*/ class Modifier { /** * Date format * * @param string|int $date * @param string $format * @return string */ public static function dateFormat($date, $format = "%b %e, %Y") { if(is_string($date) && !is_numeric($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); if(!$date) $date = time(); } return strftime($format, $date); } /** * @param string $date * @param string $format * @return string */ public static function date($date, $format = "Y m d") { if(is_string($date) && !is_numeric($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); if(!$date) $date = time(); } return date($format, $date); } /** * Escape string * * @param string $text * @param string $type * @return string */ public static function escape($text, $type = 'html') { switch(strtolower($type)) { case "url": return urlencode($text); case "html"; return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); default: return $text; } } /** * Unescape escaped string * * @param string $text * @param string $type * @return string */ public static function unescape($text, $type = 'html') { switch(strtolower($type)) { case "url": return urldecode($text); case "html"; return htmlspecialchars_decode($text); default: return $text; } } /** * Crop string by length * UTF8 support * @param string $string * @param int $length * @param string $etc * @param bool $by_words * @param bool $middle * @return string */ public static function truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $by_words = false, $middle = false) { if($middle) { if(preg_match('#^(.{'.$length.'}).*?(.{'.$length.'})?$#usS', $string, $match)) { if(count($match) == 3) { if($by_words) { return preg_replace('#\s.*$#usS', "", $match[1]).$etc.preg_replace('#^.*\s#usS', "", $match[2]); } else { return $match[1].$etc.$match[2]; } } } } else { if(preg_match('#^(.{'.$length.'})#usS', $string, $match)) { if($by_words) { return preg_replace('#\s.*$#usS', "", $match[1]).$etc; } else { return $match[1].$etc; } } } return $string; } /** * Strip spaces symbols on edge of string end multiple spaces in string * @static * @param string $str * @param bool $to_line strip line ends * @return string */ public static function strip($str, $to_line = false) { $str = trim($str); if($to_line) { return preg_replace('#[\s]+#ms', ' ', $str); } else { return preg_replace('#[ \t]{2,}#', ' ', $str); } } /** * Return length of UTF8 string, array, countable object * @param mixed $item * @return int */ public static function length($item) { if(is_scalar($item)) { return strlen(preg_replace('#[\x00-\x7F]|[\x80-\xDF][\x00-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x00-\xBF]{2}#s', ' ', $item)); } elseif (is_array($item)) { return count($item); } elseif($item instanceof \Countable) { return count($item); } else { return 0; } } /** * * @param $value * @param $list * @return bool */ public static function in($value, $list) { if(is_array($list)) { return in_array($value, $list); } return false; } }