2011-10-23 00:10:40 +00:00

80 lines
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// ScreenResources.hh for pekwm
// Copyright (C) 2009 Claes Nasten <pekdon{@}pekdon{.}net>
// This program is licensed under the GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file for more information.
#include "../config.h"
#include "PWinObj.hh"
#include "ScreenResources.hh"
#include "PScreen.hh"
#include "Config.hh"
#include "PixmapHandler.hh"
extern "C" {
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#endif // DEBUG
using std::map;
ScreenResources *ScreenResources::_instance = 0;
//! @brief ScreenResources constructor
: _pixmap_handler(0)
if (_instance) {
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << __FILE__ << "@" << __LINE__ << ": "
<< "ScreenResources(" << this << ")::ScreenResources()" << endl
<< " *** _instance already set: " << _instance << endl;
#endif // DEBUG
_instance = this;
Display *dpy = PScreen::instance()->getDpy();
// create resize cursors
_cursor_map[CURSOR_TOP_LEFT] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_top_left_corner);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_TOP] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_top_side);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_top_right_corner);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_LEFT] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_side);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_RIGHT] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_right_side);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT] =
XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_bottom_left_corner);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_BOTTOM] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_bottom_side);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT] =
XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_bottom_right_corner);
// create other cursors
_cursor_map[CURSOR_ARROW] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_MOVE] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_fleur);
_cursor_map[CURSOR_RESIZE] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_plus);
_pixmap_handler =
new PixmapHandler(Config::instance()->getScreenPixmapCacheSize());
//! @brief ScreenResources destructor
map<CursorType, Cursor>::iterator c_it(_cursor_map.begin());
for (; c_it != _cursor_map.end(); ++c_it) {
XFreeCursor(PScreen::instance()->getDpy(), c_it->second);
if (_pixmap_handler) {
delete _pixmap_handler;
_instance = 0;