/* * $Id$ * * Desktop configuration tool * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EDE_DESKTOP_UID 0x10 #define EDE_DESKTOP_CONFIG "ede-desktop" Fl_Menu_Item mode_menu[] = { {_("Center"), 0, 0}, {_("Stretch"), 0, 0}, {_("Tile"), 0, 0}, {0} }; // make sure this part matches array positions in mode_menu[] #define IMG_CENTER 0 #define IMG_STRETCH 1 #define IMG_TILE 2 Fl_Button* browse; Fl_Button* desk_background_color; Fl_Input* desk_background; Fl_Choice* desk_background_mode; Fl_Check_Button* desk_use_wallpaper; Fl_Box* wallpaper; Fl_Box* wallpaper_img; Fl_Button* icon_background_color; Fl_Button* icon_label_color; Fl_Check_Button* icon_show_background_color; Fl_Check_Button* icon_show_label; int icon_font; int icon_font_size; Fl_Value_Slider* icon_label_width; Fl_Input* icon_font_txt; Fl_Check_Button* engage_with_one_click; void set_wallpaper(const char* path) { if(!path) return; // fill input if not given const char* old = desk_background->value(); if(!old || strcmp(old, path) != 0) desk_background->value(path); Fl_Image* img = Fl_Shared_Image::get(path); if(!img) return; int area_x = wallpaper->x() + 2; int area_y = wallpaper->y() + 2; int area_w = wallpaper->w() - 4; int area_h = wallpaper->h() - 4; /* * Before doing anything with the image, first scale it relative to wallpaper box, * which is relative to the screen sizes. */ int display_w = DisplayWidth(fl_display, fl_screen); int display_h = DisplayHeight(fl_display, fl_screen); int scale_w_factor, scale_h_factor; if(display_w > area_w) scale_w_factor = display_w / area_w; else scale_w_factor = 1; if(display_h > area_h) scale_h_factor = display_h / area_h; else scale_h_factor = 1; Fl_Image* rel_img = img->copy(img->w() / scale_w_factor, img->h() / scale_h_factor); /* * Now all transformations will be applied on relative image */ int img_w = rel_img->w(); int img_h = rel_img->h(); wallpaper_img->position(area_x, area_y); switch(desk_background_mode->value()) { case IMG_STRETCH: { Fl_Image* transformed = rel_img->copy(area_w, area_h); wallpaper_img->size(area_w, area_h); wallpaper_img->image(transformed); break; } case IMG_TILE: { Fl_Tiled_Image* tiled = new Fl_Tiled_Image(rel_img, area_w, area_h); wallpaper_img->size(area_w, area_h); wallpaper_img->image(tiled); break; } case IMG_CENTER: default: // fallback if(img_w > wallpaper->w() && img_h > wallpaper->h()) { wallpaper_img->size(area_w, area_h); wallpaper_img->image(rel_img); } else { int pos_x = wallpaper_img->x(); int pos_y = wallpaper_img->y(); if(rel_img->w() < area_w) pos_x = pos_x + (area_w / 2) - (rel_img->w() / 2); if(rel_img->h() < area_h) pos_y = pos_y + (area_h / 2) - (rel_img->h() / 2); wallpaper_img->position(pos_x, pos_y); int sw = (rel_img->w() > area_w) ? area_w : rel_img->w(); int sh = (rel_img->h() > area_h) ? area_h : rel_img->h(); wallpaper_img->size(sw, sh); wallpaper_img->image(rel_img); } break; } } void disable_wallpaper(bool doit) { if(doit) { desk_use_wallpaper->value(0); desk_background_mode->deactivate(); desk_background->deactivate(); wallpaper->color(desk_background_color->color()); browse->deactivate(); // hide image wallpaper_img->hide(); } else { desk_use_wallpaper->value(1); desk_background_mode->activate(); desk_background->activate(); browse->activate(); wallpaper_img->show(); if(!wallpaper_img->image()) set_wallpaper(desk_background->value()); } wallpaper->redraw(); } void set_rgb_color(Fl_Button* btn, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { Fl_Color c = (Fl_Color)edelib::color_rgb_to_fltk(r, g, b); btn->color(c); } void close_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* w) { edelib::Window* win = (edelib::Window*)w; win->hide(); } void color_cb(Fl_Widget* btn, void*) { unsigned char r, g, b; edelib::color_fltk_to_rgb(btn->color(), r, g, b); if(fl_color_chooser(_("Choose color"), r, g, b)) { btn->color(edelib::color_rgb_to_fltk(r, g, b)); btn->redraw(); } } void wallpaper_color_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* w) { unsigned char r, g, b; edelib::color_fltk_to_rgb(desk_background_color->color(), r, g, b); if(fl_color_chooser(_("Choose color"), r, g, b)) { Fl_Color c = (Fl_Color)edelib::color_rgb_to_fltk(r, g, b); desk_background_color->color(c); desk_background_color->redraw(); wallpaper->color(c); wallpaper_img->redraw(); wallpaper->redraw(); } } void