Sanel Zukan 33df6e9231 Removed incomplete edialog.
Imported new and functional ede-dialog.
ede-help uses ede-dialog for error reports; xmessage is not used since some OS-es to not install it 
by default, e.g. OpenSolaris.
Removed obsolete ede-tip.conf.
Fixed background issue in ede-tip; background will now always be white so it can nicely blend with the image.
Commit fixed ede.desktop.in; previous commit was only renaming without content change.
Reduce some debug output in ede-autostart.
2009-08-12 15:26:38 +00:00

43 lines
816 B

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0108
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
Function {} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {open selected
xywh {393 364 390 170} type Double visible
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label {&OK}
xywh {195 135 90 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label {&Cancel}
xywh {290 135 90 25}
Fl_Button {} {
xywh {10 10 75 75} labelsize 14
Fl_Input {} {
label {Name:}
xywh {165 10 215 25}
Fl_Input {} {
label {Comment:}
xywh {165 40 215 25}
Fl_Input {} {
label {Execute:}
xywh {165 70 185 25}
Fl_Button {} {
label {...}
xywh {355 70 25 25}
Fl_Choice {} {
label {Type:} open
xywh {165 100 215 25} down_box BORDER_BOX
} {}