Modifier truncate ================= Modifier truncates a variable to a character length. ```smarty {$long_string|truncate:$length:$etc:$by_words:$middle} ``` * `$length`, required. Parameter determines how many characters to truncate to. * `$etc`, by default `...`. This is a text string that replaces the truncated text. * `$by_word`, by default **FALSE**. This determines whether or not to truncate at a word boundary with TRUE, or at the exact character with FALSE. * `$middle`, by default **FALSE**. This determines whether the truncation happens at the end of the string with FALSE, or in the middle of the string with TRUE. ```smarty {var $str = "very very long string"} {$str|truncate:10:" read more..."} output: very very read more... {$str|truncate:5:" ... ":true:true} output: very ... string ``` Modifier do not use `mbstring` when works with UTF8.