Sanel Zukan f1a37cefd2 Changed icon create/edit dialog, so working path can be set, including startup options like running in terminal or starting with startup nofication hints.
Changed how icons are started. Previously, ede-desktop would extract content from .desktop Exec key and explicitly run it. This would not correctly handle other .desktop details, like startup notification or running in terminal. Now, full .desktop path is sent directly to ede-launch which will take care about named startup details.

These changes also fixes bug #235: "Working directory and startup notification for desktop icons".
2014-02-25 18:16:10 +00:00

73 lines
1.6 KiB

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0302
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
Function {} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {open
xywh {426 288 450 220} type Double visible
} {
Fl_Tabs {} {open
xywh {10 10 430 165}
} {
Fl_Group {} {
label Basic open
xywh {15 30 415 140}
} {
Fl_Button {} {selected
xywh {20 45 80 75}
Fl_Input {} {
label {Name:}
xywh {210 45 215 25}
Fl_Input {} {
label {Comment:}
xywh {210 75 215 25}
Fl_Input {} {
label {Execute:}
xywh {210 105 185 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label {...}
xywh {400 105 25 25}
Fl_Choice {} {
label {Type:} open
xywh {210 135 215 25} down_box BORDER_BOX
} {}
Fl_Group {} {
label Details open
xywh {15 30 420 140} hide
} {
Fl_Check_Button {} {
label {Run in terminal}
xywh {195 80 235 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Input {} {
label {Working directory:}
xywh {195 45 205 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label {...}
xywh {405 45 25 25}
Fl_Check_Button {} {
label {Use startup notification}
xywh {195 110 235 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Button {} {
label {&Cancel}
xywh {350 185 90 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label {&OK}
xywh {255 185 90 25}