# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID) version 2.1000 images_dir ./ header_name {.h} code_name {.cpp} gridx 5 gridy 5 snap 3 decl {/* * $Id$ * * Desktop icons manager * Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE). * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 EDE Authors. * * This program is licenced under terms of the * GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer. * See COPYING for details. */} {} decl {\#include } {} decl {\#include "edeskicon.h"} {} decl {Icon *ds_icon;} {} Function {property_dialog(fltk::Widget *, Icon *icon, bool show_settings)} {open return_type void } { code {if(i_propertieswindow) { update_property_dialog(icon); update_iconeditdialog(icon); ds_icon=icon; if(show_settings) { i_icontab->hide(); i_settingstab->show(); } i_propertieswindow->exec(); return; }} {} {fltk::Window} i_propertieswindow { label {Icon properties} open xywh {477 160 295 310} resizable visible } { {fltk::TabGroup} {} {open xywh {5 5 285 270} } { {fltk::Group} i_icontab { label Icon open xywh {0 25 285 240} hide } { {fltk::InvisibleBox} pr_icon { xywh {10 10 60 55} box THIN_DOWN_BOX } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Name:} xywh {10 80 65 38} align 149 } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Size:} xywh {10 125 65 33} align 149 } {fltk::InvisibleBox} {} { label {Command:} xywh {10 175 65 65} align 149 } {fltk::InvisibleBox} pr_name { xywh {75 78 200 40} align 213 labelsize 20 } {fltk::InvisibleBox} pr_size { xywh {80 123 195 35} align 213 } {fltk::InvisibleBox} pr_exec { xywh {80 175 195 63} align 213 } } {fltk::Group} i_settingstab { label Settings open xywh {0 25 285 240} } { {fltk::Output} i_link { label {Link file:} selected xywh {10 20 265 22} align 5 color 0xffffff00 } {fltk::Input} i_name { label {Icon name:} xywh {10 77 265 22} align 133 } {fltk::Input} i_location { label {Location to open:} xywh {10 117 215 22} align 133 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {...} callback {char *file_types = _("Executables (*.*), *, All files (*.*), *"); const char *f = fltk::file_chooser(_("Open location..."), file_types, i_location->value()); if (f) i_location->value(f);} private xywh {230 117 45 22} labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL } {fltk::Input} i_filename { label {Icon filename:} xywh {10 162 215 22} align 133 } {fltk::Button} {} { label {...} callback {char *file_types = _("Png images (*.png), *.png, Jpeg Images (*.jpeg), *.{jpeg|jpg}, Bmp Files (*.bmp), *.bmp, Gif Files (*.gif), *.gif, Xpm Files (*.xpm), *.xpm, All files (*.*), *"); const char *f = fltk::file_chooser(_("Icon file selection"), file_types, PREFIX"/share/ede/icons/48x48/"); if (f) i_filename->value(f);} private xywh {230 162 45 22} labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Apply} callback {save_icon(ds_icon);} xywh {210 215 65 25} } } } {fltk::Button} {} { label {&Close} callback {i_propertieswindow->hide();} xywh {200 280 90 25} } } code {update_property_dialog(icon); update_iconeditdialog(icon); ds_icon=icon; i_propertieswindow->end(); if(show_settings) { i_icontab->hide(); i_settingstab->show(); } i_propertieswindow->exec();} {} }