/* * EDE_Config * Library for configuration files * Copyright (c) 2000. - 2005. EDE Authors * WWW: http://ede.sf.net * * This library is distributed under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * version 2. See COPYING for details. * * Author : Mikko Lahteenmaki (mikko@fltk.net) * Port to FLTK2: Vedran Ljubovic (vljubovic@smartnet.ba) * * Please report all bugs and problems to "efltk-bugs@fltk.net" * */ #ifndef _EDE_CONFIG_H_ #define _EDE_CONFIG_H_ /*#include "Enumerations.h" #include "Fl_Util.h" #include "Fl_String.h" #include "Fl_Color.h" #include "Fl_Ptr_List.h" #include "Fl_Map.h"*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32_WCE #include #endif /** * \defgroup EDE_Config EDE_Config globals */ /*@{*/ /** * Error codes for EDE_Config */ enum ConfErrors { CONF_SUCCESS = 0, ///< successful operation CONF_ERR_FILE, ///< trouble accessing config file or directory CONF_ERR_SECTION, ///< requested section was not found CONF_ERR_KEY, ///< requested key was not found CONF_ERR_MEMORY, ///< memory allocation error CONF_ERR_NOVALUE, ///< key found, but invalid value associated with it }; /** List used for sections in Fl_Config_Section */ //FIXME //typedef Fl_Ptr_List Fl_Config_Sections; typedef std::deque EDE_Config_Sections; /** Map used for entries in Fl_Config_Section */ //FIXME //typedef Fl_String_String_Map Fl_Config_Lines; //this is not exactly compatible, but that's the best we can do... typedef std::vector EDE_Config_Lines; /*@}*/ class EDE_Config; /** * The configuration section. * Represents one section in config (ini) file. * @see EDE_Config */ //FIXME: class FL_API EDE_Config_Section class EDE_Config_Section { friend class EDE_Config; public: EDE_Config_Section(const char* name, const char* path, EDE_Config_Section *par); virtual ~EDE_Config_Section(); /** * Destroys all sections and entries. */ virtual void clear(); /** * Returns pointer to parent section, NULL for Fl_Config (root) */ EDE_Config_Section *parent() const { return m_parent; } /** * Returns name of section, without path. * @see path() */ const char* name() const { return m_name; } /** * Returns path to section, without name. * @see name() */ const char* path() const { return m_path; } /** * Returns const reference to entry map. */ const EDE_Config_Lines &lines() const { return m_lines; } /** * Returns reference to entry map. */ EDE_Config_Lines &lines() { return m_lines; } /** * Returns const reference to section list. */ const EDE_Config_Sections §ions() const { return m_sections; } /** * Returns reference to section list. */ EDE_Config_Sections §ions() { return m_sections; } /** * Find section named 'name'. * @param section_name name of section to find * @param recursive set true to perform recursive search. */ EDE_Config_Section *find(const char *section_name, bool recursive=false) const; protected: EDE_Config_Section *m_parent; char *m_name, *m_path; EDE_Config_Lines m_lines; //Line map EDE_Config_Sections m_sections; //Section list void write_section(int indent, FILE *fp) const; void add_entry(const char* key, const char* value); bool remove_entry(const char* key); char* find_entry(const char *key) const; }; /** * The configuration holder. This class maybe used very easily to * store application settings to file. Either system wide or user specific, * depending on config type. Fl_Config is derived Fl_Config_Section, please * take look a look at functions it provides also. * @see Fl_Config_Section */ //FIXME: class FL_API Fl_Config : public Fl_Config_Section { class EDE_Config : public EDE_Config_Section { public: /** * Config file modes */ enum ConfigType { USER=1, ///< User specific config file SYSTEM ///< System wide config file }; /** * Creates/reads/writes app specific config file. * * LINUX:
* File is created in ($home)/.ede/apps/($application)/($application).conf * Or ($prefix)/share/ede/apps/($application)/($application).conf * *
* ($home)\Local Settings\.ede\apps\($application)/($application).conf * Or ($common files)\($application)\($application).conf * * Location depends on ConfigType 'mode', USER or SYSTEM * * @param vendor aplication vendor, written down to file * @param application name, written down to file * @param mode which mode to use */ EDE_Config(const char *vendor, const char *application, int mode=USER); /** * Access custom file in filesystem. * * @param filename path to config (ini) file. * @param readfile if true, file is readed on constructor. I.e no need for read_file() * @param createfile if true, file is created if it doesn't exists. */ EDE_Config(const char *filename, bool readfile=true, bool createfile=true); /** * Destroys config */ virtual ~EDE_Config(); /** * Finds config file, depending on mode. * NOTE: User MUST NOT free returned pointer! * * LINUX:
