require "./spec_helper" describe Faker::Date do describe "#between" do it "should return between date" do from = Time.parse("2019-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d", Time::Location::UTC) to = Time.parse("2022-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d", Time::Location::UTC) 100.times do random_date = Faker::Date.between(from: from, to: to) random_date.should be >= from random_date.should be <= to end end it "should raise and exception on invalid date" do from = "2019-01-01" to = "0000-00-00" expect_raises(ArgumentError, "Invalid time") do Faker::Date.between(from: from, to: to) end end end describe "#between_except" do it "should return between date except gvien one" do from = "2012-01-01" to = "2012-01-05" excepted = "2012-01-03" 100.times do random_date = Faker::Date.between_except(from: from, to: to, excepted: excepted) random_date.should_not be_nil random_date.should_not eq(Time.parse(excepted, "%Y-%m-%d", Time::Location::UTC)) end end it "should raise an excpetion when all args are the same" do from = "2012-01-01" to = "2012-01-01" excepted = "2012-01-01" expect_raises(ArgumentError, "From date, to date and excepted date must not be the same") do Faker::Date.between_except(from: from, to: to, excepted: excepted) end end end describe "#birthday" do it "should return a birthday" do min = 40 max = 90 t = Time.utc birthday_min = Time.utc(t.year - max, t.month, birthday_max = Time.utc(t.year - min, t.month, 100.times do birthday = Faker::Date.birthday(min_age: min, max_age: max) birthday.should be >= birthday_min birthday.should be <= birthday_max end end it "should return today when min_age and max_age are the same" do min = 0 max = 0 t = Time.utc birthday = Faker::Date.birthday(min_age: min, max_age: max) birthday.should eq Time.utc(t.year, t.month, end end it "should return a forward date" do today = Time.utc 100.times do random_date = Faker::Date.forward(days: 5) random_date.should be > today end end it "should return a backward date" do today = Time.utc 100.times do random_date = Faker::Date.backward(days: 5) random_date.should be < today end end describe "#date_in_period" do it "should work with default params" do current_year = Time.utc.year 10.times do date = Faker::Date.in_date_period date.year.should eq(current_year) end end end end