get_int_property_value(Atom at) { Atom real; int format; unsigned long n, extra; unsigned char* prop; int status = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), at, 0L, 0x7fffffff, False, XA_CARDINAL, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); int ret = -1; if(status != Success && !prop) return ret; ret = int(*(long*)prop); XFree(prop); return ret; } int get_string_property_value(Atom at, char* txt, int txt_len) { XTextProperty names; XGetTextProperty(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), &names, at); if(!names.nitems || !names.value) return 0; char** vnames; int nsz = 0; if(!XTextPropertyToStringList(&names, &vnames, &nsz)) { XFree(names.value); return 0; } strncpy(txt, vnames[0], txt_len); txt[txt_len] = 0; XFreeStringList(vnames); return 1; } /* * This is re-implementation of XmuClientWindow() so I don't have to link code with libXmu. * XmuClientWindow() will return parent window of given window; this is used so we don't * send delete message to some button or else, but it's parent. */ Window mu_try_children(Display* dpy, Window win, Atom wm_state) { Atom real; Window root, parent; Window* children = 0; Window ret = 0; unsigned int nchildren; unsigned char* prop; unsigned long n, extra; int format; if(!XQueryTree(dpy, win, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)) return 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; (i < nchildren) && !ret; i++) { prop = NULL; XGetWindowProperty(dpy, children[i], wm_state, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); if(prop) XFree(prop); if(real) ret = children[i]; } for(unsigned int i = 0; (i < nchildren) && !ret; i++) ret = mu_try_children(dpy, win, wm_state); if(children) XFree(children); return ret; } Window mu_client_window(Display* dpy, Window win, Atom wm_state) { Atom real; int format; unsigned long n, extra; unsigned char* prop; int status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, win, wm_state, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop); if(prop) XFree(prop); if(status != Success) return win; if(real) return win; Window w = mu_try_children(dpy, win, wm_state); if(!w) w = win; return w; } void service_watcher_cb(int pid, int signum) { EvokeService::instance()->service_watcher(pid, signum); } void wake_up_cb(int fd, void* v) { EvokeService::instance()->wake_up(fd); } EvokeService::EvokeService() : is_running(0), logfile(NULL), xsm(NULL), composite(NULL), pidfile(NULL), lockfile(NULL) { wake_up_pipe[0] = wake_up_pipe[1] = -1; } EvokeService::~EvokeService() { if(logfile) delete logfile; delete composite; stop_xsettings_manager(true); if(lockfile) { edelib::file_remove(lockfile); free(lockfile); } if(pidfile) { edelib::file_remove(pidfile); free(pidfile); } processes.clear(); if(wake_up_pipe[0] != -1) close(wake_up_pipe[0]); if(wake_up_pipe[1] != -1) close(wake_up_pipe[1]); } EvokeService* EvokeService::instance(void) { static EvokeService es; return &es; } bool EvokeService::setup_channels(void) { if(pipe(wake_up_pipe) != 0) return false; fcntl(wake_up_pipe[1], F_SETFL, fcntl(wake_up_pipe[1], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); Fl::add_fd(wake_up_pipe[0], FL_READ, wake_up_cb); return true; } bool EvokeService::setup_logging(const char* file) { if(!file) logfile = new DummyLog(); else logfile = new RealLog(); if(!logfile->open(file)) { delete logfile; logfile = NULL; return false; } return true; } bool EvokeService::setup_pid(const char* file, const char* lock) { if(!file) return false; if(edelib::file_exists(lock)) return false; FILE* l = fopen(lock, "w"); if(!l) return false; fprintf(l, " "); fclose(l); lockfile = strdup(lock); FILE* f = fopen(file, "w"); if(!f) return false; fprintf(f, "%i", getpid()); fclose(f); pidfile = strdup(file); return true; } bool EvokeService::init_splash(const char* config, bool no_splash, bool dry_run) { edelib::Config c; if(!c.load(config)) return false; char buff[1024]; bool have_datadir = false; c.get("evoke", "DataDirectory", buff, sizeof(buff)); // no evoke section if(c.error() == edelib::CONF_ERR_SECTION) return false; edelib::String datadir; if(c.error() == edelib::CONF_SUCCESS) { datadir = buff; have_datadir = true; } edelib::String splashimg; if(c.get("evoke", "Splash", buff, sizeof(buff))) splashimg = buff; edelib::String sound; if(c.get("evoke", "Sound", buff, sizeof(buff))) sound = buff; // Startup key must exists if(!c.get("evoke", "Startup", buff, sizeof(buff))) return false; StringList vs; edelib::stringtok(vs, buff, ","); // nothing, fine, do nothing unsigned int sz = vs.size(); if(sz == 0) return true; EvokeClient ec; const char* key_name; for(StringListIter it = vs.begin(); it != vs.end(); ++it) { key_name = (*it).c_str(); edelib::str_trim((char*)key_name); // probably listed but not the same key; also Exec value must exists if(!c.get(key_name, "Exec", buff, sizeof(buff))) continue; else ec.exec = buff; if(c.get(key_name, "Description", buff, sizeof(buff))) ec.desc = buff; if(c.get(key_name, "Icon", buff, sizeof(buff))) ec.icon = buff; clients.push_back(ec); } /* * Now, before data is send to Splash, resolve directories * since Splash expects that. */ resolve_path(datadir, splashimg, have_datadir); resolve_path(datadir, sound, have_datadir); ClientListIter it, it_end; for(it = clients.begin(), it_end = clients.end(); it != it_end; ++it) resolve_path(datadir, (*it).icon, have_datadir); Splash sp(no_splash, dry_run); sp.set_clients(&clients); sp.set_background(&splashimg); sp.set_sound(&sound); sp.run(); return true; } /* * This is implementation of Autostart Spec (http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html). * The Autostart Directories are $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart. * If the same filename is located under multiple Autostart Directories * only the file under the most important directory should be used. * Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set the Autostart Directory in the user's home * directory is ~/.config/autostart/ * Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not set the system wide Autostart Directory * is /etc/xdg/autostart/ * Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are not set and the two * files /etc/xdg/autostart/foo.desktop and ~/.config/autostart/foo.desktop exist * then only the file ~/.config/autostart/foo.desktop will be used because ~/.config/autostart/ * is more important than /etc/xdg/autostart/ * If Hidden key is set true in .desktop file, file MUST be ignored. * OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn (list of strings identifying desktop environments) if (or if not) * contains environment name, MUST not be started/not started. * TryExec is same as for .desktop spec. */ void EvokeService::init_autostart(bool safe) { const char* autostart_dirname = "/autostart/"; edelib::String adir = edelib::user_config_dir(); adir += autostart_dirname; StringList dfiles, sysdirs, tmp; StringListIter it, it_end, tmp_it, tmp_it_end; edelib::dir_list(adir.c_str(), dfiles, true); edelib::system_config_dirs(sysdirs); if(!sysdirs.empty()) { for(it = sysdirs.begin(), it_end = sysdirs.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { *it += autostart_dirname; /* * append content * FIXME: too much of copying. There should be some way to merge list items * probably via merge() member */ edelib::dir_list((*it).c_str(), tmp, true); for(tmp_it = tmp.begin(), tmp_it_end = tmp.end(); tmp_it != tmp_it_end; ++tmp_it) dfiles.push_back(*tmp_it); } } if(dfiles.empty()) return; /* * Remove duplicates where first one seen have priority to be keept. * This way is required by spec. * * Also handle this case (noted in spec): * if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/foo.desktop and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/foo.desktop * exists, but $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/foo.desktop have 'Hidden = true', * $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/foo.autostart is ignored too. * * Latter is implied via basename_unique(). */ basename_unique(dfiles); const char* name; char buff[1024]; edelib::DesktopFile df; edelib::String item_name; AstartDialog dlg(dfiles.size(), safe); for(it = dfiles.begin(), it_end = dfiles.