Sanel Zukan 75aca1e984 Added -fPIC flag for start-menu applet code, that prevented linkage.
Common menu code will be compiled now once in separate library.
2009-10-15 14:51:15 +00:00

43 lines
1.1 KiB

# $Id$
# Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
# Copyright (c) 2009 EDE Authors.
# This program is licensed under terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or newer.
# See COPYING for details.
SubDir TOP ede-panel ;
# make it as library, so applets can use it too
ObjectC++Flags Netwm.cpp : -g3 -fPIC $(FLTKINCLUDE) $(EDELIBINCLUDE) ;
StaticLibrary libnetwm : Netwm.cpp ;
NETWMLIB = -L$(SUBDIR) -lnetwm ;
EdeProgram ede-panel : Panel.cpp AppletManager.cpp ede-panel.cpp ;
LinkAgainst ede-panel : $(NETWMLIB) ;
# also must use this flag or program will crash
LINKFLAGS on ede-panel = -rdynamic ;
rule PanelApplet
local target ;
# append default extension
target = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB_SHARED)) ;
Main $(target) : $(>) ;
ObjectC++Flags $(>) : -fPIC $(FLTKINCLUDE) -I [ FDirName $(TOP) ede-panel ] $(EDELIBINCLUDE) ;
LinkAgainst $(target) : $(NETWMLIB) $(3) $(EDELIBLIB) $(EDELIB_GUI_LIB) $(FLTKLIB) $(STDLIB) ;
LINKFLAGS on $(target) = -shared -rdynamic [ on $(target) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
InstallProgram $(EDE_PANEL_APPLETS_DIR) : $(target) ;
Clean clean : $(target) ;
SubInclude TOP ede-panel applets ;