require "./spec_helper" describe Faker::Hacker do it { (Faker::Hacker.phrases.size == 8).should be_true } it "phrases" do Faker::Hacker.phrases.each do |phrase| phrase.nil?.should be_false (phrase == "").should be_false end end it "noun" do Faker::Hacker.noun.match(/\w+/).should_not eq nil end it "abbreviation" do Faker::Hacker.abbreviation.match(/\w+/).should_not eq nil end it "adjective" do Faker::Hacker.adjective.match(/\w+/).should_not eq nil end it "verb" do Faker::Hacker.verb.match(/\w+/).should_not eq nil end it "ingverb" do Faker::Hacker.ingverb.match(/\w+/).should_not eq nil end it "should return deterministic results when seeded" do Faker.seed 123456 Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart.should eq "backing up the transmitter won't do anything, we need to bypass the optical RSS firewall!" Faker::Hacker.abbreviation.should eq "USB" Faker::Hacker.adjective.should eq "virtual" Faker::Hacker.noun.should eq "port" Faker::Hacker.verb.should eq "transmit" Faker::Hacker.ingverb.should eq "calculating" end end