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { if((*it).empty()) continue; name = (*it).c_str(); if(!edelib::str_ends(name, ".desktop")) continue; if(!df.load(name)) { EVOKE_LOG("Can't load %s. Skipping...\n", name); continue; } // If Hidden key is set true in .desktop file, file MUST be ignored. if(df.hidden()) continue; if(df.name(buff, sizeof(buff))) item_name = buff; else item_name = name; if(df.try_exec(buff, sizeof(buff)) || df.exec(buff, sizeof(buff))) dlg.add_item(item_name, buff); } if(dlg.list_size() > 0) dlg.run(); } void EvokeService::init_xsettings_manager(void) { xsm = new Xsm; if(Xsm::manager_running(fl_display, fl_screen)) { int ret = edelib::ask(_("XSETTINGS manager already running on this screen. Would you like to replace it?")); if(ret < 1) { stop_xsettings_manager(false); return; } else goto do_it; } do_it: if(!xsm->init(fl_display, fl_screen)) { edelib::alert(_("Unable to load XSETTINGS manager properly")); stop_xsettings_manager(false); } if(!xsm) return; if(xsm->load_serialized("ede-settings.xml")) xsm->notify(); } void EvokeService::stop_xsettings_manager(bool serialize) { if(!xsm) return; if(serialize) xsm->save_serialized("ede-settings.xml"); delete xsm; xsm = NULL; } void EvokeService::init_composite(void) { composite = new Composite(); if(!composite->init()) { delete composite; composite = NULL; } } void EvokeService::setup_atoms(Display* d) { // with them must be send '1' or property will be ignored (except _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN) _ede_shutdown_all = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL", False); _ede_evoke_quit = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT", False); _ede_spawn = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN", False); } void EvokeService::quit_x11(void) { Window dummy, *wins; Window root = RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen); unsigned int n; if(!XQueryTree(fl_display, root, &dummy, &dummy, &wins, &n)) return; Atom _wm_protocols = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); Atom _wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); Atom _wm_state = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_STATE", False); XWindowAttributes attr; XEvent ev; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(XGetWindowAttributes(fl_display, wins[i], &attr) && (attr.map_state == IsViewable)) wins[i] = mu_client_window(fl_display, wins[i], _wm_state); else wins[i] = 0; } /* * Hm... probably we should first quit known processes started by us * then rest of the X familly */ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(wins[i]) { EVOKE_LOG("closing %i window\n", i); // FIXME: check WM_PROTOCOLS before sending WM_DELETE_WINDOW ??? memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = wins[i]; ev.xclient.message_type = _wm_protocols; ev.xclient.format = 32; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = (long)_wm_delete_window; ev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; XSendEvent(fl_display, wins[i], False, 0L, &ev); EVOKE_LOG("%i window closed\n", i); } } XSync(fl_display, False); sleep(1); // kill remaining windows for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(wins[i]) { EVOKE_LOG("killing remaining %i window\n", i); XKillClient(fl_display, wins[i]); } } XSync(fl_display, False); XFree(wins); EVOKE_LOG("now close myself\n"); stop(); } /* * This is run each time when some of the managed childs quits. * Instead directly running wake_up(), it will be notified wia * wake_up_pipe[] channel, via add_fd() monitor. */ void EvokeService::service_watcher(int pid, int ret) { write(wake_up_pipe[1], &pid, sizeof(int)); write(wake_up_pipe[1], &ret, sizeof(int)); } #include void EvokeService::wake_up(int fd) { puts("=== wake_up() ==="); int child_pid = -1; // child can return anything so there is no default value int child_ret; if(read(wake_up_pipe[0], &child_pid, sizeof(int)) == -1 || child_pid == -1) { puts("unable to read from channel"); return; } if(read(wake_up_pipe[0], &child_ret, sizeof(int)) == -1) { puts("unable to read from channel"); return; } Mutex mutex; if(child_ret == SPAWN_CHILD_CRASHED) { EvokeProcess pc; bool ret; mutex.lock(); ret = find_and_unregister_process(child_pid, pc); mutex.unlock(); if(ret) { printf("%s