browse_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { char* ret = fl_file_chooser(_("Background image"), "*.jpg\t*.png", desk_background->value()); if(!ret) return; set_wallpaper(ret); wallpaper_img->redraw(); wallpaper->redraw(); } void wallpaper_use_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { if(desk_use_wallpaper->value()) { disable_wallpaper(false); set_wallpaper(desk_background->value()); } else disable_wallpaper(true); } void choice_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { set_wallpaper(desk_background->value()); wallpaper_img->redraw(); wallpaper->redraw(); } void apply_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* w) { edelib::Resource conf; conf.set("Desktop", "color", (int)desk_background_color->color()); conf.set("Desktop", "wallpaper_use", desk_use_wallpaper->value()); conf.set("Desktop", "wallpaper_mode", desk_background_mode->value()); if(desk_background->value()) conf.set("Desktop", "wallpaper", desk_background->value()); conf.set("Icons", "label_background", (int)icon_background_color->color()); conf.set("Icons", "label_foreground", (int)icon_label_color->color()); conf.set("Icons", "label_font", icon_font); conf.set("Icons", "label_fontsize", icon_font_size); conf.set("Icons", "label_maxwidth", icon_label_width->value()); conf.set("Icons", "label_transparent", !icon_show_background_color->value()); conf.set("Icons", "label_visible", icon_show_label->value()); conf.set("Icons", "one_click_exec", engage_with_one_click->value()); if(conf.save(EDE_DESKTOP_CONFIG)) edelib::Window::update_settings(EDE_DESKTOP_UID); } void ok_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* w) { edelib::Window* win = (edelib::Window*)w; apply_cb(0, win); /* a hack so ede-desktop-conf can send a message before it was closed */ usleep(120000); win->hide(); } void browse_fonts_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* w) { Fl_Input* in = (Fl_Input*)w; int retsz; const char* font_name = Fl::get_font_name((Fl_Font)icon_font, 0); int font = edelib::font_chooser(_("Choose font"), "iso8859-2", retsz, font_name, icon_font_size); if(font == -1) return; font_name = Fl::get_font_name((Fl_Font)font, 0); in->value(font_name); icon_font = font; icon_font_size = retsz; } void load_settings(void) { int b_mode = 0; bool d_wp_use = false; int d_background_color = FL_BLUE; int i_background_color = FL_BLUE; int i_label_color = FL_WHITE; int i_show_background_color = 0; int i_show_label = 1; int i_label_width = 55; bool one_click = false; edelib::Resource conf; char wpath[256]; bool wpath_found = false; if(conf.load(EDE_DESKTOP_CONFIG)) { conf.get("Desktop", "color", d_background_color, d_background_color); conf.get("Desktop", "wallpaper_use", d_wp_use, d_wp_use); conf.get("Desktop", "wallpaper_mode", b_mode, b_mode); if(conf.get("Desktop", "wallpaper", wpath, sizeof(wpath))) wpath_found = true; else wpath_found = false; conf.get("Icons", "label_background", i_background_color, i_background_color); conf.get("Icons", "label_foreground", i_label_color, i_label_color); conf.get("Icons", "label_font", icon_font, 1); conf.get("Icons", "label_fontsize", icon_font_size, 12); conf.get("Icons", "label_maxwidth", i_label_width, i_label_width); conf.get("Icons", "label_transparent",i_show_background_color, i_show_background_color); conf.get("Icons", "label_visible", i_show_label, i_show_label); conf.get("Icons", "one_click_exec", one_click, one_click); } desk_background_color->color(d_background_color); wallpaper->color(d_background_color); desk_background_mode->value(b_mode); desk_use_wallpaper->value(d_wp_use); if(d_wp_use && wpath_found) set_wallpaper(wpath); else disable_wallpaper(true); icon_background_color->color(i_background_color); icon_label_color->color(i_label_color); icon_show_background_color->value(!i_show_background_color); icon_show_label->value(i_show_label); icon_label_width->value(i_label_width); engage_with_one_click->value(one_click); //printf("%i %s\n", icon_font, Fl::get_font_name((Fl_Font)icon_font, 0)); icon_font_txt->value(Fl::get_font_name((Fl_Font)icon_font, 0)); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int show_group = 1; if(argc > 1) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "--desktop") == 0) show_group = 1; else if(strcmp(argv[1], "--icons") == 0) show_group = 2; else if(strcmp(argv[1], "--icons-behaviour") == 0) show_group = 3; } edelib::Window* win = new edelib::Window(550, 285, _("Desktop options")); win->begin(); Fl_Tabs* tabs = new Fl_Tabs(10, 10, 530, 230); tabs->begin(); Fl_Group* g1 = new Fl_Group(20, 30, 510, 200, _("Background")); if(show_group != 1) g1->hide(); g1->begin(); /* Fl_Box* b1 = new Fl_Box(85, 196, 100, 15); b1->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); Fl_Box* b2 = new Fl_Box(30, 43, 210, 158); b2->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); */ /* box size is intentionaly odd so preserve aspect ratio */ wallpaper = new Fl_Box(43, 53, 184, 138); wallpaper->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); wallpaper->color(FL_BLACK); /* * Real image, since box will be resized as image size, but not * larger than wallpaper box. wallpaper_img will be resized in set_wallpaper() */ wallpaper_img = new Fl_Box(wallpaper->x(), wallpaper->y(), 0, 0); wallpaper_img->box(FL_NO_BOX); wallpaper_img->align(FL_ALIGN_CLIP); /* Fl_Box* b4 = new Fl_Box(60, 206, 145, 14); b4->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); */ desk_background = new Fl_Input(295, 80, 190, 25, _("Image:")); browse = new Fl_Button(490, 80, 25, 25, "..."); browse->callback(browse_cb); desk_background_mode = new Fl_Choice(295, 116, 220, 24, _("Mode:")); desk_background_mode->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); desk_background_mode->menu(mode_menu); desk_background_mode->callback(choice_cb); desk_background_color = new Fl_Button(295, 161, 25, 24, _("Background color")); desk_background_color->color(FL_BLACK); desk_background_color->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); desk_background_color->callback(wallpaper_color_cb); desk_use_wallpaper = new Fl_Check_Button(295, 45, 220, 25, _("Use wallpaper")); desk_use_wallpaper->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); desk_use_wallpaper->value(1); desk_use_wallpaper->callback(wallpaper_use_cb); g1->end(); Fl_Group* g2 = new Fl_Group(20, 30, 510, 195, _("Icons")); if(show_group != 2) g2->hide(); g2->begin(); icon_background_color = new Fl_Button(30, 51, 25, 24, _("Background color")); icon_background_color->color(FL_BLUE); icon_background_color->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); icon_background_color->callback((Fl_Callback*)color_cb); icon_label_color = new Fl_Button(30, 91, 25, 24, _("Label color")); icon_label_color->color(FL_WHITE); icon_label_color->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); icon_label_color->callback((Fl_Callback*)color_cb); icon_show_background_color = new Fl_Check_Button(260, 50, 220, 25, _("Show background color")); icon_show_background_color->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); icon_show_label = new Fl_Check_Button(260, 90, 220, 25, _("Show label")); icon_show_label->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); icon_label_width = new Fl_Value_Slider(30, 155, 220, 25, _("Label width")); icon_label_width->type(5); icon_label_width->step(1); icon_label_width->maximum(200); icon_label_width->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); icon_font_txt = new Fl_Input(260, 155, 190, 25, _("Label font")); icon_font_txt->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); Fl_Button* icon_font_browse_button = new Fl_Button(455, 155, 25, 25, "..."); icon_font_browse_button->callback(browse_fonts_cb, icon_font_txt); g2->end(); Fl_Group* g3 = new Fl_Group(20, 30, 510, 195, _("Icons behaviour")); if(show_group != 3) g3->hide(); g3->begin(); engage_with_one_click = new Fl_Check_Button(30, 50, 220, 25, _("Engage with just one click")); engage_with_one_click->down_box(FL_DOWN_BOX); g3->end(); tabs->end(); /* Fl_Button* ok = new Fl_Button(260, 250, 90, 25, _("&OK")); ok->callback(ok_cb, win); */ Fl_Button* ok = new Fl_Button(355, 250, 90, 25, _("&OK")); ok->callback(ok_cb, win); Fl_Button* cancel = new Fl_Button(450, 250, 90, 25, _("&Cancel")); cancel->callback(close_cb, win); win->end(); win->init(edelib::WIN_INIT_IMAGES); load_settings(); win->show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }