2007-07-18 18:20:04 +00:00

54 lines
1.4 KiB

# This Perl script prepares files for translations.
# Extracts strings from code, copies into l10n/ directory and
# creates convinient .tar.gz packages for languages.
# Copyright (c) Vedran Ljubovic 2005.
# This program is licensed under terms of GNU General Public
# License v2 or greater.
@directories = ("common", "ecolorconf", "econtrol", "edewm",
"edisplayconf", "efinder","eiconman", "eiconsconf", "einstaller",
"ekeyconf", "elauncher", "emenueditor", "epanelconf", "esvrconf",
"etimedate", "etip", "evolume", "ewmconf", "eworkpanel");
foreach $dir (@directories) {
print "Extracting $dir...\n";
# Extract new strings from code
$command = "xgettext -o $dir/locale/messages.pot --keyword=\_ $dir/*.cpp $dir/*.h";
print "Copying files...\n";
while ($nextname = <*/locale/*.po>) {
if ($nextname =~ /(.*?)\/locale\/(.*?)\.po/) {
$dest = "l10n/$2/$1".".po";
`mkdir l10n/$2 &>/dev/null`;
`cp -f $nextname $dest`;
} else {
print "Error: $nextname\n";
`mkdir l10n/nontranslated &>/dev/null`;
while ($nextname = <*/locale/messages.pot>) {
if ($nextname =~ /(.*?)\/locale\/messages.pot/) {
$dest = "l10n/nontranslated/$1".".pot";
`cp -f $nextname $dest`;
} else {
print "Error: $nextname\n";
while ($nextname = <l10n/*>) {
if ((-d $nextname) && ($nextname =~ /l10n\/(.*?)$/)) {
print "Creating package for $1...\n";
`tar czvf l10n/$1.tar.gz l10n/$1`;