* File is created in ($home)/.ede/apps/($application)/($application).conf * Or ($prefix)/share/ede/apps/($application)/($application).conf * *
* ($home)\Local Settings\.ede\apps\($application)/($application).conf * Or ($common files)\($application)\($application).conf * * @param filename Relative filename, e.g. "myapp_config.ini" * @param create if true, path is returned even if file is not found. Otherwise NULL if path not found. * @param mode which mode to use */ static char *find_config_file(const char *filename, bool create=true, int mode=USER); /** * (re)read file. NOTE: Deletes current entries from this Fl_Config object. * @param create if true, file is created if it doesn't exists. * @see filename() */ bool read_file(bool create = true); /** * Flush entries to file. * Returns true on success. * @see filename() */ bool flush(); /** Returns current filename. */ const char* filename() const { return m_filename; } /** Set new filename. You need to call read_file() to get new entries. */ void filename(const char *filename) { strncpy(m_filename, filename, strlen(filename)); } /** Set new filename. You need to call read_file() to get new entries. */ // void filename(const Fl_String &filename) { m_filename = filename; } /** Returns current vendor name. */ const char* vendor() const { return m_vendor; } /** Set new vendor name. */ void vendor(const char *vendor) { strncpy(m_vendor, vendor, strlen(vendor)); } /** Set new vendor name. */ // void vendor(const Fl_String &vendor) { m_vendor = vendor; } /** Returns current application name. */ const char* application() const { return m_app; } /** Set new application name. */ void application(const char *app) { strncpy(m_app, app, strlen(app)); } /** Set new application name. */ // void application(const Fl_String &app) { m_app = app; } /** * Returns true, if data changed. * call flush() to sync changes to file * @see flush() */ bool is_changed() const { return m_changed; } /** * Set changed, forces flush() to write file. * Even if it is not changed. */ void set_changed() { m_changed = true; } /** * Returns last error happened. */ int error() const { return m_error; } /** * Reset error, normally you don't need to call this. */ void reset_error() { m_error = 0; } /** * Return string presentation for last happened error. */ const char *strerror() const { return EDE_Config::strerror(m_error); } /** * Return error string, associated with 'errnum' */ static const char *strerror(int errnum); /** * Create new section. You can pass full path as section name. * For example: create_section("/path/to/my/section"); * All nested sections are created automatically. * * Returns pointer to created section, NULL if failed. */ // EDE_Config_Section *create_section(const char *path) { char* tmp(path); return create_section(tmp); } /** * Create new section. You can pass full path as section name. * For example: create_section("/path/to/my/section"); * All nested sections are created automatically. * * Returns pointer to created section, NULL if failed. */ EDE_Config_Section *create_section(const char* path); /** * Find section. You can pass full path as section name. * For example: find_section("/path/to/my/section"); * * Returns pointer to found section, NULL if not found. * * @param perfect_match is true, it returns NULL if no exact section found. Otherwise it returns last found section in path. */ EDE_Config_Section *find_section(const char *path, bool perfect_match=true) const; /** * Return child sections of section specified 'secpath' */ EDE_Config_Sections *section_list(const char *secpath) const { EDE_Config_Section *s=find_section(secpath); return s ? (&s->sections()) : 0; } /** * Return entries of section specified 'secpath' */ EDE_Config_Lines *line_list(const char *secpath) const { EDE_Config_Section *s=find_section(secpath); return s ? (&s->lines()) : 0; } /** * Set default section for read/write operations. * NOTE: section is created, if it's not found.
