2007-07-30 13:25:13 +00:00

181 lines
4.9 KiB

* $Id$
* Evoke, head honcho of everything
* Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors.
* This program is licensed under terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 or newer.
* See COPYING for details.
#include "EvokeService.h"
#include <FL/Fl.h>
#include <FL/x.h>
#include <edelib/Config.h>
#include <edelib/Debug.h>
#include <edelib/File.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define FOREVER 1e20
#define CONFIG_FILE "evoke.conf"
#define APPNAME "evoke"
#define DEFAULT_PID "/tmp/evoke.pid"
* Used to assure unique instance, even if is given another
* path for pid. This option can't be modified by user.
* TODO: add lock on file so it can't be removed ?
#define LOCK_FILE "/tmp/.evoke.lock"
#define CHECK_ARGV(argv, pshort, plong) ((strcmp(argv, pshort) == 0) || (strcmp(argv, plong) == 0))
void quit_signal(int sig) {
EVOKE_LOG("Got quit signal %i\n", sig);
int xmessage_handler(int e) {
return EvokeService::instance()->handle(fl_xevent);
const char* next_param(int curr, char** argv, int argc) {
int j = curr + 1;
if(j >= argc)
return NULL;
if(argv[j][0] == '-')
return NULL;
return argv[j];
void help(void) {
puts("Usage: "APPNAME" [OPTIONS]");
puts("EDE startup manager responsible for starting, quitting and tracking");
puts("various pieces of desktop environment and external programs.");
puts("...and to popup a nice window when something crashes...\n");
puts(" -h, --help this help");
puts(" -s, --startup run in starup mode");
puts(" -n, --no-splash do not show splash screen in starup mode");
puts(" -d, --dry-run run in starup mode, but don't execute anything");
puts(" -c, --config [FILE] use FILE as config file");
puts(" -p, --pid [FILE] use FILE to store PID number");
puts(" -l, --log [FILE] log traffic to FILE (FILE can be stdout/stderr for console output)\n");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
const char* config_file = NULL;
const char* pid_file = NULL;
const char* log_file = NULL;
bool do_startup = 0;
bool do_dryrun = 0;
bool no_splash = 0;
if(argc > 1) {
const char* a;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
a = argv[i];
if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-h", "--help")) {
return 0;
} else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-c", "--config")) {
config_file = next_param(i, argv, argc);
if(!config_file) {
puts("Missing configuration filename");
return 1;
} else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-p", "--pid")) {
pid_file = next_param(i, argv, argc);
if(!pid_file) {
puts("Missing pid filename");
return 1;
} else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-l", "--log")) {
log_file = next_param(i, argv, argc);
if(!log_file) {
puts("Missing log filename");
return 1;
else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-s", "--startup"))
do_startup = 1;
else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-d", "--dry-run"))
do_dryrun = 1;
else if(CHECK_ARGV(a, "-n", "--no-splash"))
no_splash = 1;
else {
printf("Unknown parameter '%s'. Run '"APPNAME" -h' for options\n", a);
return 1;
// make sure X11 is running before rest of code is called
EvokeService* service = EvokeService::instance();
if(!service->setup_logging(log_file)) {
printf("Can't open %s for logging. Please choose some writeable place\n", log_file);
return 1;
EVOKE_LOG("= "APPNAME" started =\n");
pid_file = DEFAULT_PID;
if(!service->setup_pid(pid_file, LOCK_FILE)) {
EVOKE_LOG("Either another "APPNAME" instance is running or can't create pid file. Please correct this\n");
EVOKE_LOG("Note: if program abnormaly crashed before, just remove '%s' and start it again\n", LOCK_FILE);
EVOKE_LOG("= "APPNAME" abrupted shutdown =\n");
return 1;
config_file = CONFIG_FILE; // TODO: XDG paths
if(do_startup) {
if(!service->init_splash(config_file, no_splash, do_dryrun)) {
EVOKE_LOG("Unable to read correctly %s. Please check it is correct config file\n", config_file);
EVOKE_LOG("= "APPNAME" abrupted shutdown =\n");
return 1;
signal(SIGINT, quit_signal);
signal(SIGTERM, quit_signal);
signal(SIGKILL, quit_signal);
XSelectInput(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), PropertyChangeMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | ClientMessage);
* Register event listener and run in infinite loop. Loop will be
* interrupted from one of the received signals.
* I choose to use fltk for this since wait() will nicely pool events
* and pass expecting ones to xmessage_handler(). Other (non-fltk) solution would
* be to manually pool events via select() and that code could be very messy.
* So stick with the simplicity :)
EVOKE_LOG("= "APPNAME" nice shutdown =\n");
return 0;