(load "../lib/common.ss") ;(define l (iota 1000)) (define i 0) ;(for i in l ; (print "The number is: " i "\n") ;) ;(while (< i 1000) ; (print "The number is: " i "\n") ; (set! i (+ i 1)) ;) ;(print "Ret from dbus-send is: " ; (dbus-send "SomeSignal" "org.equinoxproject.Demo" "/org/equinoxproject/Demo" "session" "foo") ; "\n") ;(define m (dbus-proxy "SomeMethod" "org.equinoxproject.Demo" "/org/equinoxproject/Demo" "session")) ;(m "foo" "baz" "taz"): (define l (re-split "[ \t_]+" "this_is\tsample string that should be tokenized ")) (for i in l (print i "\n") ) ;(print (first (re-match "-" "some-sample-string" 0)) "\n") ; ;(define pos (re-match "http://(.*):" "http://www.google.com:8080")) ;(print pos "\n") ;(set! i (first pos)) ; ;(while [< i (first (rest pos))] ; (print (string-ref "http://www.google.com:8080" i) "\n") ; (set! i (+ i 1)) ;) ;; ;(set! l (re-split "fooxxxbaz")) ;(for i in l ; (print i "\n") ;) ;(print (re-replace "-" "@this--is-foo" "

") "\n") ;(println "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=") ;(println " Capone System 0.1 ") ;(println "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=")