crashed with core dump\n", pc.cmd.c_str()); CrashDialog cdialog; cdialog.set_data(pc.cmd.c_str()); cdialog.run(); } } else { mutex.lock(); unregister_process(child_pid); mutex.unlock(); switch(child_ret) { case SPAWN_CHILD_KILLED: printf("child %i killed\n", child_pid); break; case 127: edelib::alert(_("Program not found")); //fl_alert(_("Program not found")); break; case 126: edelib::alert(_("Program not executable")); break; default: printf("child %i exited with %i\n", child_pid, child_ret); break; } } } /* * Execute program. It's return status * will be reported via service_watcher() */ void EvokeService::run_program(const char* cmd, bool enable_vars) { EASSERT(cmd != NULL); edelib::String scmd(cmd); pid_t child; if(enable_vars && scmd.length() > 6) { if(scmd.substr(0, 6) == "$TERM ") { char* term = getenv("TERM"); if(!term) term = "xterm"; edelib::String tmp(term); tmp += " -e "; tmp += scmd.substr(6, scmd.length()); scmd = tmp; } } int r = spawn_program_with_core(scmd.c_str(), service_watcher_cb, &child); if(r != 0) edelib::alert("Unable to start %s. Got code %i", cmd, r); else { Mutex mutex; mutex.lock(); register_process(scmd.c_str(), child); mutex.unlock(); } } void EvokeService::register_process(const char* cmd, pid_t pid) { EvokeProcess pc; pc.cmd = cmd; pc.pid = pid; printf("registering %s with %i\n", cmd, pid); processes.push_back(pc); } void EvokeService::unregister_process(pid_t pid) { if(processes.empty()) return; ProcessListIter it = processes.begin(); ProcessListIter it_end = processes.end(); while(it != it_end) { if((*it).pid == pid) { printf("Found %s with pid %i, cleaning...\n", (*it).cmd.c_str(), pid); processes.erase(it); return; } ++it; } } bool EvokeService::find_and_unregister_process(pid_t pid, EvokeProcess& pc) { if(processes.empty()) return 0; ProcessListIter it = processes.begin(); ProcessListIter it_end = processes.end(); while(it != it_end) { if((*it).pid == pid) { printf("Found %s with pid %i, cleaning...\n", (*it).cmd.c_str(), pid); pc.cmd = (*it).cmd; pc.pid = pid; processes.erase(it); return 1; } ++it; } return 0; } int EvokeService::composite_handle(const XEvent* xev) { if(composite) return composite->handle_xevents(xev); return 1; } /* * Main loop for processing got X events. * * Great care must be taken to route this events to FLTK too (via fl_handle()), since * add_fd() (in evoke.cpp) will not do that. If events are not routed to fltk, popped * dialogs, especially from service_watcher() will not be correctly drawn and will hang * whole program. */ int EvokeService::handle(const XEvent* xev) { if(xsm && xsm->should_terminate(xev)) { EVOKE_LOG("XSETTINGS manager shutdown\n"); stop_xsettings_manager(true); return 1; } if(xev->type == PropertyNotify) { if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_spawn) { char buff[1024]; if(get_string_property_value(_ede_spawn, buff, sizeof(buff))) { EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN with %s. Starting client...\n", buff); run_program(buff); } else { EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN with malformed data. Ignoring...\n"); } } if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_evoke_quit) { int val = get_int_property_value(_ede_evoke_quit); if(val == 1) { EVOKE_LOG("Got accepted _EDE_EVOKE_QUIT\n"); stop(); } else EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_QUIT with bad code (%i). Ignoring...\n", val); } if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_shutdown_all) { int val = get_int_property_value(_ede_shutdown_all); if(val == 1) { EVOKE_LOG("Got accepted _EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL\n"); int dw = DisplayWidth(fl_display, fl_screen); int dh = DisplayHeight(fl_display, fl_screen); // TODO: add XDM service permissions printf("got %i\n", logout_dialog(dw, dh, 1, 1)); //quit_x11(); } else EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL with bad code (%i). Ignoring...\n", val); } } #ifdef USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION // let FLTK handle the rest fl_handle(*xev); return 0; #else // let composite manager do the rest return composite_handle(xev); #endif }