Sanel Zukan 7b1245f06a Moving hider to panel itself, instead as separate applet.
Hider calls some Panel specific code and doing that from applet will make shit like selinux or apparmor quite unhappy (due relocations), which will refuse to start ede-panel. ...yet another workaround for that crapy security junk.
2013-01-04 14:36:40 +00:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

# $Id$
# Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
# Copyright (c) 2009 EDE Authors.
# This program is licensed under terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or newer.
# See COPYING for details.
SubDir TOP ede-panel ;
EdeProgram ede-panel : Hider.cpp Panel.cpp AppletManager.cpp ede-panel.cpp ;
ObjectC++Flags Panel.cpp : -DEDE_PANEL_LOCAL_APPLETS ;
if $(OS) != "SOLARIS" {
# also must use this flag (on anything but Solaris) or program will crash
LINKFLAGS on ede-panel = -rdynamic ;
rule PanelApplet
local target linker_stuff ;
# FIXME: these are gcc specific flags
if $(OS) = "SOLARIS" {
linker_stuff = "-G" ;
} else {
linker_stuff = "-shared -rdynamic" ;
# append default extension
target = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB_SHARED)) ;
Main $(target) : $(>) ;
ObjectC++Flags $(>) : $(GLOBALFLAGS) -fPIC $(FLTKINCLUDE) -I [ FDirName $(TOP) ede-panel ] $(EDELIBINCLUDE) ;
LinkAgainst $(target) : $(3) $(EDELIBLIB) $(EDELIB_GUI_LIB) $(FLTKLIB) $(STDLIB) ;
LINKFLAGS on $(target) = $(linker_stuff) [ on $(target) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
InstallProgram $(EDE_PANEL_APPLETS_DIR) : $(target) ;
Clean clean : $(target) ;
SubInclude TOP ede-panel applets ;