/* * $Id$ * * EFiler - EDE File Manager * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../edelib2/about_dialog.h" #include "../edelib2/Icon.h" #include "../edelib2/MimeType.h" #include "../edelib2/NLS.h" #include "../edelib2/Run.h" #include "../edelib2/Util.h" #define DEFAULT_ICON "misc-vedran" using namespace fltk; using namespace edelib; Window *win; ScrollGroup* sgroup; FileBrowser* fbrowser; char current_dir[PATH_MAX]; static bool semaphore=false; bool showhidden = false; char **cut_copy_buffer = 0; bool operation_is_copy = false; // This is for the icon view, which should be redesigned to be like FileBrowser void loaddir(const char* path); void button_press(Widget* w, void*) { if (event_clicks() || event_key() == ReturnKey) { // run_program((char*)w->user_data(),true,false,true); // use elauncher // char tmp[256]; // snprintf(tmp,255,"konsole --noclose -e %s",(char*)w->user_data()); // run_program(tmp,true,false,false); if (!w->user_data() || (strlen((char*)w->user_data())==0)) alert(_("Unknown file type")); else if (strncmp((char*)w->user_data(),"efiler ",7)==0) { // don't launch new efiler instance char tmp[PATH_MAX]; strncpy(tmp,(char*)w->user_data()+7,PATH_MAX); // remove quotes if (tmp[0] == '\'' || tmp[0] == '"') memmove(tmp,tmp+1,strlen(tmp)-1); int i=strlen(tmp)-2; if (tmp[i] == '\'' || tmp[i] == '"') tmp[i] = '\0'; loaddir(tmp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Running: %s\n", (char*)w->user_data()); run_program((char*)w->user_data(),false,false,true); } } if (event_is_click()) w->take_focus(); fprintf (stderr, "Event: %s (%d)\n",event_name(event()), event()); } void loaddir(const char *path) { // If user clicks too fast, it can cause problems if (semaphore) { return; } semaphore=true; // Set current_dir if (filename_isdir(path)) { if (path[0] == '~') // Expand tilde snprintf(current_dir,PATH_MAX,"%s/%s",getenv("HOME"),path); else strcpy(current_dir,path); } else strcpy(current_dir,getenv("HOME")); // Trailing slash should always be there if (current_dir[strlen(current_dir)-1] != '/') strcat(current_dir,"/"); fprintf (stderr, "loaddir(%s) = (%s)\n",path,current_dir); // set window label win->label(tasprintf(_("%s - File manager"), current_dir)); // Update file browser... fbrowser->load(current_dir); // some constants - TODO: move to configuration int startx=0, starty=0; int sizex=90, sizey=58; int spacex=5, spacey=5; // variables used later Button **icon_array; int icon_num=0; dirent **files; sgroup->remove_all(); sgroup->begin(); // list files icon_num = fltk::filename_list(current_dir, &files, alphasort); // no sort needed because icons have coordinates icon_array = (Button**) malloc (sizeof(Button*) * icon_num + 1); // fill array with zeros, for easier detection if button exists for (int i=0; id_name; //shortcut // don't show ./ (current directory) if (strcmp(n,"./")==0) continue; // hide files with dot except ../ (up directory) if (!showhidden && (n[0] == '.') && (strcmp(n,"../")!=0)) continue; // hide files ending with tilde (backup) - NOTE if (!showhidden && (n[strlen(n)-1] == '~')) continue; Button* o = new Button(myx, myy, sizex, sizey); o->box(NO_BOX); //o->labeltype(SHADOW_LABEL); o->labelcolor(BLACK); o->callback((Callback*)button_press); o->align(ALIGN_INSIDE|ALIGN_CENTER|ALIGN_WRAP); //o->when(WHEN_CHANGED|WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->label(n); o->image(Icon::get(DEFAULT_ICON,Icon::SMALL)); myx=myx+sizex+spacex; // 4 - edges if (myx+sizex > sgroup->w()) { myx=startx; myy=myy+sizey+spacey; } icon_array[i] = o; } sgroup->end(); // Give first icon the focus sgroup->child(0)->take_focus(); sgroup->redraw(); // Detect icon mimetypes etc. for (int i=0; id_name); MimeType *m = new MimeType(fullpath); fprintf(stderr,"Adding: %s (%s), cmd: '%s'\n", fullpath, m->id(), m->command()); // tooltip char *tooltip; if (strcmp(m->id(),"directory")==0) asprintf(&tooltip, "%s - %s", files[i]->d_name, m->type_string()); else asprintf(&tooltip, "%s (%s) - %s", files[i]->d_name, nice_size(filename_size(fullpath)), m->type_string()); icon_array[i]->tooltip(tooltip); // icon icon_array[i]->image(m->icon(Icon::SMALL)); // get command to execute if (strcmp(files[i]->d_name,"../")==0) { // up directory - we don't want ../ poluting filename char exec[PATH_MAX]; int slashes=0, j; for (j=strlen(current_dir); j>0; j--) { if (current_dir[j]=='/') slashes++; if (slashes==2) break; } if (slashes<2) sprintf(exec,"efiler /"); else { sprintf(exec,"efiler "); strncat(exec,current_dir,j); } icon_array[i]->user_data(strdup(exec)); } else if (m->command() && (strlen(m->command())>0)) icon_array[i]->user_data(strdup(m->command())); else icon_array[i]->user_data(0); // make sure label isn't too large // TODO: move this to draw() method int lx,ly; icon_array[i]->measure_label(lx,ly); int pos=strlen(icon_array[i]->label()); if (pos>252) pos=252; char fixlabel[256]; while (lx>sizex) { strncpy(fixlabel,icon_array[i]->label(),pos); fixlabel[pos]='\0'; strcat(fixlabel,"..."); icon_array[i]->label(strdup(fixlabel)); icon_array[i]->measure_label(lx,ly); pos--; } icon_array[i]->redraw(); delete m; } sgroup->redraw(); semaphore=false; } // List view // Currently using fltk::FileBrowser which is quite ugly (so only callback is here) void fbrowser_cb(Widget* w, void*) { // Take only proper callbacks if (!event_clicks() && event_key() != ReturnKey) return; // Construct filename const char *c = fbrowser->child(fbrowser->value())->label(); char filename[PATH_MAX]; if (strcmp(c,"../")==0) { strcpy(filename,current_dir); // both are [PATH_MAX] filename[strlen(filename)-1] = '\0'; // remove trailing slash in a directory char *c2 = strrchr(filename,'/'); // find previous slash if (c2) *(c2+1) = '\0'; // cut everything after this slash else strcpy(filename,"/"); // if nothing is found, filename becomes "/" } else snprintf(filename,PATH_MAX,"%s%s",current_dir,c); // Change directory if (filename_isdir(filename)) loaddir(filename); // Let elauncher handle this file... else run_program(filename,false,false,true); } // Menu callbacks // File menu void open_cb(Widget*, void*) { Widget* w; if (sgroup->visible()) w = sgroup->child(sgroup->focus_index()); else w = fbrowser; event_clicks(2); w->do_callback(); } void location_cb(Widget*, void*) { const char *dir = dir_chooser(_("Choose location"),current_dir); if (dir) loaddir(dir); } void quit_cb(Widget*, void*) {exit(0);} // Edit menu // Execute cut or copy operation when List View is active void do_cut_copy_fbrowser(bool m_copy) { // Count selected icons, for malloc int num = fbrowser->children(); int nselected = 0; for (int i=0; iselected(i)) nselected++; // Clear cut/copy buffer and optionally ungray the previously cutted icons if (cut_copy_buffer) { for (int i=0; cut_copy_buffer[i]; i++) free(cut_copy_buffer[i]); free(cut_copy_buffer); if (!operation_is_copy) { for (int i=0; ichild(i)->textcolor(BLACK); // FIXME: use color from style } } // Allocate buffer cut_copy_buffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (nselected+2)); // Add selected files to buffer and optionally grey icons (for cut effect) int buf=0; for (int i=0; i<=num; i++) { if (fbrowser->selected(i)) { asprintf(&cut_copy_buffer[buf], "%s%s", current_dir, fbrowser->child(i)->label()); if (!m_copy) fbrowser->child(i)->textcolor(GRAY50); buf++; } } cut_copy_buffer[buf] = 0; operation_is_copy = m_copy; // Deselect all fbrowser->deselect(); } // Execute cut or copy operation when Icon View is active void do_cut_copy_sgroup(bool m_copy) { // Group doesn't support type(MULTI) so only one item can be selected // Will be changed int num = fbrowser->children(); // Clear cut/copy buffer and optionally ungray the previously cutted icon if (cut_copy_buffer) { for (int i=0; cut_copy_buffer[i]; i++) free(cut_copy_buffer[i]); free(cut_copy_buffer); if (!operation_is_copy) { for (int i=0; ichild(i)->textcolor(BLACK); // FIXME: use color from style } } // Allocate buffer cut_copy_buffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3); // Add