// Copyright (c) 2000. - 2005. EDE Authors // This program is licenced under terms of the // GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. // See COPYING for details. #include "keyboardchooser.h" #define MAX_KEYBOARDS 5 KeyboardChooser *kbcapplet; static Fl_Image keyboard_pix((const char **)keyboard_xpm); void setKeyboard(const Fl_String &pKbdLayout) { if(!pKbdLayout.empty()) { Fl_String ApplyString("setxkbmap " + pKbdLayout); fl_start_child_process(ApplyString, false); Fl_String pShortKbd = pKbdLayout.sub_str(0, 2); kbcapplet->tooltip(pKbdLayout); kbcapplet->label(pShortKbd); kbcapplet->redraw(); } } void CB_setKeyboard(Fl_Item *item, void *pData) { Fl_Config pGlobalConfig(fl_find_config_file("ede.conf", true)); if (!pGlobalConfig.error() && item) { Fl_String kbdname = item->field_name(); pGlobalConfig.set("Keyboard", "Layout", kbdname); pGlobalConfig.flush(); setKeyboard(kbdname); // update history Fl_String recentlist; pGlobalConfig.get("Keyboard", "RecentKeyboards", recentlist, ""); Fl_String_List recentkbd(recentlist,"|"); if (recentkbd.index_of(kbdname) > -1) return; Fl_String_List copylist; if (recentkbd.count() < MAX_KEYBOARDS) copylist.append(recentkbd.item(0)); for (unsigned int i=1; ichildren(); i++) { if (kbcapplet->child(i)->field_name() == kbdname) return; } Fl_Item *mKbdItem = new Fl_Item(item->label()); mKbdItem->field_name(kbdname); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); kbcapplet->insert(*mKbdItem,0); } } // in case something fails, this function will produce a // static list of keymaps void addKeyboardsOld(KeyboardChooser *mPanelMenu) { char *countries[49] = { "us", "en_US", "us_intl", "am", "az", "by", "be", "br", "bg", "ca", "cz", "cz_qwerty", "dk", "dvorak", "ee", "fi", "fr", "fr_CH", "de", "de_CH", "el", "hr", "hu", "is", "il", "it", "jp", "lt", "lt_std", "lt_p", "lv", "mk", "no", "pl", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sr", "si", "sk", "sk_qwerty", "es", "se", "th", "ua", "gb", "vn", "nec/jp", "tr" }; mPanelMenu->begin(); Fl_Item *mKbdItem = new Fl_Item("English (US)"); mKbdItem->field_name("us"); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); new Fl_Divider(10, 5); Fl_Item_Group *more = new Fl_Item_Group(_("More...")); mPanelMenu->end(); more->begin(); for (int i=0; i<49; i++) { Fl_Item *mKbdItem = new Fl_Item(countries[i]); mKbdItem->field_name(countries[i]); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); } more->end(); } void addKeyboards(KeyboardChooser *mPanelMenu) { const char* X11DirList[2] = {"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/", "/usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/"}; const char* rulesFileList[2] = {"xkb/rules/xorg.lst", "xkb/rules/xfree86.lst"}; Fl_String xdir, xfilename; FILE *fp; char kbdnames[300][15]; char kbddescriptions[300][50]; Fl_Config pGlobalConfig(fl_find_config_file("ede.conf", true)); // First look for directory for(int ii=0; ii<2; ii++) if( fl_is_dir(X11DirList[ii]) ) { xdir = X11DirList[ii]; goto step2; } addKeyboardsOld(mPanelMenu); return; // Look for filename step2: for(int ii=0; ii<2; ii++) { xfilename = xdir + rulesFileList[ii]; if( fl_file_exists(xfilename) ) goto step3; } addKeyboardsOld(mPanelMenu); return; // now load layouts into widget... step3: fp = fopen(xfilename, "r"); if(!fp) { addKeyboardsOld(mPanelMenu); return; } // warning: ugly code ahead (parser) char line[256]; line[0]='\0'; while ((!feof(fp)) && (!strstr(line,"! layout"))) { fgets(line,255,fp); } int kbdno = 0; while ((!feof(fp) && (strcmp(line,"\n")))) { fgets(line,255,fp); int i=0, j=0; char name[10]; char description[200]; while((line[i] != 13) && (line[i] != 10)) { while ((line[i] == 32) || (line[i] == 9)) i++; while ((line[i] != 32) && (line[i] != 9)) name[j++] = line[i++]; name[j] = 0; j=0; while ((line[i] == 32) || (line[i] == 9)) i++; while ((line[i] != 13) && (line[i] != 10)) description[j++] = line[i++]; description[j] = 0; } strcpy (kbdnames[kbdno],name); strcpy (kbddescriptions[kbdno++],description); } fclose(fp); // now populate the menu // main menu with "More..." mPanelMenu->begin(); Fl_String recentlist; pGlobalConfig.get("Keyboard", "RecentKeyboards", recentlist, ""); Fl_String_List recentkbd(recentlist,"|"); for (int i = 0; i < kbdno; i++) { if (recentkbd.index_of(kbdnames[i]) > -1) { Fl_Item *mKbdItem = new Fl_Item(kbddescriptions[i]); mKbdItem->field_name(kbdnames[i]); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); } } new Fl_Divider(10, 5); Fl_Item_Group *more = new Fl_Item_Group(_("More...")); mPanelMenu->end(); more->begin(); for (int i=0;ifield_name(kbdnames[i]); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); } more->end(); /* for (int i=0; ilayouts.num_desc; i++) { mPanelMenu->begin(); Fl_Item *mKbdItem = new Fl_Item(rules->layouts.desc[i].name); mKbdItem->callback((Fl_Callback*)CB_setKeyboard); mKbdItem->image(keyboard_pix); mPanelMenu->end(); }*/ return; } void getKeyboard(KeyboardChooser *mButton) { Fl_String pKbdLayout; Fl_Config pGlobalConfig(fl_find_config_file("ede.conf", true)); pGlobalConfig.get("Keyboard", "Layout", pKbdLayout, "us"); setKeyboard(pKbdLayout); } // ---------------------------- // KeyboardChooser class // ---------------------------- KeyboardChooser::KeyboardChooser(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Boxtype up_c, Fl_Boxtype down_c, const char *label) : Fl_Menu_Button(x, y, w, h, label) { kbcapplet = this; m_open = false; Height = 0; up = up_c; down = down_c; anim_speed(2); anim_flags(BOTTOM_TO_TOP); addKeyboards(this); getKeyboard(this); } void KeyboardChooser::draw() { Fl_Boxtype box = up; Fl_Flags flags; Fl_Color color; if (!active_r()) { flags = FL_INACTIVE; color = this->color(); } else if (belowmouse() || m_open) { flags = FL_HIGHLIGHT; color = highlight_color(); if (!color) color = this->color(); box = down; } else { flags = 0; color = this->color(); } if(!box->fills_rectangle()) { fl_push_clip(0, 0, this->w(), this->h()); parent()->draw_group_box(); fl_pop_clip(); } box->draw(0, 0, this->w(), this->h(), color, flags); int x,y,w,h; x = y = 0; w = this->w(); h = this->h(); box->inset(x,y,w,h); draw_inside_label(x,y,w,h,flags); } void KeyboardChooser::calculate_height() { Fl_Style *s = Fl_Style::find("Menu"); Height = s->box->dh(); for(int n=0; nvisible()) continue; fl_font(i->label_font(), i->label_size()); Height += i->height()+s->leading; } } int KeyboardChooser::popup() { m_open = true; calculate_height(); int newy=0-Height; Fl_Widget* panel = parent()->parent()->parent(); // ugh if (panel->y()+newy<1) newy=parent()->h(); int retval = Fl_Menu_::popup(0, newy);//, w(), h()); m_open = false; return retval; }