* NOTE: You can pass path to section e.g "/path/to/my/section" */ void set_section(const char *secpath) { set_section(create_section(secpath)); } /** * Set default section for read/write operations. */ void set_section(EDE_Config_Section *sec) { m_cur_sec = sec; } /** * Remove entry associated with 'key' from section. * NOTE: You can pass path to section e.g "/path/to/my/section" */ void remove_key(const char *section, const char *key); /** * Remove section specified by 'section'. * NOTE: You can pass path to section e.g "/path/to/my/section" */ void remove_sec(const char *section); /** * Read Fl_String entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ // int read(const char *key, char* ret, const char *def_value) { return _read_string(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read char* entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. * @param size of 'ret' char* array. */ int read(const char *key, char *ret, const char *def_value, int size) { return _read_string(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value, size); } /** * Read char* entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: 'ret' is allocated by Fl_Confing, user MUST free 'ret' by calling free() function. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, char *&ret, const char *def_value=0) { return _read_string(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read long entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, long &ret, long def_value=0) { return _read_long(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read int entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, int &ret, int def_value=0) { return _read_int(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read float entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, float &ret, float def_value=0) { return _read_float(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read double entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, double &ret, double def_value=0) { return _read_double(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read bool entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, bool &ret, bool def_value=0) { return _read_bool(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read Fl_Color entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int read(const char *key, fltk::Color &ret, fltk::Color def_value=0) { return _read_color(m_cur_sec, key, ret, def_value); } /** * Write Fl_String entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ // int write(const char *key, const Fl_String &value) { return _write_string(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write const char* entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const char *value) { return _write_string(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write long entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const long value) { return _write_long(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write int entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const int value) { return _write_int(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write float entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const float value) { return _write_float(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write double entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const double value) { return _write_double(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write bool entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const bool value) { return _write_bool(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Write Fl_Color entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: This function assumes that current section is set with set_section(). * * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int write(const char *key, const fltk::Color value) { return _write_color(m_cur_sec, key, value); } /** * Read Fl_String entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ // int get(const char *section, const char *key, Fl_String &ret, const char *def_value) { return _read_string(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read char* entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, char *ret, const char *def_value, int size) { return _read_string(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value, size); } /** * Read char* entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: 'ret' is allocated by Fl_Confing, user MUST free 'ret' by calling free() function. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, char *&ret, const char *def_value=0) { return _read_string(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read long entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, long &ret, long def_value=0) { return _read_long(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read int entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, int &ret, int def_value=0) { return _read_int(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read float entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, float &ret, float def_value=0) { return _read_float(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read double entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, double &ret, double def_value=0) { return _read_double(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read bool entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, bool &ret, bool def_value=0) { return _read_bool(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Read Fl_Color entry from config. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param ret Result is stored to this. * @param def_value Default value for ret, if not found. */ int get(const char *section, const char *key, fltk::Color &ret, fltk::Color def_value=0) { return _read_color(find_section(section), key, ret, def_value); } /** * Write Fl_String entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ // int set(const char *section, const char *key, const Fl_String &value) { return _write_string(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write const char *entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const char *value) { return _write_string(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write long entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const long value) { return _write_long(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write int entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const int value) { return _write_int(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write float entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const float value) { return _write_float(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write bool entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const bool value) { return _write_double(create_section(section), key, value); } /** * Write Fl_Color entry to config. You must call flush() to sunc changes to file. * Returns CONF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise errorcode. * NOTE: section must be set as first parameter! * * @param section Section for entry * @param key Key to entry. * @param value value to set. if entry with 'key' exists, value is replaced. */ int set(const char *section, const char *key, const fltk::Color value) { return _write_color(create_section(section), key, value); } private: int m_error; char* m_filename; char *m_vendor, *m_app; EDE_Config_Section *m_cur_sec; bool m_changed; //int _read_string(Fl_Config_Section *s, const char *key, Fl_String &ret, const char *def_value); int _read_string(EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, char *ret, const char *def_value, int size); int _read_string(EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, char *&ret, const char *def_value); int _read_long (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, long &ret, long def_value); int _read_int (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, int &ret, int def_value); int _read_float (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, float &ret, float def_value); int _read_double(EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, double &ret, double def_value); int _read_bool (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, bool &ret, bool def_value); int _read_color (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, fltk::Color &ret, fltk::Color def_value); //int _write_string(Fl_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const Fl_String &value); int _write_string(EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const char *value); int _write_long (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const long value); int _write_int (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const int value); int _write_float (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const float value); int _write_double(EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const double value); int _write_bool (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const bool value); int _write_color (EDE_Config_Section *s, const char *key, const fltk::Color value); }; // Backward compatibility... static inline const char* ede_find_config_file(const char *filename, bool create=true) { return EDE_Config::find_config_file(filename, create, EDE_Config::USER); } #endif