# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2.0100 images_dir ./ header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {/* * $Id$ * * Keyboard shortcuts applet * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */} {} decl {\#include "../edelib2/NLS.h"} {} decl {\#include "../edeconf.h"} {} decl {\#include "Shortcut_Button.h"} {public } decl {\#include "ekeys.h"} {} Function {} {open } { code {//fl_init_locale_support("ekeyconf", PREFIX"/share/locale"); readKeysConfiguration();} {} {fltk::Window} iconsConfWindow { label {Keyboard settings} open xywh {471 199 275 265} resizable visible } { {fltk::Button} {} { label {&OK} callback {writeKeysConfiguration(); sendUpdateInfo(); exit(0);} xywh {20 237 80 25} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Cancel} callback {exit(0);} xywh {190 237 80 24} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Apply} callback {writeKeysConfiguration(); sendUpdateInfo();} xywh {105 237 80 24} } {fltk::TabGroup} {} {open xywh {1 5 267 226} color 0xfffffffe } { {fltk::Group} {} { label Shortcuts open xywh {0 23 263 200} align 5 } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Keyboard shortcut:} xywh {20 52 140 20} align 36 } {fltk::Button} shortcut { label {Keyboard shortcut:} callback {setshortcutfor(action->text(),shortcut->svalue);} selected tooltip {To set a shortcut: Click here, then type the key combination you want. To delete the shortcut: Click here, then type backspace. To get out of shortcut-setting mode: Click the mouse on this again, or on some other field.} xywh {20 72 140 20} align 36 color 7 class Shortcut_Button } {fltk::InputBrowser} action { label {Action:} callback {shortcut->svalue = getshortcutfor(action->text()); shortcut->redraw();} xywh {20 26 165 21} align 5 extra_code {action->text("Next window");} } {} {fltk::Button} {} { label {&New shortcut...} callback {newShortcutWindow->show();} xywh {20 127 110 25} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Remove shortcut} callback {removeShortcut(action->text()); populatelist(action); action->text(action->child(0)->label()); action->do_callback();} xywh {140 127 110 25} } } } } {fltk::Window} newShortcutWindow { label {Define new shortcut} open xywh {601 395 285 114} hide resizable modal } { {fltk::Input} shortcutName { label {&Shortcut name:} xywh {104 15 170 24} } {fltk::Input} shortcutCommand { label {C&ommand} xywh {104 49 170 24} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Ok} callback {addShortcut(shortcutName->value(),shortcutCommand->value()); populatelist(action); action->text(shortcutName->value()); action->do_callback(); newShortcutWindow->hide();} xywh {49 83 88 24} } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Cancel} callback {newShortcutWindow->hide();} xywh {158 83 88 24} } } code {populatelist(action); shortcut->svalue = getshortcutfor("Next window"); shortcut->redraw(); // Grab all keyboard events from window manager XGrabKey(fltk::xdisplay, AnyKey, AnyModifier, fltk::xid(w), true, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);} {} }