selected files to buffer and optionally grey icons (for cut effect) // FIXME: label doesn't contain filename!! asprintf(&cut_copy_buffer[0], "%s%s", current_dir, sgroup->child(sgroup->focus_index())->label()); if (!m_copy) sgroup->child(sgroup->focus_index())->textcolor(GRAY50); cut_copy_buffer[1]=0; operation_is_copy=m_copy; } void cut_cb(Widget*, void*) { if (sgroup->visible()) do_cut_copy_sgroup(false); else do_cut_copy_fbrowser(false); } void copy_cb(Widget*, void*) { if (sgroup->visible()) do_cut_copy_sgroup(true); else do_cut_copy_fbrowser(true); } void paste_cb(Widget*, void*) { } // View menu void iconsview_cb(Widget*,void*) { if (sgroup->visible() && event_key() == F8Key) { sgroup->hide(); fbrowser->show(); fbrowser->take_focus(); } else { sgroup->show(); fbrowser->hide(); sgroup->take_focus(); } } void listview_cb(Widget*,void*) { sgroup->hide(); fbrowser->show(); } void showhidden_cb(Widget* w, void*) { Item *i = (Item*)w; if (showhidden) { showhidden=false; i->clear(); } else { showhidden=true; i->set(); } fbrowser->show_hidden(showhidden); //fbrowser->redraw(); loaddir(current_dir); } // Help menu void about_cb(Widget*, void*) { about_dialog("EFiler", "0.1", _("EDE File Manager"));} // GUI design int main (int argc, char **argv) { win = new fltk::Window(600, 400); win->color(WHITE); win->begin(); // Main menu {MenuBar *m = new MenuBar(0, 0, 600, 25); m->begin(); {ItemGroup *o = new ItemGroup(_("&File")); o->begin(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Open")); o->callback(open_cb); o->shortcut(CTRL+'o'); } {Item *o = new Item(_("Open &with...")); //o->callback(open_cb); //o->shortcut(CTRL+'o'); } new Divider(); {Item *o = new Item(_("Open &location")); o->callback(location_cb); //o->shortcut(CTRL+'o'); } new Divider(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Quit")); o->callback(quit_cb); o->shortcut(CTRL+'q'); } o->end(); } {ItemGroup *o = new ItemGroup(_("&Edit")); o->begin(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Cut")); o->callback(cut_cb); o->shortcut(CTRL+'x'); } {Item *o = new Item(_("C&opy")); //o->callback(open_cb); o->shortcut(CTRL+'c'); } {Item *o = new Item(_("&Paste")); //o->callback(open_cb); o->shortcut(CTRL+'v'); } {Item *o = new Item(_("&Rename")); //o->callback(open_cb); o->shortcut(F2Key); } {Item *o = new Item(_("&Delete")); //o->callback(open_cb); o->shortcut(DeleteKey); } new Divider(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Preferences...")); o->shortcut(CTRL+'p'); } o->end(); } {ItemGroup *o = new ItemGroup(_("&View")); o->begin(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Icons")); o->type(Item::RADIO); o->shortcut(F8Key); o->set(); o->callback(iconsview_cb); } {Item *o = new Item(_("&Detailed List")); o->type(Item::RADIO); o->callback(listview_cb); } new Divider(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&Show hidden")); o->type(Item::TOGGLE); o->callback(showhidden_cb); } {Item *o = new Item(_("Directory &Tree")); o->type(Item::TOGGLE); o->shortcut(F9Key); } o->end(); } {ItemGroup *o = new ItemGroup(_("&Help")); o->begin(); {Item *o = new Item(_("&About File Manager")); o->shortcut(); o->callback(about_cb); } o->end(); } m->end(); } // Icon view {sgroup = new ScrollGroup(0, 25, 600, 375); sgroup->box(DOWN_BOX); sgroup->color(WHITE); // sgroup->highlight_color(WHITE); // sgroup->selection_color(WHITE); sgroup->align(ALIGN_LEFT|ALIGN_TOP); // g->label("There are no files in current directory"); } // List view {fbrowser = new FileBrowser(0, 25, 600, 375); fbrowser->box(DOWN_BOX); fbrowser->color(WHITE); fbrowser->callback(fbrowser_cb); // sgroup->align(ALIGN_LEFT|ALIGN_TOP); // g->label("There are no files in current directory"); fbrowser->when(WHEN_ENTER_KEY); //fbrowser->labelsize(12); fbrowser->type(Browser::MULTI); fbrowser->hide(); } win->end(); win->resizable(sgroup); win->icon(Icon::get("folder",Icon::TINY)); win->show(); if (argc==1) { // No params loaddir (""); } else { loaddir (argv[1]); } return fltk::run(); }