/* * $Id$ * * edewm (EDE Window Manager) settings * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */ #include "ewmconf.h" #include "ewm.h" #include <fltk/file_chooser.h> #include <fltk/ColorChooser.h> #include <fltk/run.h> #include <fltk/ask.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "../edelib2/NLS.h" fltk::Button* titlebarLabelColorButton; fltk::Button* titlebarColorButton; fltk::Button* titlebarActiveLabelColorButton; fltk::Button* titlebarActiveColorButton; fltk::Choice* titlebarDrawGrad; fltk::CheckButton* useThemeButton; fltk::Input* themePathInput; fltk::Button* browse_btn; fltk::CheckButton* animateButton; fltk::ValueSlider* animateSlider; fltk::CheckButton* opaqueResize; fltk::Button* applyButton; bool conf_changed = false; // Functions called by callbacks void changeBoxColor(fltk::Button *box) { fltk::Button *colorBox = box; fltk::Color oldColor = colorBox->color(); fltk::Color defColor = oldColor; fltk::color_chooser("Choose color", defColor); if ( defColor != oldColor ) { colorBox->color(defColor); colorBox->redraw(); } } void confChanged() { if (conf_changed) return; conf_changed=true; applyButton->activate(); } // Callback functions static void cb_Text(fltk::Choice* o, void*) { title_align = (int)o->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_Height(fltk::ValueInput* o, void*) { title_height = (int)o->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_titlebarLabelColorButton(fltk::Button*, void*) { changeBoxColor(titlebarLabelColorButton); title_normal_color_text = (int) titlebarLabelColorButton->color(); confChanged(); } static void cb_titlebarColorButton(fltk::Button*, void*) { changeBoxColor(titlebarColorButton); title_normal_color = (int) titlebarColorButton->color(); confChanged(); } static void cb_titlebarActiveLabelColorButton(fltk::Button*, void*) { changeBoxColor(titlebarActiveLabelColorButton); title_active_color_text = (int) titlebarActiveLabelColorButton->color(); confChanged(); } static void cb_titlebarActiveColorButton(fltk::Button*, void*) { changeBoxColor(titlebarActiveColorButton); title_active_color = (int) titlebarActiveColorButton->color(); confChanged(); } static void cb_titlebarDrawGrad(fltk::Choice*, void*) { title_draw_grad = titlebarDrawGrad->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_useThemeButton(fltk::CheckButton*, void*) { if (useThemeButton->value()) { themePathInput->activate(); browse_btn->activate(); titlebarDrawGrad->deactivate(); titlebarColorButton->deactivate(); titlebarActiveColorButton->deactivate(); } else { themePathInput->deactivate(); browse_btn->deactivate(); titlebarDrawGrad->activate(); titlebarColorButton->activate(); titlebarActiveColorButton->activate(); } use_theme = useThemeButton->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_themePathInput(fltk::Input*, void*) { theme_path = (char*)realloc(theme_path, strlen(themePathInput->value())); strcpy(theme_path, themePathInput->value()); confChanged(); } static void cb_browse_btn(fltk::Button*, void*) { char *file_types = _("Themes (*.theme), *.theme, All files (*.*), *"); const char *fileName = fltk::file_chooser( "Themes...", file_types, themePathInput->value()); if (fileName) { themePathInput->value(fileName); strncpy(theme_path, fileName, strlen(fileName)); } confChanged(); } static void cb_animateButton(fltk::CheckButton*, void*) { if (animateButton->value()) animateSlider->activate(); else animateSlider->deactivate(); animate = animateButton->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_animateSlider(fltk::ValueSlider*, void*) { animate_speed = (int)animateSlider->value(); confChanged(); } static void cb_opaqueResize(fltk::CheckButton*, void*) { opaque_resize = opaqueResize->value(); confChanged(); } /*static void cb_OK(fltk::Button*, void*) { writeConfiguration(); applyConfiguration(); exit(0); }*/ static void cb_Apply(fltk::Button*, void*) { writeConfiguration(); applyConfiguration(); conf_changed = false; applyButton->deactivate(); } static void cb_Close(fltk::Button*, void*) { if (conf_changed) { int answer = fltk::choice_alert(_("You have unsaved changes in this window!\nDo you want to close it anyway?"), 0, _("Go &Back"), _("&Discard Changes")); if (answer == 1) return; } exit(0); } // Main window design int main (int argc, char **argv) { fltk::Window* w; //fl_init_locale_support("ewmconf", PREFIX"/share/locale"); readConfiguration(); {fltk::Window* o = new fltk::Window(325, 385, _("Window manager settings")); w = o; o->set_vertical(); o->begin(); {fltk::TabGroup* o = new fltk::TabGroup(10, 10, 305, 330); o->selection_color(o->color()); o->selection_textcolor(o->textcolor()); o->box(fltk::THIN_UP_BOX); o->begin(); {fltk::Group* o = new fltk::Group(0, 25, 305, 305, _("&Titlebar")); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->begin(); {fltk::Choice* o = new fltk::Choice(35, 30, 125, 25, _("Text align:")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_Text); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->begin(); new fltk::Item(_("Left")); new fltk::Item(_("Right")); new fltk::Item(_("Center")); o->end(); o->value(title_align); o->tooltip(_("Where will window title be placed on the title bar?")); } {fltk::ValueInput* o = new fltk::ValueInput(205, 30, 60, 