/* * $Id$ * * Eiconman, desktop and icon manager * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors. * * This program is licensed under terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include "DesktopIcon.h" #include "eiconman.h" #include "Utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_SHAPE #include #endif // minimal icon size #define ICONSIZE 48 // spaces around box in case of large/small icons #define OFFSET_W 16 #define OFFSET_H 16 // label offset from icon y()+h(), so selection box can be drawn nicely #define LABEL_OFFSET 2 void rename_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* d); Fl_Menu_Item icon_menu[] = { {_(" &Open "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Rename "), 0, rename_cb, 0}, {_(" &Delete "), 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_(" &Properties "), 0, 0}, {0} }; Fl_Menu_Item icon_trash_menu[] = { {_(" &Open "), 0, 0}, {_(" &Properties "), 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {_(" &Empty "), 0, 0}, {0} }; void rename_cb(Fl_Widget*, void* d) { DesktopIcon* di = (DesktopIcon*)d; EASSERT(di != NULL); const char* new_name = edelib::input(_("New name"), di->label()); if(!new_name) return; if(new_name[0] == '\0') return; di->rename(new_name); } DesktopIcon::DesktopIcon(GlobalIconSettings* gs, IconSettings* is, int bg) : Fl_Widget(is->x, is->y, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE) { EASSERT(gs != NULL); lwidth = lheight = 0; focus = false; micon = NULL; /* * GlobalIconSettings is shared from desktop so we only * reference it. On other hand IconSettings is not shared * and we must construct a copy from given parameter */ globals = gs; settings = new IconSettings; settings->name = is->name; settings->cmd = is->cmd; settings->icon = is->icon; settings->type = is->type; settings->key_name= is->key_name; settings->full_path = is->full_path; // x,y are not needed since x(), y() are filled with it // setting fonts is TODO :P #if 0 Fl::set_font((Fl_Font)20, "-windows-*-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); labelfont((Fl_Font)20); #endif label(settings->name.c_str()); imenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(0, 0, 0, 0); if(settings->type == ICON_TRASH) imenu->menu(icon_trash_menu); else imenu->menu(icon_menu); if(!settings->icon.empty()) { const char* nn = settings->icon.c_str(); //edelib::String ipath = edelib::IconTheme::get(nn, edelib::ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM); edelib::String ipath = edelib::IconTheme::get(nn, edelib::ICON_SIZE_HUGE); if(!ipath.empty()) { Fl_Image* img = Fl_Shared_Image::get(ipath.c_str()); if(img) { int img_w = img->w(); int img_h = img->h(); // resize box if icon is larger if(img_w > ICONSIZE || img_h > ICONSIZE) size(img_w + OFFSET_W, img_h + OFFSET_H); image(img); } else EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Unable to load %s\n", ipath.c_str()); } else EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": Got empty icon name ?!?\n"); } fix_position(x(), y()); //Use desktop color as color for icon background color(bg); align(FL_ALIGN_WRAP); update_label_size(); } DesktopIcon::~DesktopIcon() { EDEBUG("DesktopIcon::~DesktopIcon()\n"); if(settings) delete settings; if(micon) delete micon; delete imenu; } void DesktopIcon::update_label_size(void) { labelsize(globals->label_fontsize); lwidth = globals->label_maxwidth; lheight= 0; /* * make sure current font size/type is set (internaly to fltk) * so fl_measure() can correctly calculate label width and height */ int old = fl_font(); int old_sz = fl_size(); fl_font(labelfont(), labelsize()); fl_measure(label(), lwidth, lheight, align()); fl_font(old, old_sz); lwidth += 12; lheight += 5; } void DesktopIcon::fix_position(int X, int Y) { int dx, dy, dw, dh; Desktop::instance()->area(dx, dy, dw, dh); if(X < dx) X = dx; if(Y < dy) Y = dy; if(X + w() > dw) X = (dx + dw) - w(); if(Y + h() > dh) Y = (dy + dh) - h(); position(X, Y); } void DesktopIcon::drag(int x, int y, bool apply) { if(!micon) { micon = new MovableIcon(this); #if USE_SHAPE /* * This is used to calculate correct window startup/ending * position since icon is placed in the middle of the box. * * Opposite, window (shaped) will have small but noticeable 'jump off' and * dropped icon position will not be at the exact place where was dropped. */ int ix, iy; ix = iy = 0; if(image()) { ix = (w()/2) - (image()->w()/2); iy = (h()/2) - (image()->h()/2); } micon->position(micon->x() + ix, micon->y() + iy); #endif micon->show(); } else { EASSERT(micon != NULL); micon->position(x, y); } if(apply) { #if USE_SHAPE int ix, iy; ix = iy = 0; if(image()) { ix = (w()/2) - (image()->w()/2); iy = (h()/2) - (image()->h()/2); } fix_position(micon->x() - ix, micon->y() - iy); #else fix_position(micon->x(), micon->y()); #endif delete micon; micon = NULL; } } // Used only in Desktop::move_selection int DesktopIcon::drag_icon_x(void) { if(!micon) return x(); else return micon->x(); } // Used only in Desktop::move_selection int DesktopIcon::drag_icon_y(void) { if(!micon) return y(); else return micon->y(); } void DesktopIcon::rename(const char* str) { if(!str) return; if(settings->name == str) return; settings->name = str; label(settings->name.c_str()); update_label_size(); redraw(); } const edelib::String& DesktopIcon::path(void) { return settings->full_path; } void DesktopIcon::fast_redraw(void) { EASSERT(parent() != NULL && "Impossible !"); int wsz = w(); int xpos = x(); if(lwidth > w()) { wsz = lwidth + 4; xpos = x() - 4; } // LABEL_OFFSET + 2 include selection box line height too; same for xpos parent()->damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL, xpos, y(), wsz, h() + lheight + LABEL_OFFSET + 2); } void DesktopIcon::draw(void) { //draw_box(FL_UP_BOX, FL_BLACK); if(image() && (damage() & FL_DAMAGE_ALL)) { Fl_Image* im = image(); // center image in the box int ix = (w()/2) - (im->w()/2); int iy = (h()/2) - (im->h()/2); ix += x(); iy += y(); im->draw(ix, iy); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DesktopIcon icon redraw\n"); } if(globals->label_draw && (damage() & (FL_DAMAGE_ALL | EDAMAGE_CHILD_LABEL))) { int X = x() + w()-(w()/2)-(lwidth/2); int Y = y() + h() + LABEL_OFFSET; Fl_Color old = fl_color(); if(!globals->label_transparent) { fl_color(globals->label_background); fl_rectf(X, Y, lwidth, lheight); } int old_font = fl_font(); int old_font_sz = fl_size(); // draw with icon's font fl_font(labelfont(), labelsize()); // pseudo-shadow fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw(label(), X+1, Y+1, lwidth, lheight, align(), 0, 0); fl_color(globals->label_foreground); fl_draw(label(), X, Y, lwidth, lheight, align(), 0, 0); // restore old font fl_font(old_font, old_font_sz); if(is_focused()) { /* * draw focused box on our way so later * this can be used to draw customised boxes */ fl_color(globals->label_foreground); fl_line_style(FL_DOT); fl_push_matrix(); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(X,Y); fl_vertex(X+lwidth,Y); fl_vertex(X+lwidth,Y+lheight); fl_vertex(X,Y+lheight); fl_vertex(X,Y); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // revert to default line style fl_line_style(0); } // revert to old color whatever that be fl_color(old); EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": DesktopIcon label redraw\n"); } } int DesktopIcon::handle(int event) { switch(event) { case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: case FL_ENTER: case FL_LEAVE: return 1; /* * We have to handle FL_MOVE too, if want to get only once * FL_ENTER when entered or FL_LEAVE when leaved. */ case FL_MOVE: return 1; case FL_PUSH: if(Fl::event_button() == 3) { // Fl_Menu_Item::popup() by default does not call callbacks const Fl_Menu_Item* m = imenu->menu()->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y()); if(m && m->callback()) m->do_callback(0, this); } return 1; case FL_RELEASE: if(Fl::event_clicks() > 0) EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": EXECUTE: %s\n", settings->cmd.c_str()); return 1; case FL_DND_ENTER: case FL_DND_DRAG: case FL_DND_LEAVE: return 1; case FL_DND_RELEASE: EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": FL_DND_RELEASE on icon\n"); return 1; case FL_PASTE: EDEBUG(ESTRLOC ": FL_PASTE on icon with %s\n", Fl::event_text()); return 1; default: break; } return 0; } MovableIcon::MovableIcon(DesktopIcon* ic) : Fl_Window(ic->x(), ic->y(), ic->w(), ic->h()), icon(ic), mask(0) { EASSERT(icon != NULL); set_override(); color(ic->color()); begin(); /* * Force box be same width/height as icon so it * can fit inside masked window. */ #ifdef USE_SHAPE Fl_Image* img = ic->icon_image(); if(img) icon_box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, img->w(), img->h()); else icon_box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, w(), h()); #else icon_box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, w(), h()); #endif icon_box->image(ic->icon_image()); end(); } MovableIcon::~MovableIcon() { if(mask) XFreePixmap(fl_display, mask); } void MovableIcon::show(void) { if(!shown()) Fl_X::make_xid(this); #ifdef USE_SHAPE if(icon->icon_image()) { mask = create_mask(icon->icon_image()); if(mask) XShapeCombineMask(fl_display, fl_xid(this), ShapeBounding, 0, 0, mask, ShapeSet); } #endif }