Operators ========= ### Arithmetic operators * `$a + $b` - addition * `$a - $b` - subtraction * `$a * $b` - multiplication * `$a / $b` - division * `$a % $b` - modulus ```smarty {$a + $b * $c/$d - $e*5 + 1e3} ``` ### Logical operators * `$a || $b` - or * `$a && $b` - and * `!$a` - not, unary operator * `$a and $b` - and * `$a or $b` - or * `$a xor $b` - xor ```smarty {if $b && $c} ... {/if} ``` ### Comparison operators * `$a < $b` - less than * `$a > $b` - greater than * `$a <= $b` - less than or equal to * `$a >= $b` - greater than or equal to * `$a == $b` - equal * `$a === $b` - identical * `$a !== $b` - not identical * `$a != $b` - not equal * `$a <> $b` - not equal ```smarty {if $b >= 5} ... {/if} ``` ### Bitwise operators * `$a | $b` - or * `$a & $b` - and * `$a ^ $b` - xor * `~$a` - not, unary operator * `$a << $b` - shift left * `$a >> $b` - shift right ```smarty {if $a & 1} {var $b = 4 | $flags} {/if} ``` ### Assignment Operators * `$a = $b` - assignment * `$a += $b` - assignment with addition * `$a -= $b` - assignment with subtraction * `$a *= $b` - assignment with multiplication * `$a /= $b` - assignment with division * `$a %= $b` - assignment with modulus * `$a &= $b` - assignment with bitwise And * `$a |= $b` - assignment with bitwise or * `$a ^= $b` - assignment with bitwise xor * `$a <<= $b` - assignment with left shift * `$a >>= $b` - assignment with right shift ```smarty {var $b |= $flags} ``` ### Incrementing/Decrementing operators * `++$a` - increment the variable and use it * `$a++` - use the variable and increment it * `--$a` - decrement the variable and use it * `$a--` - use the variable and decrement it ### String operator * `$a ~ $b` - return concatenation of variables `$a` and `$b` ### Ternary operators * `$a ? $b : $c` - returns `$b` if `$a` is not empty, and `$c` otherwise * `$a ! $b : $c` - returns `$b` if `$a` is set, and `$c` otherwise * `$a ?: $c` - returns `$a` if `$a` is not empty, and `$c` otherwise * `$a !: $c` - returns `$a` if `$a` is set, and `$c` otherwise ```smarty {var $a = true} {$a ? 5 : 10} {* outputs 5 *} {var $a = false} {$a ? 5 : 10} {* outputs 10 *} ``` ### Check operators * `$a?` - returns `TRUE` if `$a` is not empty * `$a!` - returns `TRUE` if `$a` is set ```smarty {if $a?} {* instead of {if !empty($a)} *} {if $a!} {* instead of {if isset($a)} *} {$a?:"some text"} {* instead of {if empty($a) ? "some text" : $a} *} {$a!:"some text"} {* instead of {if isset($a) ? $a : "some text"} *} ``` ### Test operator Tests can be negated by using the `is not` operator. * `$a is $b` - $a identical $b * `$a is integer` - test variable type. Type may be int/integer, bool/boolean, float/double/decimal, array, object, scalar, string, callback/callable, number/numeric. * `$a is iterable` - test variable for iteration. * `$a is template` - variable `$a` contain existing template name. * `$a is empty` - checks if a variable is empty. * `$a is set` - checks if a variable is set. * `$a is even` - variable `$a` is even. * `$a is odd` - variable `$a` is odd. * `$a is MyClass` or `$a is \MyClass` - variable `$a` instance of `MyClass` class ### Containment operator Tests can be negated by using the `not in` operator. * `$a in $b` - variable `$a` contains in `$b`, $b may be string, plain or assoc array. * `$a in list $b` - variable `$a` contains in array `$b` as value * `$a in keys $b` - array `$b` contain key `$a` * `$a in string $b` - variable `$a` contains in string `$b` as substring ```smarty {'df' in 'abcdefg'} {5 in [1, 5, 25, 125]} {99 in keys [1, 5, 25, 99 => 125]} ```