2011-10-23 00:10:40 +00:00

248 lines
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// WindowManager.hh for pekwm
// Copyright © 2003-2009 Claes Nästén <me{@}pekdon{.}net>
// windowmanager.hh for aewm++
// Copyright (C) 2000 Frank Hale <frankhale@yahoo.com>
// http://sapphire.sourceforge.net/
// This program is licensed under the GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file for more information.
#include "config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include "pekwm.hh"
#include "Action.hh"
#include "Atoms.hh"
#include "PScreen.hh"
#include "Timer.hh"
#include "ManagerWindows.hh"
#include <list>
#include <map>
extern "C" {
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#endif // HAVE_XRANDR
class ActionHandler;
class AutoProperties;
class Config;
class ColorHandler;
class FontHandler;
class TextureHandler;
class Theme;
class Workspaces;
class PScreen;
class ScreenResources;
class PWinObj;
class PDecor;
class Frame;
class Client;
class ClassHint;
class AutoProperty; // for findGroup
class CmdDialog;
class SearchDialog;
class StatusWindow;
class WorkspaceIndicator;
class KeyGrabber;
class Harbour;
class WindowManager
static WindowManager *start(const std::string &command_line,
const std::string &config_file, bool replace);
static void destroy(void);
inline static WindowManager *instance(void) { return _instance; }
void doEventLoop(void);
//! @brief Sets reload status, will reload from main loop.
void reload(void) { _reload = true; }
void restart(std::string command = "");
//! @brief Sets shutdown status, will shutdown from main loop.
void shutdown(void) { _shutdown = true; }
/**< Return shutdown flag, set to tru to shutdown window manager. */
bool *getShutdownFlag(void) { return &_shutdown; }
// get "base" classes
inline PScreen *getScreen(void) const { return _screen; }
inline Config *getConfig(void) const { return _config; }
inline Theme *getTheme(void) const { return _theme; }
inline ActionHandler *getActionHandler(void)
const { return _action_handler; }
inline AutoProperties* getAutoProperties(void) const {
return _autoproperties;
inline Workspaces *getWorkspaces(void) const { return _workspaces; }
inline KeyGrabber *getKeyGrabber(void) const { return _keygrabber; }
inline Harbour *getHarbour(void) const { return _harbour; }
inline const std::string &getRestartCommand(void) const { return _restart_command; }
inline bool isStartup(void) const { return _startup; }
// list iterators
inline std::list<PWinObj*>::iterator mru_begin(void) { return _mru_list.begin(); }
inline std::list<PWinObj*>::reverse_iterator mru_rbegin(void) { return _mru_list.rbegin(); }
inline std::list<PWinObj*>::iterator mru_end(void) { return _mru_list.end(); }
inline std::list<PWinObj*>::reverse_iterator mru_rend(void) { return _mru_list.rend(); }
// adds
inline void addToFrameList(Frame *frame) {
if (frame) {
// removes
void removeFromFrameList(Frame *frame);
PWinObj *findPWinObj(Window win);
void familyRaiseLower(Client *client, bool raise);
Frame* findGroup(AutoProperty *property);
inline bool isAllowGrouping(void) const { return _allow_grouping; }
inline void setStateGlobalGrouping(StateAction sa) {
if (ActionUtil::needToggle(sa, _allow_grouping)) {
_allow_grouping = !_allow_grouping;
void attachMarked(Frame *frame);
void attachInNextPrevFrame(Client* client, bool frame, bool next);
Frame* getNextFrame(Frame* frame, bool mapped, uint mask = 0);
Frame* getPrevFrame(Frame* frame, bool mapped, uint mask = 0);
void findWOAndFocus(PWinObj *wo);
inline CmdDialog *getCmdDialog(void) { return _cmd_dialog; }
inline SearchDialog *getSearchDialog(void) { return _search_dialog; }
inline StatusWindow *getStatusWindow(void) { return _status_window; }
WorkspaceIndicator *getWorkspaceIndicator(void) { return _workspace_indicator; }
// Extended Window Manager hints function prototypes
void setEwmhSupported(void);
void setEwmhActiveWindow(Window w);
void setDesktopNames(void);
// public event handlers used when doing grabbed actions
void handleKeyEvent(XKeyEvent *ev);
void handleButtonPressEvent(XButtonEvent *ev);
void handleButtonReleaseEvent(XButtonEvent *ev);
WindowManager(const std::string &command_line,
const std::string &config_file);
WindowManager(const WindowManager &); // not implemented to ensure singleton
bool setupDisplay(bool replace);
void scanWindows(void);
void execStartFile(void);
void doReload(void);
void doReloadConfig(void);
void doReloadTheme(void);
void doReloadMouse(void);
void doReloadKeygrabber(bool force=false);
void doReloadAutoproperties(void);
void doReloadHarbour(void);
void cleanup(void);
// screen edge related
void screenEdgeCreate(void);
void screenEdgeDestroy(void);
void screenEdgeResize(void);
void screenEdgeMapUnmap(void);
void handleMapRequestEvent(XMapRequestEvent *ev);
void handleUnmapEvent(XUnmapEvent *ev);
void handleDestroyWindowEvent(XDestroyWindowEvent *ev);
void handleConfigureRequestEvent(XConfigureRequestEvent *ev);
void handleClientMessageEvent(XClientMessageEvent *ev);
void handleColormapEvent(XColormapEvent *ev);
void handlePropertyEvent(XPropertyEvent *ev);
void handleMappingEvent(XMappingEvent *ev);
void handleExposeEvent(XExposeEvent *ev);
void handleMotionEvent(XMotionEvent *ev);
void handleEnterNotify(XCrossingEvent *ev);
void handleLeaveNotify(XCrossingEvent *ev);
void handleFocusInEvent(XFocusChangeEvent *ev);
void handleFocusOutEvent(XFocusChangeEvent *ev);
void handleShapeEvent(XAnyEvent *ev);
void handleXRandrEvent(XRRNotifyEvent *ev);
void handleXRandrScreenChangeEvent(XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *ev);
void handleXRandrCrtcChangeEvent(XRRCrtcChangeNotifyEvent *ev);
#endif // HAVE_XRANDR
void readDesktopNamesHint(void);
// private methods for the hints
void initHints(void);
bool findGroupMatchProperty(Frame *frame, AutoProperty *property);
Frame *findGroupMatch(AutoProperty *property);
PScreen *_screen;
ScreenResources *_screen_resources;
KeyGrabber *_keygrabber;
Config *_config;
ColorHandler *_color_handler;
FontHandler *_font_handler;
TextureHandler *_texture_handler;
Theme *_theme;
ActionHandler *_action_handler;
AutoProperties *_autoproperties;
Workspaces *_workspaces;
Harbour *_harbour;
CmdDialog *_cmd_dialog;
SearchDialog *_search_dialog;
StatusWindow *_status_window;
WorkspaceIndicator *_workspace_indicator; //!< Window popping up when switching workspace
Timer<ActionPerformed> _timer_action;
std::string _command_line, _restart_command;
bool _startup; //!< Indicates startup status.
bool _shutdown; //!< Set to wheter we want to shutdown.
bool _reload; //!< Set to wheter we want to reload.
std::list<PWinObj*> _mru_list;
bool _allow_grouping; //<! Flag turning grouping on/off.
std::list<EdgeWO*> _screen_edge_list;
HintWO *_hint_wo; /**< Hint window object, communicates EWMH hints. */
RootWO *_root_wo; /**< Root window object, wrapper for root window. */
// pointer for singleton pattern
static WindowManager *_instance;