// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 2.0100 #include "edeskconf.h" /* * $Id$ * * Desktop icons manager * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ //#include //#include //#include //#include //#include //#include #include "eiconman.h" fltk::Window *bg_prop_window=(fltk::Window *)0; fltk::InvisibleBox *mini_image_box=(fltk::InvisibleBox *)0; fltk::LightButton *color_button=(fltk::LightButton *)0; fltk::CheckButton *use_button=(fltk::CheckButton *)0; fltk::Group *bg_image_group=(fltk::Group *)0; fltk::Input *image_input=(fltk::Input *)0; static fltk::Button *browse_button=(fltk::Button *)0; fltk::ValueSlider *opacity_slider=(fltk::ValueSlider *)0; fltk::Choice *mode_choice=(fltk::Choice *)0; static void cb_Cancel(fltk::Button*, void*) { bg_prop_window->do_callback(); } void make_desktop_properties() { fltk::Window* w; {fltk::Window* o = bg_prop_window = new fltk::Window(560, 270, "Background settings"); w = o; o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_prop_cb); ((fltk::Window*)(o))->hotspot(o); o->begin(); {fltk::Group* o = new fltk::Group(10, 20, 265, 209, "Background"); o->box(fltk::BORDER_FRAME); o->color((fltk::Color)0xe6e7e600); o->textcolor((fltk::Color)0xaaadaa00); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->begin(); {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(1, 1, 263, 207); o->box(fltk::BORDER_FRAME); o->color((fltk::Color)0xe6e7e600); o->textcolor((fltk::Color)0xdcdedc00); } {fltk::Group* o = new fltk::Group(35, 16, 230, 159); o->begin(); {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(65, 129, 60, 7); o->box(fltk::BORDER_BOX); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(5, 0, 180, 131); o->box(fltk::THIN_UP_BOX); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(47, 134, 94, 12); o->box(fltk::THIN_UP_BOX); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(159, 121, 15, 6); o->box(fltk::THIN_UP_BOX); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(152, 121, 2, 5); o->set_vertical(); o->box(fltk::FLAT_BOX); o->color((fltk::Color)2); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = new fltk::InvisibleBox(15, 9, 160, 110); o->box(fltk::THIN_DOWN_BOX); } {fltk::InvisibleBox* o = mini_image_box = new fltk::InvisibleBox(16, 10, 158, 108); o->box(fltk::FLAT_BOX); o->buttonbox(fltk::FLAT_BOX); o->color((fltk::Color)32); o->highlight_color((fltk::Color)32); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_CENTER); } o->end(); } {fltk::LightButton* o = color_button = new fltk::LightButton(169, 175, 85, 25, "C&olor..."); o->type(0); o->box(fltk::THIN_UP_BOX); o->set_flag(fltk::VALUE); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_color); } o->end(); } {fltk::CheckButton* o = use_button = new fltk::CheckButton(285, 20, 265, 20, "Use wallpaper"); o->set_flag(fltk::VALUE); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_use); } new fltk::Divider("label"); {fltk::Group* o = bg_image_group = new fltk::Group(285, 50, 265, 175); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->begin(); {fltk::Input* o = image_input = new fltk::Input(20, 15, 240, 23, "Image:"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_input); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->when(fltk::WHEN_ENTER_KEY); } {fltk::Button* o = browse_button = new fltk::Button(180, 48, 80, 23, "&Browse..."); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_browse); } {fltk::ValueSlider* o = opacity_slider = new fltk::ValueSlider(65, 83, 195, 18, "Opacity:"); o->maximum(255); o->step(1.01); o->slider_size(10); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_opacity); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->when(fltk::WHEN_RELEASE); o->step(1); } {fltk::Choice* o = mode_choice = new fltk::Choice(65, 112, 195, 23, "Mode:"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_image_mode); o->begin(); {fltk::Item* o = new fltk::Item("Center"); o->user_data((void*)(0)); } {fltk::Item* o = new fltk::Item("Stretch"); o->user_data((void*)(1)); } {fltk::Item* o = new fltk::Item("Stretch (aspect)"); o->user_data((void*)(2)); } {fltk::Item* o = new fltk::Item("Tiled"); o->deactivate(); } o->end(); } o->end(); } new fltk::Divider("label"); {fltk::Button* o = new fltk::Button(290, 240, 80, 25, "&OK"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_ok); } {fltk::Button* o = new fltk::Button(380, 240, 80, 25, "&Apply"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)bg_apply); } {fltk::Button* o = new fltk::Button(470, 240, 80, 25, "&Cancel"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_Cancel); } o->end(); o->resizable(o); } }