25, _("Height:")); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->minimum(10); o->maximum(50); o->step(1); o->value(20); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_Height); o->value(title_height); o->tooltip(_("Height of titlebar (in pixels)")); } {fltk::Button* o = titlebarLabelColorButton = new fltk::Button(205, 75, 60, 20, _("Label color: ")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_titlebarLabelColorButton); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->color((fltk::Color)title_normal_color_text); o->tooltip(_("Text color of window title")); } {fltk::Button* o = titlebarActiveLabelColorButton = new fltk::Button(205, 105, 60, 20, _("Active label color: ")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_titlebarActiveLabelColorButton); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->color((fltk::Color) title_active_color_text); o->tooltip(_("Title text color of active (foremost) window")); } {fltk::Button* o = titlebarColorButton = new fltk::Button(205, 135, 60, 20, _("Titlebar color: ")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_titlebarColorButton); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->color((fltk::Color) title_normal_color); o->tooltip(_("Color of title bar")); } {fltk::Button* o = titlebarActiveColorButton = new fltk::Button(205, 165, 60, 20, _("Active titlebar color: ")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_titlebarActiveColorButton); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->color((fltk::Color)title_active_color); o->tooltip(_("Titlebar color of active (foremost) window")); } {fltk::Choice* o = titlebarDrawGrad = new fltk::Choice(120, 200, 145, 25, _("Effect type:")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_titlebarDrawGrad); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT|fltk::ALIGN_WRAP); o->begin(); new fltk::Item(_("Flat")); new fltk::Item(_("Horizontal shade")); new fltk::Item(_("Thin down")); new fltk::Item(_("Up box")); new fltk::Item(_("Down box")); new fltk::Item(_("Plastic")); o->end(); o->value(title_draw_grad); o->tooltip(_("Effect that will be used when drawing titlebar")); } {fltk::Divider* o = new fltk::Divider(); o->resize(10,235,285,2); {fltk::CheckButton* o = useThemeButton = new fltk::CheckButton(10, 245, 300, 25, _("&Use theme")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_useThemeButton); o->value(use_theme); o->tooltip(_("Choose titlebar theme below (some options will be disabled)")); } {fltk::Input* o = themePathInput = new fltk::Input(65, 270, 195, 25, _("Path:")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_themePathInput); o->deactivate(); themePathInput->value(theme_path); o->tooltip(_("Enter filename for file where theme is stored")); } {fltk::Button* o = browse_btn = new fltk::Button(270, 270, 25, 25, "..."); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_browse_btn); o->deactivate(); o->tooltip(_("Click here to choose theme")); } // {fltk::Divider* o = new fltk::Divider(); // o->resize(10,100,300,2); // } } o->end(); } {fltk::Group* o = new fltk::Group(0, 25, 305, 305, "&Resizing"); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_TOP|fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->hide(); o->begin(); {fltk::CheckButton* o = animateButton = new fltk::CheckButton(10, 15, 295, 25, _("Animate size changes")); o->set(); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_animateButton); o->value(animate); o->tooltip(_("If you enable this option, maximize/minimize operations will be animated")); } {fltk::ValueSlider* o = animateSlider = new fltk::ValueSlider(70, 40, 225, 25, _("Speed:")); o->type(fltk::ValueSlider::TICK_ABOVE); o->box(fltk::DOWN_BOX); o->textsize(10); o->minimum(5); o->maximum(20); o->step(1); o->value(14); o->slider_size(8); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_animateSlider); o->align(fltk::ALIGN_LEFT); o->value(animate_speed); if(animate) o->activate(); else o->deactivate(); o->tooltip(_("Set speed for animation when maximizing / minimizing windows")); } {fltk::Divider* o = new fltk::Divider(); o->resize(10,75,285,2); } {fltk::CheckButton* o = opaqueResize = new fltk::CheckButton(10, 85, 285, 25, "Show window content while resizing"); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_opaqueResize); o->value(opaque_resize); o->tooltip(_("Enable if you want contents of windows to be redrawn as you resize window")); } o->end(); } o->end(); } // {fltk::Button* o = new fltk::Button(67, 337, 80, 25, "&OK"); // o->shortcut(0xff0d); // o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_OK); // } {fltk::Button* o = applyButton = new fltk::Button(125, 350, 90, 25, _("&Apply")); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_Apply); o->tooltip(_("Apply changes")); } {fltk::Button* o = new fltk::Button(225, 350, 90, 25, _("&Close")); o->shortcut(0xff1b); o->callback((fltk::Callback*)cb_Close); o->tooltip(_("Close this window")); } o->end(); } // Make sure that "Use theme" is active and standalone buttons inactive // if theme is set - and vice versa if (!theme_path || strlen(theme_path) < 2) // possibly just 1 space useThemeButton->value(false); else useThemeButton->value(true); cb_useThemeButton(useThemeButton, 0); // above will activate Apply button, so we need to change it back applyButton->deactivate(); conf_changed=false; //useThemeButton->do_callback(FL_DIALOG_BTN); w->show(argc, argv); return fltk::run(); }